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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, DUBLIN. T gST POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. iiAI)AME, E WA1TON'S Original and Classic IBALTIALLA ENTERTAINMENT. pllFS ;)lt AR'TON res-cectfellly informs his friends, P ro Nr-sON, aned the publir, that his BENEF1 will let pt ~ce 'litS lEVSING (Saturda), April 5th, or which ter rlo ls ?? will havethc honour of spearing assic Sabject9, being her L, Appear- r i Drj~ke, lrl~lP tobe bad of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGGREGATE MEETING OF THE CATHOLICS OF IRELAND. the undersigned, request an Aggregate ?? Meeting of the Catholics of Ireland, at the ROTUNDO, in the CITY of DUBLIN, on TUESDAY, the 29th inst., at the hour of ELEVEN o'Clock, ?? for the purpose of petitioning the Imperial Parliasment against the ECCLESI- ASTICAL TITLES ASSUMPTION BILL and the R E LIGIOUS HOUSES' BILL, and to adopt such other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF IRELAND POSSESSES UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES FOR COMIERCIAL ENTERPRISE, ND the germs of -rosperity lie in her undeve- Aloped Resources, it ic ,e operation of an evil system, and not the want of INDUSTRY or TALENTr, which llas prevented our Country from taking that positiont amongst Nations for which sbe is naturally fitted by her IJN- BOUNDED NATIONAL ADVANTAGES. WE REITERATE THIE ASSERTION, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECONOMY IN CLOTHING. NEW ARRIVALS. Our long experience in business-our extensive knowledge of all tha minutiae tf trade-our command of capital, which enables us in purclhsing to save in-ermediate profits-our knowledge of the wants of the country it, its present de- pressed state-enables us cnlnndently to state, that we are both able to do, and are at the present time offering, to our customers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; 0 ~T U N I) O R (ROUND Ron~z)D POSITIVELY F R F. N IGHT ONLY! Ca TO 30OIO (Thurslday) LVI NING, 3d APRI-, 0D G'AN;D V)('AL CONCERT. VOCALISTS: Mi s M. WILLIAMS, T'ie celebrsted t Oltralto, of her MIajesty's Concerts, Pailbarmonic So-ciety of London, 31-)usical F'estivalq, &c.; bliss PHILLIPS, ler First Appearance in Dul, L (daginhter of the celob ated eir. Hi. Plhillips); Mr. L O C K E Y, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseass Price Is, or in a sealed Envelope, free by Yost, for I1 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TzE MEANS ly H WHICHI THEY MAY BE OBTAImEt, a Medical Work=n the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseasesoftlbe Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ?? .. ?? ) ?? m t~s Coast Pcblished, pR4ACTIFAL OBSERVArIONS (Third Edi- ai tion) on the TABES DORSALES, or NERVOUS ATROPHY- That species of decli-ie induced by early diseipatian, the indiscretions of youth, or the excesses and intemperance of t riper years, in which an Appwoved Remedy and the best e Timode (if treatlment is reoommeoded; by E. SMITH, M.D. I Price Is. ad. t Alse, Practical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATR E R OYAL, I)DUBLIN.! -5 ISS EMTMA STAXLEY 1tb honor to anflounceC hir original Vocal and Instru. i ~tal lgt NGE in Two Parts; at the Theatre Royal,.qn 11oN_)AT. 21st April, 1851, words writ en expre-sly fbr Yer b , G SoROiALA, anl EL. I3LONCIIARD, Esqrs., 3Iusuf by ^ L,,vHtL-J l'ILm.Lu1s, E q., B.A.; words of Song by TejFOS0RD. e8q CT 1This ppular Melalige has been unaninmously pro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i j QUEEN' R()L EAEKTRE.. 'TliS EyVENING (Wetdnedi)Akil 23, the perfor- eo will commence with (thrd timeJ al entirely new gad Dra1ma, int Three Acts, called BELIPHEG)'R, THE MOUNTEBANK; OR, THE PRtIDE OF BtRTII. 1eipl3,sgor, Mr. Reynolds; Madeleine, Mrs. Harris. A Gratld gallet Divertissement, by Mille. E. St. Louin a a numerous Corps de Ballet. To conclude with the laughable Farce of / THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, 1PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS (Third Edi. 1 tion) on the TABES DORSAIXS or NERVOUS ATROPHY. That species of ?? innduced by early dissipation, the indiscretions of yoztb, or the excesses and intemperance of riper yoess, in which an Approved Remedy and the best nmode of treatment is recommended; by E. SMITH, M.D. Price Is. 6d. Also, Practical Observations on Female Complaints, price Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INDEPENDENCE. IF IRELAND POSSESSES UNEQUALLED ADVANTAGES FOR COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE, A ND the germs of prosperity lie in her undeve- 1 v loped .Resources, it is toe operation of an evil system, and not the want of INDUSTRY or TALENT, which has prevented our Country from taking that position amongst Nations for which she is naturally fitted by her UN- BOUNDED NATIONAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uE1 'El R 0 Y A L, D U B L I N. MOST I'OsITIVEILY TIIE LAST NIGHT. INIAVlAMIE WAITON'S Original and Classic IlA LI`% LlA ENTERTAINMENT. , 5f1O'Ssol W AR I'ON respectfully informs his friends, '1;0 IIAS(ONS ind the public, that his BENEFIT will tk rl Ic 'e 11(.illORIIOW (Saturday), April 5th, on jwhich dlaamP W;arton will have the honour of a earing ...