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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... IF IRELAND POSSESSES UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES FOR COMIERCIAL ENTERPRISE, ND the germs of -rosperity lie in her undeve- Aloped Resources, it ic ,e operation of an evil system, and not the want of INDUSTRY or TALENTr, which llas prevented our Country from taking that positiont amongst Nations for which sbe is naturally fitted by her IJN- BOUNDED NATIONAL ADVANTAGES. WE REITERATE THIE ASSERTION, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECONOMY IN CLOTHING. NEW ARRIVALS. Our long experience in business-our extensive knowledge of all tha minutiae tf trade-our command of capital, which enables us in purclhsing to save in-ermediate profits-our knowledge of the wants of the country it, its present de- pressed state-enables us cnlnndently to state, that we are both able to do, and are at the present time offering, to our customers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN THE DUTt ON COFFEE. T HE Duty on all qualities of Coffee-Foreign, T British Colonial, and XVest India-has te n equalized, and reduced to the low scale of Tiareerence per pound. The Finest Mochsa is now is. Oil. per pound. Costa Weie. Rio Janeiro, and fine Jsmai-a, is. 4d. do. Demerara, Ceylon, and other imports, 8d., lOd., la., and Is. 2d. per pound. THE NEW EAST INDIA TEA COMPANY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition,. Illustrated with Coloutsr Engravings, on Nfervous Debility and Generative Disease Price ls., or in a. sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage.Stamps. EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS Et WHICH THSEY MIAY BE ORTAINED, a Medical NVorkon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTS.' TO GROCERS. A YOUNG well-educated Lad of 17, having an idea of business, wishes to Apprentice himself in a respectable house in the above line, where he would have an opportunity of gaining a more extensive knowledge of business. Security can be given. Please address C. B., Apprentice, at the Office of this Paper, for a week. TO GROCERS, VINTNERS, &c. WXANTS a Situation, an bumble, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING TROUSERS. ? RBE Nobility, Gentry, and Public of Dublin T and its vieinity, are respectfully informed that the superb Patterns in Trouserings, engaged for the exclusive so of BROWNE AND PAYNE, of 72, DAME STREEr, are now ont view-wbicb, with a beautiful assortment of materials for Walking Colts, suitable for the present Season, form a splendid collection of First-class Goods, being the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CRYSTAL PALACE. VĀ¶ATERHOUSE AND COMPANY respect- YV fully invite all admirers of Native Art to inspect their collection of IRISH ORNAMENTS, on view THIS DAY, baturday be-ng the laet day for admission in London. PROVISION. PRICES FOR EASTER. A NDREWS AND CO. are supplied with an ex- Acellent assortment of Hams, &e., adapted for the pre- sent Season, and, although the Markets have advanced, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF1 QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. viIS EVENIIG (Friday), April 25, the perfor- ns Will commence with an entirely new grand Drama, i ?? Acts, called E BLLPI'ElGOR, TEMOUNTEBANK; OR, TIIM PRaIDE OF BlIRTHI. .elphegor, SIr. Reynolds; Madeleine, Mrs. Harris. Graid 13ailet Disertissement, by Mdlle. E. St. Loui ,a Arai a numerous Co-ps de Ballet. To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE SPITFIRE. he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~R&TTUlROUS APPLxUS~E7 IROTUNDO, For a Limited number (if Nights, Tills EVENING, April the 8ih, and every Evening during the Week. iR. GALtAIER, the Ventriloqnist, respect- j1' fullv infor~m the Nobility, Gentry, and InhabitAnts of ?? lin that he will appear on the above Evening in a Neow attn Tran3formaitic Entertainment (for the first time in this ?? tbese Six vears). and etrtitled l InE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uE1 'El R 0 Y A L, D U B L I N. MOST I'OsITIVEILY TIIE LAST NIGHT. INIAVlAMIE WAITON'S Original and Classic IlA LI`% LlA ENTERTAINMENT. , 5f1O'Ssol W AR I'ON respectfully informs his friends, '1;0 IIAS(ONS ind the public, that his BENEFIT will tk rl Ic 'e 11(.illORIIOW (Saturday), April 5th, on jwhich dlaamP W;arton will have the honour of a earing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RoYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. procrsgor HARVEY t' ill commence a Course of Lectures on POANY in the Theatre of the Royal Da'l n Society. 31ONIaY, April 14, at Three o'Clock, to be continued n londys, Wednesda ys, and Fridays, at the same hour. Those Lectures will be repeated on the Eveningsif the Tusdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at Eight ?? , p.m. Free to the I'ulic. S.1abuses may be had at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I RI SH LINEN TR AD E. At the present day about 300,000 souls derive a means of livelihood, directly or indirectly, fiom the Irish Linen Maou- ,facture. The growth of the raw mater ial at our very doors- 'the improvemernts in machiner .-the humidity of our climate, 'which so much favours the bleachihg pro ess, and render- our linen of a purity of whitenes uukqualle i in any otber ,ountry, ...