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Morning Chronicle




London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... W AREIHOUSING- DEPARTMENT, PAN- TECHNICON, near Bclgravc-squiarc.-The Proprictor begs to call the attention of the nobility and gentry and the poblie in general, to the iron FlItE-PlROOF SAFETY-ROOMS and ware- houses for the reception of furniture, and cvery description of pro- perty. Separate ruooms nay be hired on which private locks inay be placed; also soparate bliss fir wine-N.B. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. .3. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. It is rcspectfullB ainnouincel that a grand Extra Night asill take placc ol 'Ihiursilay, April 24, oil which occasion will be presented Auber's highly siuccessfiul opera cf MUTA DI POhTICI (MASANIELLO). Iilira, Mane. Fioreothini Fcnella, .ddle. Moliti ; Masalliello, Sig. Pardini ; aid liotro 3f. Massol. WVith all the iicidental anicl characteristic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTAGE ENVELOPES, Is. per dozen; five -AL quires of Queen's note paper for 6d.; eight dozen superfine cream laid envelopes for Gd., large cream note, 3d. per quire, or 4s. per ream ; superfine Queen's ditto, 2d. per quire, or 3s, per ream ; superfine cream laid envelopes, eight dozen for fd.,; black bordered ditto, eight dozen for 16.; black bordered Queen'b cream laid notc paper, 41. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '?UII? to FIILIPPERS and I0ASSENGERS ,\ . 'i toad ?? M kt.At'UA wilt iiECEt't'E * 'N B lillilli'. at the Jetty, Lotittoti Dot'ts, auth Ill \ It I di,' Ith ittot. hits exettetit, aeeaiaiutedatioii fur * ?? 4V ? t?IN II?I X end ChINA vii't EGYPT.- N NI Nt I, StEAM B'iINYE'.'ANCE for * ?? U ci ci: IlAIN, MAtt?,AS, CALC C'ii'A, ?? lit ititit ItONIS ?? aitat ? 5N1 N ?? C it. ity hoot, ia?srt?'tN ...


... is. per dozen; five' m urso Qu nsnote paper for Gd,; eight dozen superfine 4.per reamn superfine Queen' ditto, 2d. per quire, or 3s. per reami ; superfine creamid eneopes, eight dozen for Wi.:; black bordered ditto, eight dozen for la. ; black bordered Qucen's creaml laid note papcr, 4id. per quire; large aote, Gdl. per qstire. Wedding stationery of every description. Coronets, arms, crests, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pUIRT LYTTELTO2N, C ANiTERBURtY o1r ,lw -I ltto III :Now zt'i'.tlill, tite firot.Ota.t, Ilas AN ?? 1ttol repoiste', lor Umitkorbuy Wetl. I nl.1 1, nti IonI th lj St I o jilMo. EaA .h lotiDok. cihartered ?? irovli~onti il' tilt ioi. G12 Second Cabtin, .ti!5 : Steerage, X16 M'thO oU-itaif. EIO) Ii hip -iII'k aln experienced Ijl I N titl~O Malatigel A1 Shippt~ittg ticr 1 12.11- I to SHII1PE~tRS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to SIpPPRS.-For' MADRAS aud1 OTICIUTT, to e COLD)TlREAM Will RECEIVE MEA- -TIIDoeks` ulntil tli.7tll `t'i SI an to, [i, Ctirlt Iuttll 11. (Cl~d- corlllil. Gcli ~TC oSHIPPERS atiid PASSENGERS by 21 %l.iIANA fee ltO1lT LNVTTELTO-N, CANTEI-MBUR li ~ 13.itX ~'Ni tN, -titti NWPLYINOtiTH.-All GOODlS c1t .11T IIt c~t nr(:d Iit ti' befitte Rattiidav, S1 lt'fAptril- cl ½11p~lTITTELTON, CANTERBURY r Jj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l t''TWN direct, at regular trader, o I lIII,,, bar~qt(l 1WERWENT, A 1, registers t~it ~ 1 l IttitttsvtiM'I~RTil ?? lying ilk timl ,. rih ii io-iao ppit to C. tauielavllu, 'iflW~1 to tievittl tiii ?? ?? Itiltitei re! -I§ ltth\R'UTOWN direct, a regular Tinder, PtIirtioi (f lti erargo cligagelt, 1101 ccill he, Ii I I 1110tiit no! tianitti CiOWN11I LL., A 1, A ict , r oN ?? Ilet' ]Vill ilk tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ILGRAND EXTRA NIGHT. It is raspeetfully- annzounlced thlat a grand Extra Night will takc pilace onl Thursday, April 24, onl whichl occasionl will bo prcentcltd Auber's highly ,uccnesful opera of hfUTA DI POR'IICI (MfASANIRLLO). Elvira, Minec. Fiorenthini Fecilal, Udlle. Lfontl, Masaniollo, Sig. Perdinil * nd Pielro, M. Llassol. With all the Incidlental anud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RS.JAESO'SMOST ADMIRIIED WORK. 'sTrw W dey~lightful volumels. Tems hrigo 11 s r_,,1~jIS0'SClflAGT E~I'f S'Iflcs of womE.N. 'it is a 0 canltirol anti tooeblnig cointetiltarv onI the hieart and)( mndia of 0 wotoat.'' Early application ?? thiS poaputlar wtork, and also for f' The LI VES of CEgLEBR~ATiEDI QIJE1CNS1, by) Ctet situle author, d shouldllie Illide ait thle vtirii'o5 boslt'sollos ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 LADIES.-ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, for the skin and consplexion, a botanical preparation of unfidlitig eflicacy i1 purifying the skiln front all piniples. spots, freckles, tal, and liseolorations, prodnlcing a healthy freshness aid transparency of comlplexion, and a softness and delicacy of the hands and arms. During the frostand bleak wvinds of whiter, and in cases of chilblains anid chapped skin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Valoable Libratry, MSS., Antiqjuities, &-v. IJTTICK and SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Lito. rL ary property, will SELL. by AUCTIoN, It ?? ;Ii.t Room11, llt, iccadIlly, oti Wedinesday, April 2:1, itid tiel, tl.I lowing days, the LIBRtARY of a gentleman, eii~ii'ti'in useful bonks togetheur with smie articles, of coinsiderabl, rrq numerous bibliegraphical woerks, important euutity, ...