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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Central Criminal Court

... Central Crimiual Court. like- The April session of the Central Criminal Court Fair mscommenced on Monday morning, before the Right anot te Hoe, the Lord Mayor, the Right Hon. the Recorder, Balk the Common Sergeant, Mr. Alderman Carter, the Mr. s.Sheriffs, &cc.. the ld CRIM1INAL AssAuLT.-Thomas Bishlon, a person Ti in of gentlemanly appearance, and who, it appeared, dict: v- had formerly held a ...


... rotllain 1, ATTRMPTEID Me3DCR-On 36orday night san at- se n-h tipt'was made j? Mitchell-street, G1lasgow to'c'ut ,an e the thr6ajswof two'fetii&ie6s ho lie in that street. eig 1e Inforniation havingbeen despatched to' the central 1,8 in police dflfee, offcers repaired to the place, and the lea r Tile1wiflgfaicts retilted'from their iniiestigatior ?? Dr Mrs Douilas, a widow, rents the tenement ...


... l- t IMANCHESTEII.-The present position of the ;, seamen located in this borough is one of ex- 5 treme hardship, inasmuch as the magistrates have peremptorily prohibited the seamen fromt going round the town to receive contributions towards their support. In Bolton several of the poor fellows have been arrested, and taken before the Mayor, who, without ceremony, x. committed them to gaol for ...

Assize Intelligence

... I zfoiw uInelhgelwne. NORWYlU- H,. WuLtrU MuasDOX-George Baldry,.aged 33, was t arraignedlon the cher a of havingi on the 8thbu- ' gust last, murdered garoline Warnes, by beating I her on the head with a bamnmer, at ThurltQn., so that sbe died on the 24th of the 'same ions.: ?? prisoner pleaded Not, ?? irsfortuppate deceased was the ?? 4d labourer named Warness with whom tbe prisoner had ...


... le MAaaBouanV-STrnEt~.-John Hienry Pearce was r. brought before Mr. 'Binghiam; ha crd Weith having r assaulted a police constable, anddiircited the, orkmen it 'the Cryatall Palace' to starke, ,Et ppearied that somae diference occurred amon~ the' worlkm with reference to' addi iios tbi' elain~d' by' thern for e los6 'nf ?? hy 'bein. obIlig~d,' wheni the. 9 bell riing fdr brgakf~ast;, to ?? ...


... M. MIDDLESEX SESSIoNS, for. morning at the Couart-hOue Cloke I,~ ?? Adams, ' belcir Edwa rd Masters was indicted for htlving steal y of silk hanid kerchief. v~alue 12s.-, from tbe pers o the Milnes, Eaq., MXP.-Tlie Prisoner Pleade not 011 ptre. and when be was placed at the bar to reei 'ty tement he wished to Address a few words totheoq~ e o~fin mitigation.' B e then proceeded to say tich! ' ...

Central Criminal Court

... All The April session of the Central Criminal Court F; commenced on Monday morning, before the Right at Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Right 1Ion. the Recorder, Bi the Common Sergeant, Mr. Alderman Carter, the M Sheriffs, lic. ?? CRIMINAL AssAtLT.-Thomas Biehton, a person of gentlemanly appearance, and who, it appeared, di had formerly held a commission in the army, sur- ill rendered to take his ...

Central Criminal Court

... emtral er(minal Court. REVOLT IN A WORSSOUSE.-Sarah Burchell 20 Mary Fuller, 24, Mary Donovan, 24, Sarah bo' Iey, 28, and Mary Collins, 20, were indicted for riot, and for assaulting a parochial ffiher in th execution of his ?? prosecutor was the master of the East London Workhouse, in Duo. niuig's-alley, Bishopsgate-street, and the prisoners were inmates of that establishment. On the ist ...


... I . 91te *~ ~ ~ ?? lm - Io t * W11 m makei ?? Wiliam W obrg jklti, Of 5, Lothbury, was charged with anlasutms upon Ms&. Edward Frederick Watson, a clerk in the maost ?? And County .Bank,.-C-omplniainat said :I stated am II clerk -and collector in the London and County ''Bank. OAl Saturday last I had occasion to present a bill or payflelitat No. 5, Lotlibury. I peetdwe it at thel for ice n t'he ...


... f THE NEMPNET MURDER.-EECUT or , JOHN WILLS AND JOHN SMITmI. These convicts were executed at the Count Gaol, Taunton, on Wednesday morning at o'clock, for the murder of William ?? III5 man who kept a small shop for the sale of pra d sions at Nempnet, Somersetshire, on the February. The chief evidence against the culpri t was the aged wife of Wilkins, who was also brute1 3 beaten by them, and ...

Assize Intelligence

... aost*i 9 witence. TAUNTON. THe XEMP5NETT Munitx.-Johbn Wills was indicted for the wilful murder of Williai Wilkins by knock ing him down with a spade, and when on teo beating him on the head with an Italian iron giving him divers mortal wounds of which he d 'ee at Nempnett on the 8th of February; anhe die -Smith was charged with aidilog and abetting hiM Other counts charged both prisonel's ...