... horse market was far below an average; somae nod horses, however, were disposed of at prices, in someod reaching 151.-Aorterm Whig. The fair of Carrens, held on Tuesday, was in en good. Cattle were in much demand and sold well ?? was no advance in ?? Examniner ...


... Parliament, and of ?? the personal characteristics of the members. the pt ma~tiol Tait's Edinburgh .3fagazine for May. a well The Whig Family Compact, a spirited article, opieio cons wishfully over the chances of breaking it up. etrikir This magazine, as is ...


... have the power To regain Protection. Who to ruin will submit, Broken, beggared, bit by bit! Let him vote as lie is fit, For a Whig's Election! Who in pride of honest worth, Loves the fair land of his birth I Let him send his suffrage forth To recall Protection ...

Fashion and Varieties

... and distinguished parent. The Earl of Cottenham, it is scarcely necessary to add, thtcughout. life' was ever a' consistent Whig, and a sound and impartial judge I Times. 'The subscription towards the Rushton testimonial I amounts to £8,200. Cueous ...

Literary Notices

... think it also an admirable touch to in where 1Fallen (who lies descended in his miseries to Butt he, tilepaid agent of both whig and jacobite) is made to froni excuse his time-serving by his love to his children ; for and tbat shows the susceptibility ...


... suspicion. We think it also an admirable touch where Fallen (who has descended in his miseries to be the paid agent of both Whig and Jaco- bite) is made to excuse his time-serving by his love to his children ; for that shows the susceptibility to the household ...


... ir noble and -distiangished parentt.- ' -The.Earl cf-uitt'enham- ;it- is scarcely.-necessary to--add throughout life'wa4 a Whig, and-ai soandia ipartial - judge. ,- ; C i - ' .,SNODO ioP -CUecue- iOr SCOTLAeD, rare- EcNDa.- s This synodncording to the ...


... published,- and are done in the satis- factory manner for which Tait has been so long famed. 'The political article on The Whig Family Compact, is a smartly written sum-r mary of theevents connected with Lord John's sham resignation, in which the trickery ...


... published, and are done in the satis- factory manner for which Tait has been so long famed. 'The political artiele on The Whig Family Compact, is a smartly written sum- mary of the events connected with Lord John's shaml resgnttion, i which the trickery ...


... great difficulty I got through it in two days. It is on the story of Lord Russel. John Lilburne himself could not have more whig-zeal. The style extremely deficient in grammar is flogged up to more extravagant rants than Statius's or Claudian's, with a ...


... laudatory article on the Exhibition' and 'is originator ; and con- cludes with a more natural and truthful vondemnation of the Whigs as a body. .AnEesay on' Pigs' and Pig: Worship is most abominable trash, and nothing but a positve dearth of better matter ...


... as willing to admit us .to their most private and delightful confidences. The leaders and many distinguished members of the Whig party ,have presented Mr Tufell, M.P. for Devonport, and formerly Secre- tary of the Treasury, with a splendid candelabrum ...