... ASSIZBE INTIELLIGENCE. . MIDLAND CIRCUIT.-WARMWKMrAnCH,27. : Nzsr Peus UeouT.-Bxroaz Ms. B~soNxos 4DtaoX . ;NLsox (DiviD) v. WRIGHIT (SA&UELI). OAON FOR From the DEVAMAI10N OP. CHARACTBR, . From thcestatemont of' the lvar-ed',connsel for 'the ph'lu- tiff, it appeared that Mr. Nelson 'is a n Ph'sicihmsand in practice at Birmingham; *and the defendantsis :physidlan' of great repute, n the same ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENC.B OME~1 CIRCUIT.-KiNGSTOX, MkRcII 29. CIVII. SIVF.. The Lord Chicf Justice has been engaged during the last two days in trying common julry cascs, and the ?? been gone through withl such allacrity, owing to, the: absence in many cascs of anytlhing lilo a dlefernce, anud in others to the. caUSCS beinlg entirely undueinded, that there are very fewr commaon jury causes ...


... PAPER DUTES--DEPUTATION TO TE CHANCEL- ILOR OF .THE EXCHEQUJER. I - - .. . I On Saturday, at twelve o'clock, a very influential and numerous deputation waited on the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, by appointment, to lay before him the grounds on which they sought a repeal of the excise duties on paper. The deputation. consisted of the following gentlemen, who, it will be seen, were principally ...


... HOME CIRCUIT-KINGSTON, MARdI 29. CIVIL SIDE. The Lord Chief Justice lhas been engaged durinr, the last two days in trying comumoln jury cases, and the list sels been gone through with euch celerity, owing to the absence in any cases of anything like at defence, and in others to the causes being entirely undefended, that there are very few conmun jury canoes retmaining to be disposed of. The ...


... LA W INTELLJGENCE-MomD.Y. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. EDINIIURCII AND GLASGOW RAiLVWAY COMPANSY V. THE TOWN COUNCIL Or LtNLITIHGOW. The further hie'rin of ?? ck ase was resunied this morning, and the reply was lteard. Their lordships took time te consider their judgment. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS. [Before Sir J. L. Knight Bruce.] NOVELLO V. JAMES. An order of injunction restraining the defendant ...


... At the Mansion-house, yesterday, ?? Sautieli SnSitni c 11cacle, ohief cashier at Messrs. Cunliffe and Co.'s banking- a house, in Lombard-street, was brought before the Lord a Mayor, charged with having stolen three £100 batik notes, r the property of his employers. The prisoner had been a few s days ago charged with having embezzled a bill of exchange I for £150, which was alleged to have been ...


... L- I; A()717vES-Trusa D.ty. ,itt l F ('iAN(IlMY, LINCOI.NS INS, at 10. 1 . Ie Piro t Fxetcrr.A &c, faiuway t iaptpily ex Ienri htelee, ji irt herld. Appeal. i'varsoti V ; I' r( i)- l tit 'Ille alettiishire avid Yoark O iL' Lfitl.lhtS' CoritiS, I.INCOJLN'S IXN, at 10. 'ltii teliA !; ti~ j, 11t el~ota 1jiitill 13tli2E.) 1 Irtit lir re IDtgitrd, bainkrupt peti J' JI*( [ t 1 . 1.qt Ij jtlIIl1 ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE-TUESD.AY. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. [Before the Lord Chancellor, Lord Brough-tin, ?? other Peers.J TUEl PROPPLISTORS OF' THlE hDItNttUttM11 AND O-it RtAILWAY COMPANY V. THE TOWN ClOL'.CILL'flt~ 'iF tINI- LITIIGOW. 8The bearing of this appeal was resumed this morn il-, anld itMr. ?? concluded bis opening and Mre. Biethell isa- thl-it heard. Thc lsatter learned gentleman ...


... NLEWQASTLE ASSXZES. SATURDAY-H o B RFoM IF BON PATTT. At one o'clock, the county calendar having been gone through, a town jury were sworn, and th0 following Lprimoner were put Up. ,G 1- PE;TER CANNON, 16, (reads and writes imper feotly) charged with robbery with violence, from the person of John Gordon Lawson, of Haltwhistie, had pleaded guilty (before Air Justice CresSwell) to that part of ...


... The calendar of the prisoners for trial at the Lent Assizes for this county, which commence on Tuesday next, contains the names of fifty-two ?? being for murder, four for setting fire to farm-buildings and agricultural produce, the usual number of cutting and stabbing, three or four charges of bigamy, as many for rape, one, for killing on the high seas, and the re- mainder of ordinary cases of ...


... . . .. .. . . . ?? rLXr~l1U t3111 ZM~IVn±UND On Monday last the usual city sessions, for clearing wt Cie gaol of offenders previous to the assize, was held at i the Guildhall, before F. N. RoiEres, Esq., Recordor. On ith the Bench were w. W. Btooper, Esq., Mayor: G. C. ithe Holroyd, .Esq.; T. Latimzer, Eaq.; R. Bastard, Esq. ; ?? AMaunder, Esq. ; J. D. Osbourn, Esq-7 and J. Harris, itii'l Esq. ...

Central Criminal Court

... central -Crinftnal eourt. The court resumed its sittings on Monday, pur. Iscant to the adjournrment from the last session. ROBbitIV AT TirE LoNDmos Docr-s.-Coates Fennell, 38, a personaof respectabe appearance, described as' an agnt,.was indicted for stealing a quiatity of codfees the property of the London Dock Compnipy. In other counts the prisoner was charged with feloniously receiving the ...