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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... E R M AJ E S T Y'S TllEAT R]E. J GRANI) EXTRA N[OIIT. It is respectftully atititit cci that a grand Extra Night wcill take place ol Tlhursilay, April 24, on wthich Occasion ill be presieateu Auber's highly sucocssftdl opera of MUTA 1)1 psltllCI CM ASANIELLO). Elvira, Mine. Florentinji Fellelfl, tttlllc. )oiitt Maci:Aielle), Sig. IPardini; and l ielro, 51. M'Bassol. With all the incidental and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .~TTTYTELTON, CANTERBURY 1 LiI~ I I. ?? Ii Ii lie, e~ to' land lma.'euiigerq aiti Lpoods - i ?? Z~ealaiid, tite FIRST1-CLASS sit Well'' iti. iid N ,V I 1 e ithni to sail ott the Sth of' G( ii ~ i.P~ ~ ?? ?? iaritel~ I and pros jiolotte byv Li ln:ti att' e, ofi Ilitis~ietti Chief eilbin (a at tli't'l{-l 1.2 ; ucond utbittt 525 tisteertige, lie! iti bllt. i fiA iei 'te half. Each' sip ealrricn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0_ISERNRAILWAY..-EASTER KS :I'5d .iU ?? Stations ?? the ?? fr I the, Train teavrloit Loiii(tlo at So'O aol. vii Easter ci t ?? ut at 21'M Oim. on Easter Monday andl 'rwht .ila~lte to retil-nally dlay dureing the E~aster I WN-t NlTi Iit~t'tOUS AltO ACK 5so. .. . . 2to. it 1tli\l leia toiioiito ll Stations- andt hack, * v~ Fll' t.ili e .~ ~ iidTtusoday, leaving ~,iI *to ohai rilililig roii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W AREIHOUSING- DEPARTMENT, PAN- TECHNICON, near Bclgravc-squiarc.-The Proprictor begs to call the attention of the nobility and gentry and the poblie in general, to the iron FlItE-PlROOF SAFETY-ROOMS and ware- houses for the reception of furniture, and cvery description of pro- perty. Separate ruooms nay be hired on which private locks inay be placed; also soparate bliss fir wine-N.B. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F IELD-MARSHAL WBLUCHBR arid the DUKE L of WELlINGTON--'&he HISTORICAL PICTURE by Mr. BARKED,, illustratini ''no ,ceting of the two warriors oil tha sve-ng of the victoty of Waterloo, wilt remain ON VIEW at Mr. Ioon's for a reNN days longer. Asdmimsion by tickht, or pefonial address card, fromt T'cn o'clock until Five.-20, Threadneedle-street I TER MAJE STY'S ThIEATRIE. GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. i j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ri-WSTE-NRAILWAY. NJ)()\td (5cWX E XC URSIO)N TRAIN Ito ~t~ i1ollACK.-'A SPECIAL tI' it .\ t pubie11tlic of a is~ililtO the splendidlt .Y~11~i.'*Ti.111e a1tile jintereo'titg avetiery arautid I: ?? , I'tteItepirtt Train weill leave Learn- Fill, 11 tile22dat 5 0 p,.u. Se ondii Cla . rI k.t ei ?? lb' order. thy i'ii tatiott, April 14, 1 SC1. R'ET1N R AI L WAY.- (r IIFF:P XCUI SION I TRAINS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l t''TWN direct, at regular trader, o I lIII,,, bar~qt(l 1WERWENT, A 1, registers t~it ~ 1 l IttitttsvtiM'I~RTil ?? lying ilk timl ,. rih ii io-iao ppit to C. tauielavllu, 'iflW~1 to tievittl tiii ?? ?? Itiltitei re! -I§ ltth\R'UTOWN direct, a regular Tinder, PtIirtioi (f lti erargo cligagelt, 1101 ccill he, Ii I I 1110tiit no! tianitti CiOWN11I LL., A 1, A ict , r oN ?? Ilet' ]Vill ilk tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E PiFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, JI l.'ALLOSITIES, &e., W^ITHlOUT CUTTING, or causing, the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENEllRG, Author of ' Practical Exposition ol thie Human Foot, and Disease, of the Feet. Mi, EISH.NIERf'S systeni isat once novelaod 'ased upon long expciciiee; it hasu, rueivd thci sanictioii of the ltovail Families of Eormie, p1ot11 tile tir-t of the 1tibility aild ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Wflliamniutrct, Lowndcoqlulrta.-A desirale Residcince held for at long tcrill, ata grouid rent. IR . GEO. GOULMS)11ITI hegs respectfully to M statehe will SUBMIT for SALE 1;^ AUCTION, at thc Auictionl 3Mrt., on Thuirs~la ?? -M::v 8 ait rw\ cl c by dh-cet ion ol' thc ropietor, th~e xcseillet IA'ElOL.D lPI2A'TE RESIDENCE, situateand beaig No. 16, Willialnmsttect, Lowntdes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IELD-MARSIIAL BLUCHER arnd the DUKE F of WELLINGTON-The HISTORICAL PICTURE by Mr| BARKER, illustratimn the meeting of the two wvarriors ol thC evening of the victory of Waterloo, will rcmain ON VIEW at ir. ,loon's for a few davs longer. Adnission by ticket, or personal address card, from 1ncr o'clock until Five.-20, Thrcadnecdle-strecet. ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.' H GRAND EXTRA RIGHT. It is ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. New Etlitiou, Illiustrated with Forty-live coloured Engrav ilgs, ana contaipiin6 the newly-discovered Preveitire Lotion. Just pub- lishle, the 54tI 'Tlionsand, price 2s. 3d., in 3 sealed eiivolope, or scot by the aithor, post paid, for 40 postage stamips, 1J ANHOOD: the Causes of its Premature M7.JL Decline, vithi Plain Directions for its Perlect Restoration ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F IELD-MIARSHAL BLUCHER aind the DUKE of WELLINGTON.-The HISTORICAL PICTURE by Mr. BARKER, ?? the meeting of the two swarriors on the evenilg of the victory of Waterloo, wll remrain ON VIEW at Mr. MQOI's for a fev, d.ys longer. Admission by ticket, or personal ddrcss card, from Tel o'cl ock un til Five.-20 Threadneedlc.gtreet. TER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. G GRAND EXTllA NIGHT. It in rospectfully ...