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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... '?UII? to FIILIPPERS and I0ASSENGERS ,\ . 'i toad ?? M kt.At'UA wilt iiECEt't'E * 'N B lillilli'. at the Jetty, Lotittoti Dot'ts, auth Ill \ It I di,' Ith ittot. hits exettetit, aeeaiaiutedatioii fur * ?? 4V ? t?IN II?I X end ChINA vii't EGYPT.- N NI Nt I, StEAM B'iINYE'.'ANCE for * ?? U ci ci: IlAIN, MAtt?,AS, CALC C'ii'A, ?? lit ititit ItONIS ?? aitat ? 5N1 N ?? C it. ity hoot, ia?srt?'tN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D A SIi THREE PER CENT. LOAN 1825.-I Notice is hereby given, that, in cocaformilv with the terms of the Contract for the above Loan, 109 0I'ECIAL BONDS, amounting to the sum of £50,709, the particulars whereof are at foot, hoec been purchased by Mesois. N. M. ROTIISCIIILD and SONS, being the Fifty.cecoed Itetf.yearty Purchase of honda per- cha.sccl for the Royal Ministry of Finance at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?OTICE t? ?iHPPEIiS and PASSENGERS jINEX dircet-TItO MALACCA will RECEIVE I GOODS at the Jetty, London Docks, until ?tl ? thc 15th iflOt. hits ?? ttccomtnodatton for pitt? ? otto fAte, 01tt?stcersg paengcrs stilt dtsctigttged. IhilliphitiV, and Loother, 2, Royal EN- It tO ,. ttr to F. (liceti titid Co., 04, Coritltill. IT ?? go ?Vto INDIA and CHINA vi? EGYPT.- ? Tas'-? SIUNTIILY MAIL STEAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JELD-MARSHAL J3LUCIIER a?d the DUKE F of IVELLING'! ON-The II ISTUIIICAL t'ICTUIIK by Mr. BA UK KIt, ittustrat tit? the meeting of the tWO Wailielo Ott the evening of the victory of Waterloo, wilt telillilil O? ? ? Mr Moolt's Icr a fec, hiss longer. Admissieli hr ticket or personal address card, troiii 'Pci, o'clock until Firc.-B), Thccadileetlle.i4rict. Jj ER MAJESTY'S TJIEATRE.( P'icot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il * hl\.IiNU'J'ON.-'rie ?? h Mr. PSv I ii orisex (Id)s logikfe. AilliissiotiIi lxy bcli, orl lperslill a~ddress aild, from l'fi'. o'clock Oiitil Eie.-20, 'l'hreadiiolc~l-strlt. UNlIlRIt ITl. 12 ATII()NA[I Ol l2 IISII NIt NOS'' C'lItACl()liS MA- Jk:S'l'Y TIIS N CUNEN ANI) 111111. II.'l~l NN Al1 l:EII'I'. t ?? JAMEsS',S TlJElATBE](.-ITle 1'PoNTE:RS' \) IIllAMA'lIC SO(.'II.'I'Y'S ?? lANCE ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I PUTh iICATIO)NS. IJuast pi blishred, iol2 vola, peutSvo., wsith Eight Pertratit't of llc- inlarhable IFrechll W~omlen, prlice eI. ill enthelsscd calotb 117 OMAN inl FRlANCE dulrin~g t'he 18th' Cent'ury. T * Iiv JULIA I;ATANAGII. *'Miss Eiaranaghl has vinlertabric al delicate tasl;, and shle hac~ per'feraicll it on1 thc ?? w~ith iihcretien and~ ilidgine(t, 11cr ,olnlines mlay lic COl llay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r?TI('E t41I1A?,SkNOL1?S per COLDS']. REAM, fr M LI HAS ltd CAI.CUTTA.-Thiii slip hoing now on her ??'?1. i'-t'is t:Nc. HItS are requested to he there, 1.1 1.-tI l.A Ii to en 0! 0111100' Oe\t, the a4th lust., ito tiw' will j.'ht the ?? tiiorniii?.-F. Green and ?? t;4, lit.' at i'.,rtoiaooth, Iteosro. Garratt and l.iibooii. ?OTIC t? SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS, or ? SN [INEX diVClt.TTliiS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. ILGRAND EXTRA NIGHT. It is raspeetfully- annzounlced thlat a grand Extra Night will takc pilace onl Thursday, April 24, onl whichl occasionl will bo prcentcltd Auber's highly ,uccnesful opera of hfUTA DI POR'IICI (MfASANIRLLO). Elvira, Minec. Fiorenthini Fecilal, Udlle. Lfontl, Masaniollo, Sig. Perdinil * nd Pielro, M. Llassol. With all the Incidlental anud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F I LD MAR~SHAL BLUrCHER arid tihe DUKE L o VLIGT N.-Tho HISTORICAL PICTURE by Ur. B I~ER ilutaiurthe meeting of tho twvo warriors on the evenin~g of tho victory of Wa terloo, will remaina ON VIEW at Mr. Moon'lls for a fevs days longerr. Adinisolon bv ticket, or pereonal addreoo card, from Tenl o'clock unltil Five.-20, Threadnoedlc-street. HIER MIAJESTY'S THEATRE.- The First Appearancec of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q'FLCl? to SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS ? ? .,yj i.,lfY ?? MALACCA Will ?? I ?, ? £'7'l ?ii OIlS at the Jetty. Lniidaii Docko, until he vth just. lion rxvvllvat aecoinninitataili for trrin'? ?? and -.tecragc 1iOSet'fli7ero 7 still diestigaged. * Philip-, Show, and Lowtlier, ii, lia? al En Ii idin? ?? I a P. tlreeii antI Co., 434, LXeviitdIl. ? First-Cl?SS Ship D 0 M I N I 0 N, finE 5ff?Sl tans ...