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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... t 9ALES BY AUCTION. 1HaIndsome Furnliture and Modlernl Etfocts of a large Familv Reci- deuice, ca:pital Phautnol, llorse and I la~rurso, t'ony Chiaise e urliet ei duty, nloble Pier nedi Chimneliy Glas-ses, toofiuec-rreiel Cottnge . PianoforteS, ornlainwltall Chin~a, GlanS, l'ictures, &c. ,, 1/[R HAIIZI)ND ha9s inlstructionls to SEL;jL r ?? AUCTIOX, atlhis (trealt Itoomes, 28, Cliamrcect\ -lane ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il * hl\.IiNU'J'ON.-'rie ?? h Mr. PSv I ii orisex (Id)s logikfe. AilliissiotiIi lxy bcli, orl lperslill a~ddress aild, from l'fi'. o'clock Oiitil Eie.-20, 'l'hreadiiolc~l-strlt. UNlIlRIt ITl. 12 ATII()NA[I Ol l2 IISII NIt NOS'' C'lItACl()liS MA- Jk:S'l'Y TIIS N CUNEN ANI) 111111. II.'l~l NN Al1 l:EII'I'. t ?? JAMEsS',S TlJElATBE](.-ITle 1'PoNTE:RS' \) IIllAMA'lIC SO(.'II.'I'Y'S ?? lANCE ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UIDof LITERATURE and ART; to en- ?? Life Assurance and other P~rovidistt Hlabits suinog Authors and Artists; to render such assistance to both as shrall never compromise their independence ; and to founid a new InSti- tution where honourable rest from arduous labour shall still I)e associated with the discharge of congenial daties. To bring this project into general notice, and to form the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0T10EO to SIPPERS. -For CALCUTTA dircct._Th, CITY of POONAII wilt RECEIVE IMEASURE. llDS inte East India Docks, until rour o'clock NT G.(OwW.-F Green and Co., 64, Cornhihll. 4EA toINDA and CHINA vitl- EGYPT.- iteolr MNTLY MAIL STEAM CONYEYANCE for an ih ods to CEYLON, IADIIhAS, CALCC'1'A, , u OGKONG.-ThePeniinsular stud ~sd arcee fo th above po(rts by their steamrers, starting 60'eerhatpt tt n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~M o IDIAand CHINA vift EGYPT.- ~ lcgis MN~LYMAIL STEAM CONYEYANCE for ~ a l~htgodsto CEYLON, MADNiAS, CALCUTT~A ?? HONG EONsG.-lThePenittsular atid ?? book pilassengers tid receive 'rl frteabove ptorts by their stealuers, starting 5 iolitt ci he20th of every mouth, altd frsns Suez ?? steattiers, anin from Suez by,% thle Honour- CiiI(ompn' steamers. XNA.-at On the 20th and 20th of every , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IELD-MARSIIAL BLUCHER arnd the DUKE F of WELLINGTON-The HISTORICAL PICTURE by Mr| BARKER, illustratimn the meeting of the two wvarriors ol thC evening of the victory of Waterloo, will rcmain ON VIEW at ir. ,loon's for a few davs longer. Adnission by ticket, or personal address card, from 1ncr o'clock until Five.-20, Thrcadnecdle-strecet. ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.' H GRAND EXTRA RIGHT. It is ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M RtAJESTY 'S TH1EATRtE.? It is respeetfatir annolined tbat, inl addition to the talcent zdreatly stnOltioul, eittl ENGAGEMENT hlas boon made wsith bl. blASSOL, who ha- atrrived, anid wvill shortly appear. M/RgS. FANNYt KEMBLE.-ST. JAMIES 'S 1 THEATPE.-READINGS of SHAKtSPEAIIE.-FlNAL I Al~tAlGEMLNTS-T()-M lt~ltlOW\ EVENING, Flidsy. April4?, 'MA-CBE:TI ; hlondnv, April?, 'King Lear ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F I LD MAR~SHAL BLUrCHER arid tihe DUKE L o VLIGT N.-Tho HISTORICAL PICTURE by Ur. B I~ER ilutaiurthe meeting of tho twvo warriors on the evenin~g of tho victory of Wa terloo, will remaina ON VIEW at Mr. Moon'lls for a fevs days longerr. Adinisolon bv ticket, or pereonal addreoo card, from Tenl o'clock unltil Five.-20, Threadnoedlc-street. HIER MIAJESTY'S THEATRE.- The First Appearancec of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIIal~d CHINA vih EGYPT.-- ~~¶AMt% t~~lLTmAlL S4TEAM CONYEYANCE for- otgol oCEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUU1'A, C iiolE andONG IfN -h ehina n It- NK .1inCompany book ?? and receive i la1obl- - i loee ports by their Steameirs, starting d 20~t~Piisl'tet oaf every loluath, and frena Suez I l i~octeuon'th. a B.~.aesfrilombay cnnl proceed by this Corn. d ?? flinhtaof thle moith to Malta, thence to Alex- b s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11.1pIARJIAL 1BI.Uc I1R and the DUKE meeting o h w aroso h 135Ite rwtro i remain ON VIEW at Mr. lsoger. Adhniasioul by ticket, or personal 'Pen fe estel uiitil Fie-20, Thr'tadieedlo-strect. JETY'S THEATRE. R DEXTRA NIGHT. .(t~ h e pera,I LE TRE 'NOZZE. ?? ai gramd Extra Night will take fihctMy1, wheii A-ill be pregentod (for the iho ?? Aan'snew o~cra buffa, fin three acts, ~h ge~ scecaat th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?-5iITPPERS and PASSENGERS -?dI(b to ? SIALACCA will ttECl.IVlT ? ? l? ? vOl'5 at the 3 etC * I .oaeta's Dock?., 011th 0 the h inst. Ito' eXntl?lL I ?? ?? a ?i,,.rdtI CI asd steerage 1sas?ctllil1r5 still disetegaged. ti ioed? phillip?, Show. atid Losstller, 2, 110)01 Ex IlL1 , lice.t , to, cornitin, ?-Al ,i.lIew : ee Is P. 11.1-Il ?id Ca. ?TRXLIAN LINE ?? r&fl7ETS.?TIl? It ?? I*ll??r-c?ASS ...