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April 1851
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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... ~the DI JRY's HEALTH IEtORN FOOD :beets TUE REYALENTA A A IA ;Ween) (C ATTION.-The most diogiastifig and in- V jurioii5compoun~ds being sold by unscl.iplous 5pmCt)' latars upon the oreluiyoftd1ule ls mtt D flu- tion of the 4aame of DUX BARRIY'S RVVtALrNTA ARA- Bwng uA FOOD,; or wtihe pretence ?? o'tlatde,- hossr- le aendluirahlbl medy for In ?? Coesotsi a shaour BRR ?? i. and.Liver Cousilaits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIAII;'Ay 11.)iDE EASY y Ilt, 110iV TO W\IN A r DA XIE W A X) V 1LL, 33, Great Peicy Nli Stleet, lpeltott~lile, Lon'1OI5, elI chiles to send fre~e T on1 receipt ofthirteen uncut peo1sigo stamps, plain dhiec- tions 'to enale Ladies or Gellilemon to win thte devoted I affections ;f as mnI y of the oppsite sex as their hearts may eills Tile pl-i(ess is simple, but aO ca1ptivating anenhlbrttllilg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DU BARRY'S HWALTR RESTO R!Ne FOOD THM REJVALENTA ARABICA. ?? most disgusting an.n VJjuriou55coniPO'fll~5beilng od by unscrpl5SP0- laters upon the credul~ity of the Public, under close initia- tilot Of the name of DU BARay's REVALENTA' ARA~. DICA FOD, or wihapreteloce of jpeing similar to that de- 'lIe OOD, ord vitalubl reeyfr adi tion, Conetipia- tion, Naryoutla 1iliusadLvrCmlitess.O BIyaidCo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EXHIBITION. eir ELABORATE AND COSTLY FuRNITuRas.-Last week in there was a private view of two most elaborate Lhpieces of workmanship, which are to be contributed to the Exhibition, by Messrs. Holland and Son, up- holsterers, Marylebone-street, St. James's. The. Lo first was a book-case, made to form one end of a in room. The material is walnut, richly and minutely eta carved. In the centre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? WJ'A2-y AId'L; EAS;Y Gil)IOV TO WIN A RLj A D 'ME M~faWLVl, 321, Great Percy 1n tecri lit es to Send free T stopplain dithree titnsiot¶0etittlie Ladis or Grnhlenlteti to win the deoted afections ef ita bnatty Of the opz.,iite sex~as their hearts mnay require. 'riteproerist is 5illlp!L ?? So captivating and enlitrallieg that all nra.5be titarried itrespeetive of age, appearance, or posititti ...