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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PARENT BOARD OF IRISH MANUFAC- . TURES AND INDUSTRY. MASON'S ROOMS, ESSEX-BRIDGF. The Members of this Society are specially invited to at- tend the Public Meeting THIS EVENING (TuO day) pril 8th, at Eight o'Clock. The Central Industrial School of this Boardf'r t icing young women in the higher branches of Ne.dwo Em- broidery, &c., is new ojpen at 61, GREAT STRAND-STR (Franklin's Buildings), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p IiCE PATRICK'S ROYAL THEATRE, FISHAMBLE-STREET. glS EVENING (Molnday) and TO-MORROW (Tuesday), 'tpril 7th and 8th, will be produced a New and Extraor- diat Drama, entitled MONEA ; / ' 1ELIrEGOR, THE MOUNT/ OR rll' 11.01BERS OF' THfE FRENCH REVOLUT13. Guillaump, -surnamed Belphegor, Mr. Harwoodt Lava- r Ir lenderson; Madeline. Mirs. aarwood. Song by Mr. Lyons. To conclude with a truly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publisheel, Third Edition, llustraued with Co'uueaw Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Disesee Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for lI Postage Stamps. EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THlE 31ANS BY I WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Mledical Work',, the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, witb observations on the treatment if Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rLdL PIubiic inever hitl buch an opp,;rtuuitS ot T selecting from an endle-s variety of FLOOR CLO I RS, with Border9, from 18 Inches to Six Feet in Width; and without Boiders, 24 Feet in Width. To be cut to any di- menalons. P. SHERIDAN, ' 22 and 23. PARLIAMN1ENT STREET, Has gone to comsidorable xpeuse in fitting up frames and ge titig sp:,e, for carrymg out this imp--rtant branch on a m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH LINENS. WEBB & CO., CORN-MARKET, INVITE an inspection of their present Stock of .I IIRISH LINENS, in 7-8th and 4-4th wide, SUITABLE for StunTING, and FRONTxNo, and which can be confidently recommended for their CHEAPNESS and SUPERIORITY of MANUFACTURE, SHIRTINGS AND PILLOW CASE LINENS, in 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4 and 12-4th wide. The excellent Fabrics and exceedingly low prices of these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EASTER, 1851. T H E TEA ESTABLISHMENT, 21 and 22, DAME-STREET. A NEW TEA. -rHE Proprietors have succeeded in importing a new Tea, which has given greater satisfaction to those who have tried it than any Tea offtred to the Public for several years past. THE lNONPAREIL TEA is strong, brisk, and pungent, full-flavoured, not scented or perfumed, not tarry; ripe, rich, full in body, wiry stnall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tg QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. TillS EVENING (Monday), April 28, the perfor- unnccs will commence with the new grand Drama of BELLPHEGOR, THE MOUNTEBANK; OR, TIIE rRIDE OF BIRTEI. 3olpltegor, Mr. ReynoldS; 9ladeleine, Ars. Harris. To be followed by the Musical Interlude of PICTURESQUE. a Soul by Mdlle. Ernestine St. Louin and Ladies e To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE SCHO L FOR TIGERS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i j QUEEN' R()L EAEKTRE.. 'TliS EyVENING (Wetdnedi)Akil 23, the perfor- eo will commence with (thrd timeJ al entirely new gad Dra1ma, int Three Acts, called BELIPHEG)'R, THE MOUNTEBANK; OR, THE PRtIDE OF BtRTII. 1eipl3,sgor, Mr. Reynolds; Madeleine, Mrs. Harris. A Gratld gallet Divertissement, by Mille. E. St. Louin a a numerous Corps de Ballet. To conclude with the laughable Farce of / THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tJ 1 U N I) o 1 (RiuJXD Itoi-.). P lIriVEL-Y FisR OsE NIGHTONLY! Go NEXT IHURSDAY EVFNING, 3d APRIu, ° GP.AND Vt)(CAL CONCERT. VOCALITS: MI-s M. WILLIAMS, The celebrated Couitralto, of her Majpsty's Concerts, Philharmonic Society of London, Musical Festivals, &c.. bliss PHILLIPS, ger First Appearance in Dublin (daighter of the celebrated Mr. H. Pliilips); Mr. L O C K E Y, Principal Tenor of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, PRACTICAL OBSERVATION.S (Third Edi- tion) on the TABES DORSALES, or NERVOrg ATRtOPHY. That species of decline indaced by early diesipation, gi indiscretions of youth, or the excesses and intemperaae of riper years, ir which an Approve t Remedy and the best mo te of treatment iB recommended; by E. SMEITII, U1.D. Puice ls. 6d. Also, Praetiel -Observations on Female Complaints, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Siir~uEENS ROYAL TIEATRE. IS EVES'l (Wednesday), April 30, the perfor- Tle r mence with the new grand Drama of n E FLpHisGOR, TIlE MOUNTEBANK; 0l1, TIIE PRIDE OF BIRTH. elerX r. Rcynolds; Madeleine, Mrs. Harris rag se-al by Mdlle. lrnestine St. Louia and Ladie, the 'lo be followed by the Interlude of THE SCHO tL FOR TIGERS; on, TIIE SHILLING lfOP. To conclude with the laughable Farce o BETSY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ALL WHO WEAR BOOTS AND SHOES. VSE are Selling BOOTS and SHOES several I I Shillings a pair lower than many of our Customers have been in the habit of paying. We are told that we are Selling too Cheap; that it Will not pay to Sell BOOTS and SHOES of the superior quality we manufacture, at such low prices. We are determined to continue to do sn, being convinced that an extensive Sale at a ...