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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~ -oT LYITTELTOIN, CANTERBURY O1 hii;½i m ,1 ?? 1'/.:r11 ai~trla'~ Iti1t-ol1s alo- I' 2: 11h, oll : I fl~i. IxCaliulin'r Welr oh: t 1l --tll I oi1ly.o ''iolb l XII.XX 1y.-l 01 i IIIN'i'll 121: -Nilico tI 1111 F ?? C 'it -W i,-ri C tiL vx1l1rivy 11111 l,1e .ait'ihU' ill*itO'Iitillajilhtol~liId( Villi l ,t aml ,rh, 2. each., ii lt t II~ii rlI iC f 11. the I-oci' - l ii It 2NI 11) I NtS ?? ,iLN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILC in the East India Docks until the 7th Inst. y anti' ?flO1i' to ?llIPPERS and PASSENGERS 'oy ? fo? lOll'S' LYTTELTON, CANTIi IlilliCRy ?? and NEW VLYMOUTII.-AII f?0tiDS nd ?? on or before Saturday, StIt of April.- ? ?,,i L lit ?? llatillet ofoltipiting, Shtpping'oll?co, TI ?tXtt tihill. ? lilt t laud CANT'?RBURY \?O /0ll.lIlll. the hirst-r11155 ? ?? DOMINION, iv ?ail cii the 8th of May, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E R M AJ E S T Y'S TllEAT R]E. J GRANI) EXTRA N[OIIT. It is respectftully atititit cci that a grand Extra Night wcill take place ol Tlhursilay, April 24, on wthich Occasion ill be presieateu Auber's highly sucocssftdl opera of MUTA 1)1 psltllCI CM ASANIELLO). Elvira, Mine. Florentinji Fellelfl, tttlllc. )oiitt Maci:Aielle), Sig. IPardini; and l ielro, 51. M'Bassol. With all the incidental and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLINOIS BONDS.-Notice is hereby gis,'ell that I * tho DIVIDEND arising out of the Colletiso. ti,? \?o ? prior to, the 31st tiocembcr Ia't will to l'AI ft by 3lvssro SON' and CO., on the STERLING CANAL BONDS, 0 ?? Lu0 lug proportions, tie. 00 AtOfi Bonds . tOo. led. On £520 ?? Sd. On £300 Bonds. The Overdee Coupons of the cold floods, lao -lsiy, ?a 'till lie received at the Countieg-houso of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pUIRT LYTTELTO2N, C ANiTERBURtY o1r ,lw -I ltto III :Now zt'i'.tlill, tite firot.Ota.t, Ilas AN ?? 1ttol repoiste', lor Umitkorbuy Wetl. I nl.1 1, nti IonI th lj St I o jilMo. EaA .h lotiDok. cihartered ?? irovli~onti il' tilt ioi. G12 Second Cabtin, .ti!5 : Steerage, X16 M'thO oU-itaif. EIO) Ii hip -iII'k aln experienced Ijl I N titl~O Malatigel A1 Shippt~ittg ticr 1 12.11- I to SHII1PE~tRS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~M o IDIAand CHINA vift EGYPT.- ~ lcgis MN~LYMAIL STEAM CONYEYANCE for ~ a l~htgodsto CEYLON, MADNiAS, CALCUTT~A ?? HONG EONsG.-lThePenittsular atid ?? book pilassengers tid receive 'rl frteabove ptorts by their stealuers, starting 5 iolitt ci he20th of every mouth, altd frsns Suez ?? steattiers, anin from Suez by,% thle Honour- CiiI(ompn' steamers. XNA.-at On the 20th and 20th of every , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .~TTTYTELTON, CANTERBURY 1 LiI~ I I. ?? Ii Ii lie, e~ to' land lma.'euiigerq aiti Lpoods - i ?? Z~ealaiid, tite FIRST1-CLASS sit Well'' iti. iid N ,V I 1 e ithni to sail ott the Sth of' G( ii ~ i.P~ ~ ?? ?? iaritel~ I and pros jiolotte byv Li ln:ti att' e, ofi Ilitis~ietti Chief eilbin (a at tli't'l{-l 1.2 ; ucond utbittt 525 tisteertige, lie! iti bllt. i fiA iei 'te half. Each' sip ealrricn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ie rrHE PARLOUR MAGAZINE of the LITERA I k | T TURE of ALL NATIONS will be published early in APraI, for the 3d of May, to lie coiitiiued weelly, priee 2d. It wil lbethe n largest anl chexpest of thu woekly ilmgazines. The first nuiber vwill be a double one at the single price; one-half of it Will te de-, votdto tial ably-written article (il itiated by wood engraviligs). How to euijoy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '?UII? to FIILIPPERS and I0ASSENGERS ,\ . 'i toad ?? M kt.At'UA wilt iiECEt't'E * 'N B lillilli'. at the Jetty, Lotittoti Dot'ts, auth Ill \ It I di,' Ith ittot. hits exettetit, aeeaiaiutedatioii fur * ?? 4V ? t?IN II?I X end ChINA vii't EGYPT.- N NI Nt I, StEAM B'iINYE'.'ANCE for * ?? U ci ci: IlAIN, MAtt?,AS, CALC C'ii'A, ?? lit ititit ItONIS ?? aitat ? 5N1 N ?? C it. ity hoot, ia?srt?'tN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0_ISERNRAILWAY..-EASTER KS :I'5d .iU ?? Stations ?? the ?? fr I the, Train teavrloit Loiii(tlo at So'O aol. vii Easter ci t ?? ut at 21'M Oim. on Easter Monday andl 'rwht .ila~lte to retil-nally dlay dureing the E~aster I WN-t NlTi Iit~t'tOUS AltO ACK 5so. .. . . 2to. it 1tli\l leia toiioiito ll Stations- andt hack, * v~ Fll' t.ili e .~ ~ iidTtusoday, leaving ~,iI *to ohai rilililig roii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D A SIi THREE PER CENT. LOAN 1825.-I Notice is hereby given, that, in cocaformilv with the terms of the Contract for the above Loan, 109 0I'ECIAL BONDS, amounting to the sum of £50,709, the particulars whereof are at foot, hoec been purchased by Mesois. N. M. ROTIISCIIILD and SONS, being the Fifty.cecoed Itetf.yearty Purchase of honda per- cha.sccl for the Royal Ministry of Finance at ...