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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SIIIPP'EltS.-Froin Avtn. to ?? nidli give, the RATE of FREIGHT by these Steamers will bc FIVr POUNDiS per 'Ton. fAlRL or different Consignees, collc~tedlslnd made up igle Packages, addressed to oee party foer delivery in Anm, ritz, 'o h upe feaigtepyniont of Freight, wvi; Upoin examination in America by thle Cuistoins, be chargv, with thle proper Freight. BRITISH AND NORTII AMERICAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOR THE MkERlCURV--TUESDAY AND PRIDAl.. Advance, per Airr'um ?? ' 7R , Half Vear I18 0 Quartor . 9 0 If onty one copy each week is reqtired, then haV the *um rtated 4 tlet wuouont. On Credit, to known parties, or a reference given for pay- mcut in Liverpool, Son. per Annwn. tf Lettrrs a; lw.i~ne$s to be a'dressed to 44 A'qertori S;mitb and Co., or To the Editors of the Liverpool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD OF GREEN CLOTH. ST. JAMES'S PALACE, MAECII 28, 1851. N OTICE is hereby given, that the carriages pro- ceeding to Iter Mlajesty's Drawing Room, onl Thursday, the 31d of April, are to fall into line and conie down the lefthaiid side of SW. James's-street, enter at the iron gate nearest the Palace, set down ?? the Arcade, turn round, and go out by the iron gate nearest Marlboroogli-house, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to SIpPPRS.-For' MADRAS aud1 OTICIUTT, to e COLD)TlREAM Will RECEIVE MEA- -TIIDoeks` ulntil tli.7tll `t'i SI an to, [i, Ctirlt Iuttll 11. (Cl~d- corlllil. Gcli ~TC oSHIPPERS atiid PASSENGERS by 21 %l.iIANA fee ltO1lT LNVTTELTO-N, CANTEI-MBUR li ~ 13.itX ~'Ni tN, -titti NWPLYINOtiTH.-All GOODlS c1t .11T IIt c~t nr(:d Iit ti' befitte Rattiidav, S1 lt'fAptril- cl ½11p~lTITTELTON, CANTERBURY r Jj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 115&E PARLLOUR MIAGAZINE if theLiTERA.I Tl.TRE. Oi ALL NATIONS, rill be published earl in Apwi , fur fbr e 3rd of Mey, taobe cenriautal veekry; pricc lc . It rl l be the ,larg, fit nnd thechesepcsr lif the ele,ly Mree7.i~rwe. The nrst number ,wIill be; a oubte one, .tthe Singlo Price;*, ar I f Df it will b del ¶01,i' tD un aiblywrirtten eriel.- (ilhlstrpteu by good eera~ivftga); .-ilOW ro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EA T U E - 0 y A L. -THIIS EVENING fLUESDAY). April iot, THE LUDY OF LYONS: Claude Melntte, Mr. Barry Sullivan; Pu]ine Des- ~'ppelles. Mta. oi. Altken-PERFECTION: Charles Paragon, Viae H. Tastdetltnllf'; Kate O'Brien, Miss, Mannrers-and THE BEAUTY OF GUENT: principal characters by Mad'ile Therese Coshnllic Dad M. Milano. To.usocrrowv (WeVetsda.tty), anl Amateur Performance for the De lt o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O LADIES3.-ROWLANDS3' IALYDOR, farI the rkin antu ?? is dibtinguished for its extremely blanni, purilying and soothing eff etb n the sktm, wbile, by its actios ou the pores and minute secretory veseels, it expels all impuritiesl from the surtace, allays every teeideney to inllammation, and tlius effectmally dissipates all redness, tan, pjnples, spots, freokles, die.| colorations, aud other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 147 Wood. cscuts, 41 a cses. 2 vole., Is. each by post, Is. ttd , S N SING L E and M ARRIED LIFE. ' To be or not to be, that is the question. By R . J. CU LVEitWELL , M.l) . (1841), h It C S. (1827), LL A ,, (1824), 25 years Mcdic al and Forensic R efere e in these mlatters. Progranmlme:-Advent of Puberty and corresponding Associa- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pEGIJAR I'ACK'lE1S to AUSTRALIA.- TtJ I iOI; T O nr thle Nl t' ?? IX(CIPLER (estohliehed in 1848), s~t~vL 1 t P~t TP~ll I ?? and- aiYIJN LY, takinog co .dsr ad pas-. f n~O; i~et tendo~ln otld -ioutlirnptoli licks. Trhe fine Dr~ihat-el teaker ~ti al54' 04itorFegi~ter, 91) toe sburden, Jt)1N RlOSRELI., eeooiw Colt h'I ig Lt thi' Jetty, Lond-ni lick-, tri~l leave Lendon enthe 19th( .xoril ;it.l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ie rrHE PARLOUR MAGAZINE of the LITERA I k | T TURE of ALL NATIONS will be published early in APraI, for the 3d of May, to lie coiitiiued weelly, priee 2d. It wil lbethe n largest anl chexpest of thu woekly ilmgazines. The first nuiber vwill be a double one at the single price; one-half of it Will te de-, votdto tial ably-written article (il itiated by wood engraviligs). How to euijoy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,lpic ions by letter respecting advertisements Imust be postpaid, jes er Wint not be reeeived. AJikctiosssdirectedto he xiade at on =Ihe printers raust'be personaal. in such cases, nio written coMS- 4scU edions can be attended, to. Personal inquiries cnnot be au, answered ,when the addressis to be by letter. ba fOWER IMOSLEY sTniET SCHOOLS, MANCHESTER.- ,ZA WA VNTED, a MISTRESS, for the Lower ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAEMNU'd RENThESatd- DUTOHiand GREBK1 I COUPONS. -Tie FRENCII RENtES due the 22nd lest, od the COU tPONS of the above Loansdno, Marth), ARE NOW PAIl) on presentation by the undersignel, and faielgn ms)ney in gold and silver coiu, and bank notes of every Country and description are ex. changed at the very best rates. ,t the Erchange Bullion an I oreign Banking-ollte, 10, Lomtardasrq~t, corner ...