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Advertisements & Notices

... C TEVENS and SON, Wine and Spirit Merchants, l.J would call the attention cf the numerous parties visiting the Metropolis at this time to the liberal system of business uniformly pursued at their Establithment, where the advantages of hig' quality l dwithreneonable charges are secured to the purehaser. FINE. PORTS froa the wood, 24s. to 're. per dozen; ditto, highesttqualitins, is Lt 30s. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~ -oT LYITTELTOIN, CANTERBURY O1 hii;½i m ,1 ?? 1'/.:r11 ai~trla'~ Iti1t-ol1s alo- I' 2: 11h, oll : I fl~i. IxCaliulin'r Welr oh: t 1l --tll I oi1ly.o ''iolb l XII.XX 1y.-l 01 i IIIN'i'll 121: -Nilico tI 1111 F ?? C 'it -W i,-ri C tiL vx1l1rivy 11111 l,1e .ait'ihU' ill*itO'Iitillajilhtol~liId( Villi l ,t aml ,rh, 2. each., ii lt t II~ii rlI iC f 11. the I-oci' - l ii It 2NI 11) I NtS ?? ,iLN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Da ATENT VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER TUBING, for Gas Fittings, Chemical purposes, Fire Engines &c.-JAMES LYNE-IANCOCK, Sole Manufacturer (and Licensee), GOSWELL-MEWS, OSWELL-ROAD, Ltmndon. e JAMES LYNE HANCOCK be to invite the attention of Engi- e neers and the trade generally to the VULCANIZEDINDLA-RUBBER r TUBING, whieh is now manufactured from 1-8-inch bore and up- d warda, in lengths from 50 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O It T 0 N and W A D E, ( 8 2, LOMBARD.STRENT, MERCHANT TALORS ,K Makers of the Regi tered Paletot and the New Morning Cat, S1 Invite the atteutios of die pubio to the NOVELTY of their BLACK In CLOTHS, nianfactured by. a price exhibitioner at the CRYSTAL t&i PALACE, which for beauty of colour end finish fre unrivalled for in the making into Frock and Dres Coat. Price £3 Ot , £3 1Is CW., at and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTABLISHED Fourteen Years, DARKE'S jjjRESTORATIVE BALS IM for reproducing the hair, and a sur prvenatie fom allng il.II mprgnates the roots of the hai, terey eusig te iactvit ofthebub to recover from its A CLEAR COMPLEXION. - GODFREY'S L EXTRACT of ELDER FLOWERS is strongly recommend for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKn, and in giving it a blooming and charming ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILC in the East India Docks until the 7th Inst. y anti' ?flO1i' to ?llIPPERS and PASSENGERS 'oy ? fo? lOll'S' LYTTELTON, CANTIi IlilliCRy ?? and NEW VLYMOUTII.-AII f?0tiDS nd ?? on or before Saturday, StIt of April.- ? ?,,i L lit ?? llatillet ofoltipiting, Shtpping'oll?co, TI ?tXtt tihill. ? lilt t laud CANT'?RBURY \?O /0ll.lIlll. the hirst-r11155 ? ?? DOMINION, iv ?ail cii the 8th of May, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION of 1851.-To EXHIBI]:TORS.- .12 The EXPRES. Wie 3d. hbas the largest circulation of any dly evenlng paper. I the only daily paper hrbich admits ILLUS. TRATED ADV RTIESEMENTS A DOUBLE I4UMiBER (price 4d.) is published IlVERY SATUR. DAY, eonta h~ing special news of the Gireat Exhibtion. One charge of 64. per line for all advertlament5, and at the ratb or 44. per line for she space ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~ SHIIPS from SOUTHAMPTON direct to A CA Olt rERO, and CHILI, by the WEST INDIA LINE and ;romn PAAMA by the PACIFIC MAIL COM. c p ?? Mts.-Pa engers booked tbroughnut, at 55, Moor- t ,~westr ?? a Frcisco, nd other ports in the Pacific, forc Tegu5 ?? the Bank of England.-Fer further parti I n~esncc . .t tbe Comtpany's offlces, or by letter addressed to r tOl> \ E. CHIAPPXLL, Secretary, SS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z, j) ARIS..-VI SITORS to PARIS are respectfua1iv em n~mdthtteHTE ITRA RueChauiveau tos Garde, a ?? ?? hms shoaeqatrof Perle, ?? A Pro,. Cs UINNESS'S'STOUT.-KINAHAN, SONS, AM 0ur SMYTH, having recently been appointed. A;ENTS for'Gaill- n oes's Dublin Stout, bec to acquaint their. numerous cusrtd~osr and lathe icublic that they now hold a large SUPPLY of the above fahinous Ih STOUT, In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E R M AJ E S T Y'S TllEAT R]E. J GRANI) EXTRA N[OIIT. It is respectftully atititit cci that a grand Extra Night wcill take place ol Tlhursilay, April 24, on wthich Occasion ill be presieateu Auber's highly sucocssftdl opera of MUTA 1)1 psltllCI CM ASANIELLO). Elvira, Mine. Florentinji Fellelfl, tttlllc. )oiitt Maci:Aielle), Sig. IPardini; and l ielro, 51. M'Bassol. With all the incidental and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLINOIS BONDS.-Notice is hereby gis,'ell that I * tho DIVIDEND arising out of the Colletiso. ti,? \?o ? prior to, the 31st tiocembcr Ia't will to l'AI ft by 3lvssro SON' and CO., on the STERLING CANAL BONDS, 0 ?? Lu0 lug proportions, tie. 00 AtOfi Bonds . tOo. led. On £520 ?? Sd. On £300 Bonds. The Overdee Coupons of the cold floods, lao -lsiy, ?a 'till lie received at the Countieg-houso of ...