... SAILORS' HIOME. The Sallors' HoIo ! The 8ailor.' Home I a What heart would not respond, b To aid the calne of thoso who roam - Uniting in the bond Of Christian fellowship and love, U Our zeal in their behalf to prove? t A rofuge for the destitute, C A shelter for the brave; The Sailors' Homo and Institute From sin and want to save; Who could, with generous mind, deny To send for thib a ...


... - - I ANNALS OF TIm PRtOPAGATION OF THE FAITn, No. LXXX.-Perhaps no previous number of this excellent pib- lication was bette r calculated to promote the work for which it is undertaken than that which has just been distributed to the subscribers. Besides the usual letters from missionaries in remote countries, describing the progress of their sacred labours, and the peculiarities of the ...


... THlE GCE AT EAHIBITION. The Queen having, as Nye previouslY iitinliateti, signified her Royal pleasure that arraingemenlts c should be made to enable her a11 5esty to gratify aV wish very generally expressed on the part of the public to be present at the interesting ceremony by which the E xhibition will Le opened on Thure-It day next, the 1st of May, the Royal Continissioner- s, at their ...

Public Amusements

... , vublic alnuoemrato. k DRURY LAN9 THEATIRE. A crowded audience assembled at this house on ' Saturday evening, 'attracted by the announcement of a new drama, from the pen of: Mr. Bourcicault. When the curtain drew up, however, we found our. ;7, selves treated to the opening-secene of that venerable 'yacquaintance, Simpson, and Co. 'At first the audi. ence did not know, wbat to make of it, but ...


... QUESTIONS FIOR BRITONS. 'Was England's Reformation but a fable; WVas ?? Revolution but a dream; That Papal vassals hoped they should be able c' To crown the Pope as Englaid's lord supreme ! si And were her rnartwrs but a r ace of traitors I tl Was it for n1ough .t were slain that noble band, d That fire and faggot-lovers, Bible-haters 0 Again should use the rack, and light the brand II Does ...


... Ii- THE OPENING CEREMONY. ut_ _ ia. The Queen hlaving, as we previously intimated, 6igniked lu her Royal pleasure that arrangements should be made to to enable her nlajesty to gratify a wish very generally ex- re pressed on the part of the public to be present at the id interesting ceremony by which the Exhibition will be thopened on Thursday next, the Ist of May, the Royal Ig Commissioners, ...


... SEASON TicKETS.-In consequence of the immense demand for ticlkets of admission for the opening (no less than 10,000 having been applied for on Wed- nesday) the Executive committee decied that from Thuraday morning the price should be increased by a guinea each, in the hope that this addition to the kg charge would limit the number of visitors to some- a, thing like what the arrangements ...


... FEiMINEINE ARITHMETIC. (Laura.) On me he shall uie'cr put a ring, So mamma, 'tis in vain to take trouble For I -was but eighteen ill Spring, WVhile his age, exactly is double. (MasIisssII.) He's but in bis tbirty-sixtb year, Tall, handsone, goodnatured, riAch, witty And if you refuse hinl, my deal, .May you die aln old maid -without pity ! (Laura.) His figure I grant von will pass, Anid at ...


... The Tim~es and other papers, for the snere sake of hav- Ing a fling at the projectors and supporters of the great Exhibition, have been publishing article after article, abusing the commissioners, and accusing the Queen of a want of confidencein the loyalty of her people, because it was announced that the holders of season tickets would not be admitted on the day of opening before a certain ...


... LITER .4 TURE. Tile U-;IvERSITY MAGAZESE-Dublin: J. M'Glashan.- The editor of the Unziversity has provided ftr his readers, this month, a charming lhterary miscellany. Politics and pole- mic3 he has wholly eschewed, and into the entire series of which the number is composed, nut one paper has been al- lowed to enter iu which every ciass of readers, the utter taEte- lets excepted, may not feel ...


... 3> THE SOLACE OF SONG. When on my mother's arm I lay A happy helpless thing, Still was I glad by night and day To hear my mother sing. Baby, baby, do not cry, It was a lovely lullaby. I was a boy, a wayward boy, And yet I still would cling, With something like a baby joy, To any that could sing. Sing up, sing high, a merry lay, For 'tis a merry holiday. I was a youth, a sighing youth, A zephyr ...


... THIE GREAT EXHIBITION. Ilis Royal Highness Prince Albert presided yes- terday afternoon at a mecting of the Royal Commis- sion fur the Promnotiou of the Exhibition in 1851 of the Works of Industry of all Nations. His Royal Highness arrived at the Exhibition buildinig in Hvde Park at three o'clock, attended by Lieut.-Colonei the I-Ion. C. B. Phipps, Colonel the Hon. Charles Grey, and Lieut. ...