Advertisements & Notices

... THEATREN-ROYAL. rAST FIVE NIGHTS of the celebrated Tragic LAAittress, AMlS. WARNER. This Evening (Tuesday), the 25th Insttant, The WINTERt'S TALE. Leontes, Mr. Barry Saili van ; Hernilone, Mrs. Warner. After which the MARRIED BACHELOR3,01. Sharp, 31r. C. Hale; GrcMs anr. Toe conclude with a new Ballet, entitled TeEATV 0O' GIIENT 1 in which Viidlie Therese Cushniie and M. Milano will appear. To ...


... On Thursday last, two o'clock, agreeably to public annowncement, F*a*cis BsiMHiw, Esq., High Sheriff of tkc County, met the toll-gate on the UUoKter-road, a numerous party gentlemen and tradesmen. It may, perhaps, recollected that, a short time since, an agreement was entered into by a number of county gentlemen to reduce the great expenses which had been incurred by former high sheriffs in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B AREGE SHAWVLS and SILKS at WHOLE- SALE PRP^E3.-'oe are now offering large Itst o the above goods atone-third lecs than lItbtyar'sprieca.They are well wolth the ?? o the pidia and the trade.-C. MEElIN Gaud Co., 62, Eolharu.hill. March 4. fl ENUINE SCOTCH WOOLLEN GOODS, 3 consisting of Ladies' Tartaun and Tfweed Shawls and Plaids. Gentlemen' MeZau s and every kin,. of Travelling Wrappner. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST, ?? afternoon. on the Curmnor anld Ffield Xroad between Bamnpton and Oxford, a SA13LE BOA. Whoever bas found it and will bring it to the Journal Office, oxford, shall receive Ten Shillings Reward. -g- JAMlES RUSSELL, Selector anrd Tuner of 12. Springfield, Wandsworth-road, London, and Tul street and High-street. Oxford, begs respectfully to snneolmC to those parties whlo are about to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PRESTON. O ¶ Sunday. the 16th of March, TWO SERMONS 5Vill (if the Lord permit) be preached in St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. DAVID JAMES, M.A., Incumbent Of St. M~ary's, Kirkdale, after which collections will be e de to defray the Church expenses for the year 1850. Divine Service in the Morning 8 half-past Ten, and in the Ereniflg at half-past six. PRESTON PROTESTANT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCE AGAI1NST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, by the RAIL- AWAY PASSENqGERS'ASSURANCE COMPANY. 'Empowered by special Act of Parliament, 12 & 13 Vic., CsHAissANi-J. D. PAUL, Esq., 217, Strand. DsrUTY-CssAIRMAN' - G. B. HARRISON, 24, Great 191 Tower-street. IvT The following claims have been adjusted during the Of , post year Lv Two fatal cases insured for £500 each.una Forty-nine cases of personal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY AUCT ION, At the Crown nnd Anchor lIotel, PWiwu.iiOA, on Tues- day, the 11th day of Mlarch next, S OME Valuable FREEHOL) PROPERTY, in ) the 'Town aud neighbourhood of P'\1,rLLVlLI, in such Lots and subject to stuch Conditiens as shall be nareed upon at the time of Sale. The Town P'roperty consists of Hlouses and Land, to O tite extent oft Six Acres or thereabouts, moit admirably ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,In one or several Sums to LEND) on Mo(rtg~amw Apply to MIr. G. B. L'oose, Soicietor Amliwel. (Thi3 'ldvertisenment will tlie rc repeated.) \N APP 'ENuTit:E to, the LTUIj3IN-G Bl.SI- to Air. i1; i111rion, 1ti-I 'Lerrace, lUallg(or. A A13)t LI! .\I (; ?N-'PLKl'.i ?? rsidin in a Mtarker Tlo~va wi tellbighsiii, an., ii '1w''a 'oor Law ?? .lzinietis ein!eito r ctirc hM COINCe- lllce of il liel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? thle Ltlijsehire Congregationial Union. be Jutl , i;1 CHA14A L -The 'Rev. W. M, Q~I) flelverhis NEXT LECTURE on ?? *i1atOrholl Evening. Subject: The ~h0CerAml eat remectitiou of thle Puritans of1 ii.0eutt.c, Scotland, in the commenoe- ,fCliii`d0 tb, Secotid:' 'lb ' yEEING LECTURES A HLh ll-, CAE, MANCHES'TER.-Snhlject an11 O'lp,.c-l~ ~4s~ijtid tros the 27th Diarcal), an - - 1, n Apt, 18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALMSDEN FARM, In the Parish, of Aorthb Ce-nsy, &L wit/in 4 Miles of Circeester. m 0 be LET, and entered upon at Lady-Day next,- T The above FARIM; comprising 630 Acres, with Farm House and suitable Farns Buildings; also 9 Labourers' Cottages. The whole well fixed for occupation, and with good roads through the Estate.-The above Estate is proverbially known as a good Stock and Sheep Farn.-For ...