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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Assize Intelligence

... gz-i-c bitelli ?? a gence. COUNTY OF ARMAGH ASSIZLSE. RECOIRD COURT. Arm-atgh, Friday, Afarek 7. IMPOrTANT CASE-RIGTEr To WATEU iPOWER. Kirk v. 1i'Ksean. Tais case, which excited considerable interest in the. locadity, was, as we stated in our last, called oln at a late hour on Friday afternoon, and the court became immediately crowded to an inconvenient degree. The following- special jury ...


... DOWNPATHICK QUARTER SESSIONS. TVevdnesdaey, MaPrch 26. Tirn General Sessions of the Peace for tile division of' Downpatrick commneinced at twelve o'cloclc to-day, before Theophilus Jones, Esq., Assistant-Barrister, and the following magistrates: J. W. Maxwell, Esq., John Sharmanz Crawford, Esq., Major Montgomery, P. R. M. Browne, Esq., A. 11. LIontgomery, Esq., Rev. Win. Aunesley, W. 13; Forde ...


... ENCUMBERED ESTATES COURT.-FRIDAY. (Before the Chief Commissioner and Mr. Commissioner Longlield.) TuE above Commissioners sat this day for the disposal of encumbered property. No fewer than seven estates having been announced for sale,: an unusually large number of purchasers and others were in attendance. Among the sales were the following:- COUNTs OF lOuTII, llMEATS!, AND ANTRINr. It tfle ...


... COUNTY ANTRIM ASSIZES. CROWN COURT. Eel/ast, Monday1, Afarct 17. Tho Right iHon. Justice Praena took; his seat on the bench shortly before half-past ten o'clock this morning, accompanied by J. T. Tennent, Esq., High-Sheriff, when, the Commission having been read by Walter Bourne, Esq., Clerk of the Crown, The gentlemen of the Grand Jury, having been called and answered to their names, were re ...


... tLabW. COURT OF CHANCERY.-LOoxnDON, MAUCIucl 27. MISS TALBOT'S CASE. T'rF. petition of Mr. Cravenr Berkeley in this matter, I which stood over from Saturday last, was this day pro- ceeded with. Mr. ROLa, Whoappeared for Dr. Doyle, ?? from the affidavits width had been filed .since Saturday last, he perceived that, besides the prayer for general relief, an application was intended to be made to ...

Assize Intelligence

... aozf?c Nittelligence. LOTJTH ASSIZES,, flundalk, Thursday, Feb. 27. CRIMINAL COURT. AT tell o'clock this morning,. Judge PERRIN teok lil seat in this Court. The commission was read by the Clerk of the Crown, and the Grand Jury were re-sworn. His LoRDslIP briefly A ddressed them. He said-I am happy to tell you that the number of cases on the calendar is few; .and that there is not one case of ...


... LaWJ. NISI PRIUS ECXCHEQUJEL . . 1Vynsie v. the Jl-arsiti s of Veseetttiel. . Tits trial, after occupying the' court for eight days, 'vas brought to. a conclusion o'n-Tuesday.. The action -was brought for an alleged libel in the Bvening Mcai4 the publication of which had been brought honlie to the 'defendant.. 'IThe charge a4ainst the, pldintiff Was, 'that he had compelled the ...


... NAVIGATION OF THlE flNN BILT.. Mr. Robert Peel Dawson brought this bill under the notice of the Grand Jury, in a ver y able speech, point- ing out with much force the injustice of its provisions, tie effect of which would be the infliction upon this county alone of a tax of at least £86,000, and probably a great deal more, as the bill enacts no check upon the folly or mismanagement of the ...

Assize Intelligence

... 45?14C Kiltriligearc. z COUNTY OF ANTRIM ASSIZES. CROWN COUIIT. Belfast, 'Friday, 31'c'tch 21. The Right Hon. Justice 1Pezu'ux took his seat on tho bench this morning at ton o'clock. SPNTRNCl`S OX P1ZISONCIlS. His Loamsuii th1en1 proceeded to sentence the pri- soners to the following terms of imprisonmient in the new House of Correction :-James Smith, for larceny, 12 mouths; Joseph Irvine, ...

Assize Intelligence

... 9 3,5~c utclligeice+, COUNTY ANTII31 ASSIZES. Belfast, Friday, March 14th. AT eleven o'clock this morning the following gentle- men were sworn as a Grand Jury before James Thomp- son Tennent, Esq., High-Sherift, by Walter Bourne, Esq., Clerk of the Crown:- 1. JAM.S E. LESLIE, Esq., Foreman. 2. Alex. Montgomery, Esq. 13. John White, Esq. 3. William Agnew, Esq. 14. Alex. Stewart, Esq. 4. C. R. ...


... OwING to the circumstance of both the Circuit Judges being occupied in the hearing of records at the Ar- magh Assizes, the opening of the Commission at Down- patrick was postponed until this day (Wednesday), when one or other of the learned judges will be pre- sent for the purpose. COUNTY OF AAThIM CONSTITUEsoy.-Th'e number of doters under the late Irish Franchise Act, for the County of Antrim ...


... BREACIl OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. TIi following case was tried at the Sussex County Assizes, before Baron Parke, on Tuesday last. Crlece v. 1Vilson. This was an action brought by the plaintiff, Rose Sarah Crace, to recover damages from William Henry Wilson, the defendant, for the breach of his promise to marry her. The defendant pleaded that before the breach was committed the plaintiff had ...