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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... -7~I LYTTEL TON, CANTERBURY II, ptl:Mt:NT, otl lb to laud passengers andl goods at,,tsit, Ntw Zealand,I tc. Fl' RSTi-CL AS S It'1 , I DOM)131IN ICO, ,,St tolls ?? itt li iestl W . l l 1i1', and NewA Illyiouttlt, to sfail Oil tle Sib1 of ~ loa itckseltarteretadsil provisioned by ~u iory 555~lat05. tic (ii' pissatge : Chief catbilt (at v0l r ?? n half, Each ship cart ies It, r~co.P~rfreiht, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UIDof LITERATURE and ART; to en- ?? Life Assurance and other P~rovidistt Hlabits suinog Authors and Artists; to render such assistance to both as shrall never compromise their independence ; and to founid a new InSti- tution where honourable rest from arduous labour shall still I)e associated with the discharge of congenial daties. To bring this project into general notice, and to form the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0T10EO to SIPPERS. -For CALCUTTA dircct._Th, CITY of POONAII wilt RECEIVE IMEASURE. llDS inte East India Docks, until rour o'clock NT G.(OwW.-F Green and Co., 64, Cornhihll. 4EA toINDA and CHINA vitl- EGYPT.- iteolr MNTLY MAIL STEAM CONYEYANCE for an ih ods to CEYLON, IADIIhAS, CALCC'1'A, , u OGKONG.-ThePeniinsular stud ~sd arcee fo th above po(rts by their steamrers, starting 60'eerhatpt tt n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E FFICACIOUS CU~RE for CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, &o., W-ITHiOUT CTJITING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr.: EISENBERCG, Author of Practical Expositionl on tire Hlumaun Foot, anid Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S systemo ie at once nlovel, anid based upon long experiencec * it has received thc sanction of the Royal Faml~ilies ol Europe, anid the D~rst of the nobility anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ..KA GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. It is tospeetfolle anntouticed that it grand Extra Night will tithe place y, oril24, on which occasion will be presented MCTX DI PORIt''Ct (MASANIELLO). Elvtra, tMme. tioreetfini ; enella, 31illie. ultiiti; AltiOlitello, Si-l. Paredini it II'( ietro, M. idassol. Wthtl all thet jiteidetittl attld Cliaracteristie Iitteis, ittclutding La Uoarrecte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?TEtOSIHPPERS and PASSENGERS, ?? xi xCCA. br SYDNEY direct.-'1'his ship will leave ??lilioct ott Thorlilay, the. l7ili instant, and EM ItAltE iii 1.51001 'cloud at noon, on ?? 19th iiistatit, ,ii0tllclt'1? ?? ticcotiinitoiation for cabin, a'i 5?ceragO paSSeilgerS still disengaged. Last ship- 1151, ?i?e.iil non, the 13th inot.-.\jtjily to Messrs. t'hiilij.s, jit0 5jid liii tic!', ?? tto?''i1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Empiricism, 147 Wood. cscuts, 41 a cses. 2 vole., Is. each by post, Is. ttd , S N SING L E and M ARRIED LIFE. ' To be or not to be, that is the question. By R . J. CU LVEitWELL , M.l) . (1841), h It C S. (1827), LL A ,, (1824), 25 years Mcdic al and Forensic R efere e in these mlatters. Progranmlme:-Advent of Puberty and corresponding Associa- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pORT LYT'TELTON, CANTERBURY Wtlll. INoith li ethu to land It andetitt -godtS p111 orts in Ntew /,talIatt, tile F I1lISTUCASS ic oh ml' IN N, 554 tool register, Canterbury, ?? 0~t o ic Nthf ?111 BNGAouth, t7o SaloltieSh ?? Doelis, charterc I and ptrovisiottetd hy wit Ncwts l1 tosag ?? cbite (a c ?? it', 42 ; econdt cabin, £25 ;steerage, tij o ittur ttitec ottO half . Eacht stip tarries ah * , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Dlivinity and Miscellaneosco Literature. M *R. IIODGSON will SELL by AUJCTION, at bhis Great Room, 192, Fleet-struct, otn AMoccdy next, April 28, aid three folloving days, at lhalf-past, Twelve, viauable BOO1;1S, icludli _g-Folio Vetusta Monumcenta, 6 vols.; Labbei Sacro. Saneta Conecfil, 17 vols. ; Holhished's Chronicles, black letter, 3 vols.; HlamiltonCs V'ases, 3 vols. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h SALES BY AUCTION. Sussex.-Vaiuabie Freehold Estate, with exceilcut Residence, and Y three sniall Farms, in all 217A. In. 2Sf'., ucar East Grineleal, and SON have received instructions from ? T0?Wxeeutora to SELL hy AUCTION, at the Auction lIrt, o on Wednesday, May 7, at One punctually, in Six Lots, the salssilsle FREEhOLD ESTATE of the late George Lowcock, Ess1., cstIej.t. so ing or a eub ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t 9ALES BY AUCTION. 1HaIndsome Furnliture and Modlernl Etfocts of a large Familv Reci- deuice, ca:pital Phautnol, llorse and I la~rurso, t'ony Chiaise e urliet ei duty, nloble Pier nedi Chimneliy Glas-ses, toofiuec-rreiel Cottnge . PianoforteS, ornlainwltall Chin~a, GlanS, l'ictures, &c. ,, 1/[R HAIIZI)ND ha9s inlstructionls to SEL;jL r ?? AUCTIOX, atlhis (trealt Itoomes, 28, Cliamrcect\ -lane ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Valuable Literary Property-Stock, Copyright, soil Sivrevx1o Plates of Dr. Lardeer's Cabinet Cyclnpcilii. R. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at ondon Coffee-house, Ludgate-bill, in Wcits.-il ,r, April 16, at One lirecicely, the entire copyright, oh vIe, skniii i.e plates, steal plates, and scoodeots of Dr. LAItI)NEII S CAPINLf CYCLOPiEDIAin 133 volumes, fep. See, together nith ...