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Advertisements & Notices

... o (G 30S fot u jocargingec October 13th, ?? lemel, th ?? DO ?? of CROWbN Ti MERe 160 ?? best Bliddlingditto le15 .. Crown Oak i - 861 Pieces Crown Plank, 11 x 3 ,, 1200 Pieces Crown Pipe Staves pe 5 Fathoms Lathwvod oa of DASH WOOD and Co, ImPOrters. El to North Wharf, Gosport. IC D. and Co. have on Sale a seasoned Stock of Chris. n. tiana, Baltic, Archangel, and American Deals and d, Timber. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECONO'MIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The Ri;Jrt H-on. Sir T. FRANELAND LEWIs, Bart., WM.P., Chairman. HIENHY FREDnRIC STEPHENSON, Esq., Deputy Chairman. ADVANTAGES. 1HiE lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual Svstem. T The whole of the Profits divided among the Assured every Fifth Year. The sum of £274,000 was added to Policies at the last Division, which produced an average Bonus of £92i per cent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAGDA.LEN COLLEGE SCHOOL. nead.lMaster, the Rev. JAMBS ELWIN MiLLARD, 31.A. TERMS. encluding all ordinary instructions, with Singing and Drilling.) a Boarders, per annum, Sixty G uineas. Day Boys, ditto, Fourteen ditto. EXTRA (IF DESIRED.) Music (11r. Reinagle) per quarter . ?? . 5 as o trench jM. de Brion) ditto ?? ?? 1 0 Droning (Mr. J- V. Richardson) per ditto ?? I I 0 Information ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0~l he LET, from Michaelrnas,-A DAIRY FARMT Tof about 300 Acres of Meadow, Pastore, and Arable Land. -Apply to Mr. Thomas Fiorey, Launton, near Bicester, Oxford- shire, who will shew the Farm. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. fOPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER has been tested by many years' experience, and stands unrivalled for coughs, asthmas, hoarseness, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, croup, hooping ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIXON'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. FIFTY years' experience has proved that this mild F aperient Medicine, which is prepared free from mercury or any deleterious drug whatever, has been the greatest blessing to thousands of persons in all parts of the world. These Pills cor- rect all disorganization of the stomach, and restore a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and remove all obstruc- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f YWALLINGFORD, BERKS. ITO be LET,-CROFT HOUSE, a good Family ,JL Residence, in complete repair, replete with excellent fixtures, large chaise-house, two-stall stable, with lofts over, good out-offices, an ornamental garden in front and rear, with large ?? possession may be had. To view and for terms apply to Messrs. Billiard, auctioneers, &c., Lower Wharf, Wallingford. 0To be LET, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d---sumI3113P. SHOW OF 3%I EJINB;RtY, MEAN3WT L3ES $ &e. C ILTON e SBEAUMNIONT _ESETFU'LLY infolm the Ladies that their suite of V-,'0j itoolfS 'vill be re-opened with SUl MiVER F fRIDAY NE-XT, June 6, when they -will pgleaSW ta 0ublmitting to their inspection a choice h eno Meltie irk lILINERY, 1MAN'TLES, SHAWLS, tel~ssEL 1)AIIA LS, COLLARS, FANCY GOODS, &c. s. ii> , STRlE, 17 -OXFORD, Mo1t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO GROCERS AND DRAPERS. mo be DISPOSED OF, in the respectable neigh- I bourhood of Northleach, Gloucestershire,-A BUSINESS in the above lines. The concern is a first-rate one; the con- nexion with the principal families in the neighbourhood of itself ensures a respectable living; besides which, it having been con- ducted upon the premises by the late Mr. Duckett and his family for a very long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C URACY wvanted in the South of O.xfordshire, or the adjacent parts of Berks or Bucks. Stipend not so much an ok jlect as a good hou h c atid ?? address, apply at the Office of this Jounal. A TAN'flD, after the Mlidsumrmer vacation, at a Seminary for young Ladies in the country, a TEACHER, who has been accustolnsed to thc general routine of as English education and can instruct in Writing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ LONDON & NORTH-WESTERN :t RAILWAY. GREAT EXHIBITION. FIRST SHILLING DAY OF ADMISSION. 5srpHE Public are respectfully informed that, in celebration -.of the Opening of the New Line into Oxford, an , EXCURSION TEAIN will leave the New Station, at the d Botley Road, Oxford, on MONDAY NEXT, May 26, at 7-30 AM f., arriving in London at 9.15 A.X The Return Tram will leave the Euston Square Station ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-;XzCos 1ING ASSOCIATION. fiE ublic are respectfully informed that the prin- 1 ?? in this City (excepting some more immediately wL with the University) will continue to beclosed, as at cnzlectt Ptht o'clock during the ensuing Summer, Saturday fveii.%w ?? Early Closing Movement will be greatly ledbe he ublc soppng early. 01cmd7ar Rees, Qrreiite~t t, ~ Ozford, Afay , 18 M. fit driiflal Pleuras ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUAY STREET, FAREHAM. H ENRY THO5MPSON respectfully announces to 1E his Friends, and Agriculturists generally, that he has COMMENCED BUSINESS in the AGRICULTURAL SEED TRADE and as it is his intention to supply none but the most approved sorts, selected with great care from the best growers, he hopes by attention and fair charges, to obtain a share of their favours. He has also on sale, the ...