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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... pJSPOED O, an maybe entered 1 daleY 8 ol-esablolid CT Air, BANU- ist~t agoo cofleiol. A~liatin to be made - ?? ?? LETr a DWELLING-HOUSE, No 9, t10jns-St~lOet. Also,- a ROOM, 10 yards by 0 For rent, &c., apply to No, 0, Mark-leave. ~ TO BE ?? small genteel ?? about TWO Acres of iil1 city Of I pn.NB. An excellent Coach- gi ?? For furthe ptliclars apply to Mr. HAR- Ripon. fo ?? Months, partly ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salto bp Antilton. PAPER HANGINGS. O-N TUES DA Y NEX T. Mr. JO11N REPPER respectfalvY ?? ces that ain Trresdat i saetc. 9he Fortrrh day of M1arch insjta he wil S uld- AUCTION, at his Commercial Sale Rooms. Sterne's Build- sogs, Leeds, P ECES OF FASHIONABLE 00 PI PAI~r ITANGINGS. in view and elegant patterms for the Seia'on incluling SuitableI1 designs for every kind of room In real filCk, im ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ROM HULL FOR QUEBEC, the fine Ship ISABELLA, Capt. MATR.NH. Afar, to Sail 17th April. Has ,uperior accommodation for a few Cabin Passengers ?? Passage, apply to the CAPTAIN on Board in til old Dock; or toi WM. SHARP, 11, Nile-street. 19th April, 1851. . 'EOR Q U E B E C, A& Ffi1 the 'well-known fast-sailing Ship ST. JOHN, Capt. Tuos. DICK, 573 Tols ,reisterand 700 Tons burthen, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAD VERTISEIMENS.] TUE WONDRnfUL EFFiCACY Or 11oLLOWAY'S 01INTMENT AND VI'LL. IN CU FtINGAN AG MD Pitnsos or RFnSUATziSIMs-.Xlr. John 5f~t ?? uly wohdrste o rwrso moyi~atlseverly tom rheumtismand atu times I astuio alort on- easnd of thdlie ithout Hed, ileeriingpanyenetand ath tlastwing Pleffetullycueds ebey Holloway's Pills and Ontil six, itl be Kang ?? swll aonsrever hencould n his life.nea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3PU BARRY'S HIEALTH RESOINV FOOD THlE REVALENTA ARBCA. ('1.A1TION.-The most disgusting and in- %Jjurio~uscomPoun~dsbeing sold byunscrupulous specu Satos uon he ceduityof the l'oblie, under close imites- Islor uof the canesulif 151 RYS REVALENTA ARA- lion yof, ore nwihpelee of b) .teing similar to that de- liciosas Hnd invaluablO remedy for Indigestion. Constipa-i ieon, Nervous, Bilious, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... baltes In Jrtbate (Contract. O 1 E DI s PO SE D OF, IQ the well established B U S I N E S S of a BUTCHER, together with the FIXTUREs, &c., of the Sisor, which is situated in one of the principal thoroughfares of the Town.-Apply at No. 73rLowgete. MEAUX, NEAR BEVERLEY. FIM BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, I an excellent FARM, consisting of a good Farm- house, and suitable Outbuildings, and about ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r, and r, who LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC a )f bet- B PILLS.-Thefollowingtestimonlal is another proof of 'I tho of the great efficacy of this Medicine:- . * y, and 127, NeWv Bond street, London. October 12th, 1565. al hen he Sia,.aiacquainting you with the great benefit which . I fr lause ) have experieascet bytaking BLAIR'S GBOUT ANU RH1&U. nc MATIC PILL5, I feel that I amn but perforgaing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SUCCESSOF TIHE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. 9,211 CURES LAST YEAR!!! I As adopted by Lalleeonaod, 1?icord, Deslandti, and Iothers, of the ilopital des Veneriens a Paris, a.:d iaOq0 , tiforaily practised i, this'country by WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., . 5, ELY PLACE, HOLBOR N HILLI LONDON, C AtBU110B OF T HE MEDICAL ADVISER, .11 improved edition, written in a popular style, devoid e of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a~1tipping. F OR QUEBEC, with GOODS and PASSENGERS, the first-class . Britich-ship METEOR, 700 Tonsbur- then~v, D~~t rsnows, Commnander, a Regular Trader, silly sailearly i5 ApriL-For Freight or Passage, apply to the laster o. Board in the Old Dock, sarto Lowgate End: or to HARRSON, BROTHERS, 180, High-Street. Hull, February 17, 1851. ski OlOR QUEBEC, the first-class, F Barque, FERGUS, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d HE~ALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT I fTOLLOWAY'S PILLS. V reof a Disordered, Liver and Stomach, Exth tfawhen ino a most hopelessste. Ste `-'yaur valuable pills haveC been th mnu, t I.Gocld besiiof ?? me to a state of perfect health, and at a time when 1- thought I- was on the brink of thle 1grave. I bad cemnsaltes sceveral eminent doctors, who, aifter doing what they could for me, stated that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AprI' Second, 1851, *on tiac place, in lotg of from T ~ dti0Od~ ten to 'forty trees each, LARE QTJANfITY of large and strallth AAllcu and SCOTCH FIR, Also about fiftY lote Of -I LDER, BEECH, and ASH POLES, nlow tying In 5101t 'uslonging to the late J. F. Copide. Esql., and oitirato Misr' wriship of Stockton-on-the-Foreet, rind Earowick,J lii OI ',ald0 contiguous to the Stockton Station. ant ...