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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... DU BARRY'S HIEALTH RES~TORING FOOD TPE PREVALESTA ARADICA. (IAUTION.-The mnoat disgustinig and in- IU juriouls ompound bela sold by unscrupulous specil. biters upois therd iyf5Pul, under close imita- tlon of thle ILm ofDJBIiYsRVALENTA ARA- 30ICA FOOD, owthorcecofbigemlar to that de- lceresi and inreubl ertd ?? ostipa-. Von, Nervoias. Biiuai ?? sterrs. U 'BARRFY and o.ctofinlisaanthe barefaicd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlAY MARE FOR SALE. air. JOHN llEl'PER will SELL B1Y AUCTIOIN, In Kinig M Charles's Croft, Ltedo, or; I'lessiv ntext, ths First dlay Of April, in ASTRONG, ACTIVE BAY MAIE, Esc A.3..rising six years old, in capital working condition, Steady o in harness, asid only sold In C~onsequence of l11 owner having fel no further uiso for ber.Ta Sate precisely at eleven o'clock I n tlsp forernoon. AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r, and r, who LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC a )f bet- B PILLS.-Thefollowingtestimonlal is another proof of 'I tho of the great efficacy of this Medicine:- . * y, and 127, NeWv Bond street, London. October 12th, 1565. al hen he Sia,.aiacquainting you with the great benefit which . I fr lause ) have experieascet bytaking BLAIR'S GBOUT ANU RH1&U. nc MATIC PILL5, I feel that I amn but perforgaing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SUCCESSOF TIHE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. 9,211 CURES LAST YEAR!!! I As adopted by Lalleeonaod, 1?icord, Deslandti, and Iothers, of the ilopital des Veneriens a Paris, a.:d iaOq0 , tiforaily practised i, this'country by WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., . 5, ELY PLACE, HOLBOR N HILLI LONDON, C AtBU110B OF T HE MEDICAL ADVISER, .11 improved edition, written in a popular style, devoid e of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DU fl 1tlI' hALTh1 REITOlRJNG FOOD TUlE ILEVALENTA ARABIICA, o AU IO . Tb mg igutigtad in- A) ?? haters upon thle credulity oif thle P'ublic, under close imita- tio of thle name of DIU BARRI-I'S REVALENTA. ARA- HulGA F001), or wetillie protevee of being simlilar to thatide- iteinas and invaluable remedy far, Iadigestisu, Constipa- tion, Sucrvovse Bilious and Liver Comsplaints, Messrs. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEES BOROUGRE SESSIONS.-NOTICE .L'ishereby given, that the next (JENBRAL QfUARTER1 NO'. SESSIONS 01' 1115 PEACE FOR TH-E BORO h OF of tb LEEDS, in toe county of York, will be bolden before THOMAS TIC? FLoweRs ELLIS. Esquire, Recorder of the said borough, at the held (OURT-biousr, in ILeaSS aforesaid, onl Thursday, the Thsird day Frid, of April nexti, atnfine of the clock in the forenoon, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DU ILARRY'S HEALTH RESTORING, FOOD TPIE REVALENTA ARABICA. r~ ?? AUTION.-The most disusigadi-j V jurions compoundslibeingsold yuill ?? lators open the credulity of the P'ubleuneclsimt-h tion of thle name of DlU BlAliY'S LE LFTAA IA-ns BICA FOOD, or, wtihi. preteece of being similar to thatide. sy licjotas and invaluable remikedy for Indigestion, Constipa. in tion. Nervous. Bilious. and Liver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stalto 3bl} (Stuttinx, ALE POSTPONED,-PA HK-STREET, near s SALET G tTIM ii .C, -The Sale b I Auction, 0001500 1i~lr:T rsrs bioeestli March, l!51, at the advertised for Tuesdaty. the F.ll t Leeds will not take Queen's Arms ITn. Sunny Haskdbytriaete Leedtraicnt tk place, the estate having Den SNOIdeprivteDON, Solicttor.r By rder, 12hODNSlctr 38, Bond-street, ,eeds, 12tb Ajar 11, 1851. rON 11ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TECoJIMISSIUN. -NO TIC E.-The 'yl ,Itocmilfsioflera for Eng~land and WVales herebyj ?? a copy of tbe draft of apportionment ox to be paid in lieu of tithles, in thle township ;%tracltS` , i the pariah of Bradford, In the county or f 'XWTo'an deposited at the houseof Mr. Joiseptr-Simp~oO, ~'jf5ai ?? [inn, In the salid township, for the Insoection K'5 , intereeted in thle lands or tithes of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L E 1) S IECI-IANICS' INslTUTItN AND IlTEltRiAlY Ot ?? . Dr. ElD)WIN LANKLESTEIt, 1 .] .l ., l c. . Vill del iver a Coarse of TiIlEE L I.;tT U~l17 oS05 tile NATURAL UISTORY OF PLANTS !IlIIC ooD, -on W~ednesdcljo,FridayOl fCastl.Mrc 1h le a Sh only meimbers andsubesribrsadnittedoen the productiou Of their ljekli5. TERMS OF THE INSTITUTION. Proprietary islember%' Ticket £2 at entrance and ?? M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .I eeeas, 4-arrc. /It , tea o. i All Letterr. Post-paid, addressed to Aduertisers, through the a Ge in ;lters are Invariably forwarded to the party Advertisin I Ih i if, ther efore. aan Applicant letass net receive an answer twithmn a I re reasonable time, he ilist concluee either that the Advertiser- is e already suli~ted or Usat froml sone othler causew it ?as ijot bceen ?? necessary to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UJfIPASTORAL AID SOCIETY.- LEEDS ASSOCIATION. The Right Rev. the LORD 131S110P of RIlPON. SERMJONS will be preached oen Sunday timxl ua AN.' z -MOPONING. AE q :;on r . 'lt.I by Rev. A. P. IRWINE. M.A. Sti G v,'g by R eviiG. DR RENZY, BAt ?? A adecS .0~ y Bv. . HLMES, I.D. byIS' 11ev WILA ICLAIR, M.A. iWliSI C . WILLIAMSON, M.A. e IU R INO AND AL TRIN'OAD. tn by Rev, B. CROSTH WAITE, M.A. ...