Advertisements & Notices

... N1OTICE TO SHIPPRS.-The Rate of Freight by these gff P Vessels wvill herc tr be FOUR POUNDS per Ton, until of co further notice ie pARCELS for different Consignees, collected and made up in stert Sitgle pac'eages, addressed to one party for delivery in Amce- agen rica, for the ptirpose of evading tb- p:tvment of Freight, will, (/ncl upon e socliration in America by the Customs, be charged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01iICE to SHIPPERS.-For BOMBAY, the fine first-cla'5flilgte-bulilt shi SCHAHTJISHAN will receive Wareinent goods in tee West Indi Docks tile oday the reuethd Ste June, ,jid will pr-ced eolravesendntextday. Shpcaerq std O their goods down and cleared in ?? freight or passage to hiv, LINDSAYV, 8, Rest India-chamibers. ThSuTiALIAN -LINE OF PACKET SHips, I Afor sYDSEY Direct, andil R~gular Traders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. BROWNE AND PAYNE have much pleasure in informing the Nobility, Gentry, and Public that they are now supplied with a beautiful Stock of Irish Manufactured Trowserings, vuch as they had the honour of Exhibiting to HIS EXCELLENCl IHE LORD LIEUTENANT AND THE IRISH COURT. IRISH MANUFACTURE.-Browne and Payne, of this city, submitted to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s QUEEI ROYAL THEATRE. ' E~lSG (Aonday), May 5, 1851, the perfor- Z EViE emce with thp new Dy anma of l~t% it A DAY OF lRECKOZ.lNG. I ?? Mr. liremley; Claude Moreau, Mr. Rey- l 03d'Aren, al, Mrs. Ilarr is. i b a Nev Ba3rleita-, entitled the / ?? 'nIOOP OF ?? JAMES. I .,er 08s Smallbones, Mr. F. Robson; Ms Jane t |retline St. l.onin will dance La Truandaise. ,dlle ?? SCJO -L FOR TIG4ERS; 01:, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3COTTISHt U~NION INSURANCE COMPANY. NOTICB. HEDIRECTORS~ Of thle SCOTTISHI UNION IN- T lIE11IANCL U (10I'1ANY,] have to intiniate that thl ft RECEII PTS tir palymenit Of FI'1 RE lOLICIE8 duo( ait the I Teril oft jV Il 'S NANti rc nowv ready for deli very at th ?? 11IA ?? Vpice and NVa ious A Oci: NC1:, atnd lihoud be tialken op S onl or before thle 31101 CIFI curt. me/i/i o/ice 0/i/era, Call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *team N'abigatfonfl GREAT REDUCTION OF FARES AND FREIGHTS By the CoRNtWALL & EXPRESS STA CoP N. The Cornwall antd Exrs tB ops~bgtE05~' thilat'lmhe lIlfiaoonh es f e~c~hr roesengers to BerIstol 'ags rsilii h oto of ref urniniFreewi A teoluctlon ofreTicktntt beTasfrncVasrtclr of which tony be fotln ntispo a .a.B o.ThO Stamr cl at St. Ives, Fpttstow, and Ilfracombe, S with privilege eo'fre ike. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to UENOS AYRES BONDS.-At the MEET-I B~IN(,t of the 11O.NDIHOLD~ERt, brid at tite London Tavern, RI, on, Ainy 22,OEPOEt~,i ?? ?? DANID OIIJ1N 5qi ?? SCd,1 It wvas resolved- des. I. That Slit period ha. utidoubtedly arrived whcn, opon every principle of naional good faith, On tie part of Buenos Ayres, anti LIley ofgo eligon the plirt Of licr, Governmsent, atidt of contutolt affic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. STRICTURI. OF i1 llF URETilRA AND SPERMATOR~lul(A. Just publisiled iSvo. iln cloth, price 3s. td., pest free, is A TREATISI' oni the CURE of STRICTURE' of the MIt IRA. Witl Practical Observatiois ol the Treat- mcnt of Spernmntorrha. u bY Cauterization. By F. 13. COUlTL'NAY, M.R.C,SL. Those bwho conliplain West ?? are thise onlv who kiow not how to use the ?? in utrutents . The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o (G 30S fot u jocargingec October 13th, ?? lemel, th ?? DO ?? of CROWbN Ti MERe 160 ?? best Bliddlingditto le15 .. Crown Oak i - 861 Pieces Crown Plank, 11 x 3 ,, 1200 Pieces Crown Pipe Staves pe 5 Fathoms Lathwvod oa of DASH WOOD and Co, ImPOrters. El to North Wharf, Gosport. IC D. and Co. have on Sale a seasoned Stock of Chris. n. tiana, Baltic, Archangel, and American Deals and d, Timber. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~J ~ut L.--lhepublic are ?? informed that S As fo th~lis %c asin)ol~ lf'edi,?say, the Seventh OrfMay. jind lY o 5llowving daye. The proceede to be appropriated andtcd n on f tile debt on the above chapel. The ;lle d10td51 IIday at eleven o'clock, a.m. And on tEA ?? be held in thre same place, tat ?? ~D~eceOne Shillinig each. ~ ~wll be ?? offer to the inspection of pur-c tie ~ of ?? for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN GUANO, OATS, &c. TORN GAUSSEN & CO., OFFER FOR SALE+- 400 Bags Peruvian GUANO; 1 100 Tons Feeding OATS and BENS; With FLOUR, WHEAT, INDIAN CO N, Alicante BARILLA, and Spanish CANE REEDS. 11, Albert Square, 1st May, 1861. 972 TO CONSUMERS OF TIMBER. J OHN MURPHY begs to inform his numerous Customers that the contemplated reductions in the duty on Foreign Timber has taken place. Being ...