Advertisements & Notices

... ri; jE QUEIEN'S YOYAL THEATRE. )vis rVESNG (Thursday), May 1, 1851, the perfor- w will coamene5 with the new grand Drama of BlIEpLI'IIEGOII, THE MOUNTEBANK; (t, TIlE PRIDE OF BIRTH. peldieger Mr. Reynolds; Madeleine, Mrs. Ealris. p' Set d by Mdlle. Ernestine St. Louin and Ladies of the To be followed by the Interlude of TILE SCHOOL FOR TIGERS; / Oil, THE SIHILLING HOP.0 To conclude with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS, HI~E PHLARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL T (MAY 1), eoiltailnllig thia TfRANSACTIONS OF T~lEl H'IARIIACEUTICAL SOCIETY. COcTrcrS: Tibe Great Exhibition: Chenti'tr at I Pharmacy-- The TcnthI Anniversary if the phiarmsaceutical Societv -'1he Arsenic B31-,iLt-Sepe hospato of` ?? the Ftoruiatioti itn Growith.s of Crystais-Glaciat Acetic Aeht-Gutta Pereha, i.toutcihouc, Fian Ficus FEtastica-Rted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D1 SCOTT's BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS. A N Extraordinary CURE oF INDIGESTION by ?? taking Ds. SCOTT's BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS, PTepcred without any mercurial iogredient, from the recipe of Dr Scott, of Bromley. To Mr W. Lambert, Chemist, 20, Jermyn street, Haymarket, n,-I . was for a considerable period afflicted with Indiges. C- in its most obstinate form, which baffled the rkill of the most uo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO FAMILIES VISITING LONDON. W E beg leave to acquaint our Friends who visit London that the Concerns in King William street, Strand, having been inadequate to an increased Trade, we have removed our business to NO. 8, GREAT WINDMILL-STREET, HAYMARKET, to which extensive Wine Vaults are attached. Our Stock consists of all WINES in general use, L.L. and SCOTCH WHISKY, COGNAC BRANDY, GUIN- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 1,,,T LYTTELTON, CANTERB3URY 1^Ol i 7NT, edits liboity to land passengors and goods tX 1icss; ; ~isports iu tsllew Ztadnd, the firs4-class pa-s. ' c,. ,oS t~ons register, for Canterbury, Iblason; and ol tie 28th of May. S ''l°1'j,.tND, 5st33 tons register, fur Canterbury, Web sa il the 28th of May. ,lA sx Doks, chartered and provisioned by the ips Ldic i ont~. Dates of ?? Caliti, or whole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUE WEEKLY CIHRONICLE of SATURDAY I --xrd S ?? -(erdtt 64o- - t tedarptyon oftheOPEIN[NO f the EXH TlON, slari an summaryo ib oral, d ProgreMs Reflctions on ?? tn Infitenoc, alpbyiosi, ndi commercial, with ample 4etalle o the ie~adin teaturco within the talace. and an interestlng aecount of Dth 1bc mrs. The extenrive publication of the WEEKLY CHtONICLE ii di:ied jaw tbee distinct editions-on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price IIs., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH, AND OArrINEss, TGU MEANS BY 93LOWHICH THEY A BE OBTARED, a Medical WoIkon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, asd Dseasybof th Generative System, with observations on the trq(m Bto Nelrous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1I PE'THERICK, , -1 RNTPE PAINTER, GLAZIER, ?? I Ps \ GILDER, &c.. &c. tit itcere tha'nks to the Public, - enerally, who have favored him for the pa4 six years. and begs, I in them that he has REMOVED plill,(;E STREET, EXETER, to carrv on the above Business, 1 the most moderate Terms. \5,INGS IN GREAT VARIETY, N :. I'EL C ?? pnic ?? and smlarbles neatly executed. v,-,.rhlren sent to any part ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEAVITREE,-DEVoN. O be LET, for such a Term as may Tagreed on, from Lady-day, 1851, all that FARM HOUSE, with the Outbuildings and Premises, and the Two Sma be HOUSES, usually Let therewith, together with th er GARDEN OR NURSERY he Ground adjoining, containing together about 7A. It. and also all that Close of LAND, called PIG MEADO th containing about 2A. 2a. 13P. tal The above Premises are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXETER TURNPIKES. T L OTICE is Hereby Given,-That the TU. . N TOLLS arising at the Toll Gates upon the Exeter rest Turnpike Roads, called or ?? by the Names of the for . OK1EHAMTON, CREDITON, ALPHINGTON, DUNSFORD, EIM A FIELD, THREE HonsE SsoImS, and UPTON Px'NE, will be FeYb LET by Auction, to the best Bidder, at the GumhDHALI, Cor in the Citv of Exeter, on S.TURDAY, the l7th day of MAY NO I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NICOLL.'S NEW SUMMER COAT. J c El RI ST I E & SO.N, 6 GEORGE STEET, J. have just received a large assortment of NICOLL'S NEW Z RIEL PALETOTS AUND MORNING JACIiETS, in. orery size and colour. Also a large variety of the 1AIETOT D'ETE'0 and the : - REGISTERED PALETOT, NEW STORY BY THE AUTHOR OF MARGARET MAITLANTD. Now Ready at all the Libraries, in 1 Vol, B. C L. E B F E 1 L D: A TA A IE. n mm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL BDM1 OF SCOTLAIW, Edinburgb, list May 1851. E COURT of DIRlE:C.TOlRS ofthe ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLA>ND tive Notice, that La GENERAL COURT. 0fPOPR3IE5T'ORS will be held at their OF3c in Edinburgb,? I Trs.DA the 3d day of Junze nzext, at Two o'Clock fer- 1 noon, pursuant to the Charter. and JAMIES WIGHT, Secy. LINLITTHGO HWSHIE. mer IN( R'E GENERAL HAI.F-YEARLY MEETING for WI , />rancing ...