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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... rT HE A T It ROYA'L, PUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. vit. and MIRS. SIMS REEVES beg respectfully to announce that their BENEFIT and Lant AppearMice will take place Ou THIS EVENING (SAturilayi), March 1, 18,51. Thre perfornmances will ?? mith tbe Third Act of Pniztti'5 Grand Tragic Opera, callerx.o LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, Edgardo ?? Sims Reeves; Lucia, M3rs. Sims Reeves; Colonel Aibt5nr, Herr Menglis ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLESALE ROBBERY OF £SOb.000. THEREAS, the above Sum has been annually WV taken out of this Country for the purchase of Blacking alone; And Whereas, £15,000 of it has been annually drained from this good City of Dublin: Now, it is PROCLAIMED to all whom it may concern (and whom does it not ?? that this immense sum may be saved to the City and Country by purchasing KELLY'S HIBERNIAN BLACKING. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.i rrT MAR. JOY Teg reepectftillY to announce that his FAREWELL dENEFlT, previous to his departure for America OD a | Vrofessional tour with MiSS CATHERINE HAYES, will tnle On THIS EVENRING- 3d M1arch, 185t. The Performances will conietience wjith the Tragedy o MACBETH. lachet MliMr. Grattan Ddieson (his First Appearar in itbeTheatr- Royal); Hecte, Herr Mengis; Lady cbet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD OF IRISH MANUFACTURES AND INDUSTRY (Mason's Building, Essex-bridge). A GENERAL MEETING of the Members of tbis Siiciety i8 requested at their Rooms, ESSEX- E3RIDGE, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, MARCH 4th, at Eight o'Clock. The Industrial School, for training recommended Young Women in the higher branches of Needlework, free of es- pense, is now open at 62, GREAT SIRAND-STREET (Franklin's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T TRE R O Y A L, D UBL IN.T IIE Last Week of the present Season. )n THIS EVEsING (Tuesday), Mtarch 4, 1851, the per- ferninces will commence With the New Comnedy called ?? THE M~ARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. '1 Mr. Dunover, Mr. Granby; Frederick, Mr. Mortjaer; Jlia, mrs. Billiigton. After which the popular Burletts called WOMAN'S WORTT1I AND WOMAN'S W,1YS. fir. ' ertol, Mr. Granby; Caroline Merton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price Is., or in a scaled Envelope, free by t'ost, for 18 Postage Stanm1 s. HEALTH A \D HAPPINESS, T EA S BY WI ICHC T1HE f AAY BE OBTAINED, ?? on the ltirmities of Youth, and Maturityva D 5 of the Generative System, with observatio t dtment of Nervous Debility and Indigestion, w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. / Last Week of the present Season. This E vening (Wednesday) no Ileformance. T0.ll0l ?? (Thursday), Mlarch 5, 1851, the perfor- uaeces: ill commence with the Petite Comedy called A WONDERFUL WOMAN. After which tho Laughable Burlett of I T'lEl 1ORAL, PIIILOS)OPIiER / 518len)niseilO ?? (with three other c 'racters', 31i l'a:la Staillev. ?? be followed by the Comic Drama ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tDE RUOBYNAL, DUBLIN., 7 ~Last Week of the present Season. i 1IllS EVENING (Thursday),. Manrch 6, 1851, the per- 1'~es sill commence with the Petite Comedy called a A WVONDlERFUL WVOMAN. After which the Liughable Barletta of THlE MORAL PHILOSOPHER. ¶oeroifemlIO Itangeville (with three other characte { Mil, Lnmm Stanley. tpale To be followed by the Comic Dramacalled LADIES IBErVARPE. / C~lonel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHAMBEXLAIN'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, 6th March, 1851. II.-ERE Will be a FULL-DRESS BALL at the T Custle, on DIONDAY 1EVENING, tbe 17th of March, at Nine o'Clock, in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. The Ladies to wear Feathers and Lappets. No Trains. The Knights of the several Orders to wear their Collars. It is also requested that the Ladies will appear in Irish 'Manufacture. No Mourning to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 11 E; A T It 1 OYAL, DIUBLIN.1 Lost Night of the present Season. Rg ?? A STI'ANL-EY begi respectfully to announce that I missr II Et r End Last Appearance will take place l ;(NN, (Saturday) EVENING, March 3, 1 51. Tbe Performances will commence with the Dramna of TI'lE, DEVIL'S iN IT. h1llo (tile ,linsgtrel), Mis Emma Stanley. After which a New Burletta called TIHE UNPROTECTED FEMALE. rily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A7TRE YA L, D U B L I N. Last Night of the present Season. T 3LY STAND begs respectfully to announce that leer BENEFIT and Last Appearance will take place Tills (Siaturdav) EVENLNG, March 8, 1851. 'Th perforntances will commence with the Drama of TIlE DEVIL'S IN IT. Folio (the MinStrCl), liss Emma Stanley. After which a New Burletta called THE UNPROTECTED FEMALE. 1 rally Crisp, Miss Emma ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W=IGHTS, BROTHERS HAT MANUFACTURERS. TN submitting our SPRING STOCK aremore .l particularly desirous to draw the attention If Gentlemen to our VELVET NAPPED HAT at TWELYE SHILLINGS AND SIXEPENCE. 58, DAME-STREET (Corner of Eustace-street.) THE PROVISION WAREHOUSE, No. 19, DAME-STREET. PRICES PCIR THIS WEEK. Limerick Hams ?? ?? 6d. per lb. MattersoWs Limerick Hams ?? 7d. ,, All Matterson's Hams ...