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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? of every monto.antbd hill Sst or a *bot th the odf ,( ar Bmbay eat proceed by ttb Compan~'e I ernS o2' the 29th of the month to Masthbense to Alxamanr yy 10efsjeely's atssraers and o ?? the Honourable East india ~E ?? the 20th and 29th of every y'cae.tantlnet~ po-n the 29th of the month. Alescadris-On p1z~aith~ dORTUGAL~l0~ b nOport,, Liabon, Cadiz, and Glb- oniiDC~tb, 71th, 17th3td 3fthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADD _ R E OV A L. GECA]DORGETAI gSTAY DEPOT, 15 BRIDGE-STREET, to Co.WINE-STREET. 15, piseo notice tho address. A1- 1!- T T O L ADIE S. f BEAUTIFUL EMBOSSED PARASOL, gised and admIred by Leadiles of acknowledged taste and ~~O. p To Ds HAD OF cBSOp. I, BRISTOL-BRIDGE. C.B IS ortmernt of the nowvest Elardosfrora tbe usefuito 'jimense full dress Lare-fringed Parasol. A'ND LODGING-HOUSE KEEPERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. T~hi', day it phthli-.hell, Iin2 oI4el. deimn Svo., T IE CORtRESPONDE1NCE of noRACE T WALP01,it, Elult of 0ftf')tiI, aisd tle flev. WfILLIAMI MAO.Nos flist pulditfwte frois the Ofrigittitt MSR. Eiteid . Mllf Not c, he fit,( Jt'.j hIT'fP'f11, Auth.r,t'f'i Tho file, of ray.'' Ths CoreolthtiOO the Iast. urit leaoit th unpubl,tllehd LetIter or 'this iIII~tenthl0 ?? Iter. ftetiaet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVEiRTISEMENT]. NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The A&rnual General Meeting of th is Society was held yes- terday at the London Tavern, BighoPsgate-street, Mr. Lamle ltfurra3 In the chair. The meeting was very numner- A Re poceeingswere opened by reading the directors' re-~ poti which also was embodielte report of the actuary appointed to inspect the affairs of h oit nuly The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cONORT-ALL LOD NELSON-STREET. S ATURDAY EVENING CONCEKtTS, WITH LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS. TO-MORROW, SATURDAY,3MAN 19, A GRAND SCOTCH ENTE1ITAINIE.NT. Mj'ei WIIITNAL L, Mrs G, 1101L11EN, min a IR AYTO N, Alks C. DRSAYTON, Mr. MIR',.NIA, Mr. SCA'TISBRICK, aiid Mr. G. H1OLDIEN. Bnh~jy , ?? 61,d,' Galleries, 6d.; Ite.,ervol Seat'., IS. Se:oni 'rickets (fiot transferabile) for tule Re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SO BOARD OF GREEN CLOTIL re ?? PALACE, Mir 6,1151. NOTICE is hereb~y given, to the Ariibass-adors, the Foroe-ig Ministers, the niemberg uf her Majesty's Most (a tlonsortible Priv;y Coun.cil, and Cthe Gfliters and Ladies of the IC Rloyal Household, invited to her Majesty's flai onl W'ednesdayj ~d Eveninig, the ith installt, that their earriages ale to enter ?? lfames's Park by thle great gate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. T ?? Swift's (surgeon and aurist) successful practice in this town for a great many years, has left him with many witnesses who cheerfully testify their restora- tiou to hearing, without having to suffer the least incon- venience or pain. Amongst many others, he can name Mr. Cheetham's boy, 16, Everton Gardens, six years of age, who was deaf and dumb, and who can now read and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m OOTHACHE, PREVENTED. _-Price is. per Packet; Post free, is. ld. BRANDE'S ENAMEL. for ifiling decaying teeth, and rendering thaeme sound and paislesa, has, from its unquestionable excell enc is great popularity at home and abroad. Its ouratie. agency is based upon a true theory of the cause of toothache, and hencet its great success. By most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve, and ...

Published: Sunday 18 May 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5540 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Ot PWO. DRURY- LANE. Tains Evvmzar, AZAEL TilEWPRODIGAL. Messrs. Tanilenhoff, Cooper, and West; Mrs. W. Lacy, Miss Villurp, Mibs P. Horton, and MdUe. Victorine Legrain.-tUNE SOIREE CAflrAVAL. Mdlle. V. Legrain.-Amd HARLEQUIN AND GOOD QUEEN BESS; or, Merrie England in the Olden Time. Mescre. Lauri and Doughty; Miss PalHer. -Doors open at 6j. FIAYMARKET. Tars Evy-sNmo, RETIRED FRO'SI BUSINEq8. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROCEEDINGS AT A GENERAL MEETING OF TIIE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Convened in termns of the Acts qf ParliamenW by which the Company is constituted, and held within the Coempauy's Office, Edinburgh, on the 10th day of April, 1851,finr the purpose of receiving the Report by the Directors, upon the inves- tigation of the ComPany's affairs as at 15th Arovember, 1850, and Division of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT.]-Burns, the Scottish bard, designated the toothache the hell of all diseases! And he was not far wrong. This hell, however, is not a bottomlers pit.' Fill up the cavity of the decayed teeth and the as are extingaished. Brande's Enamel, placed in the dcavld lo, nrevents irritating subetances from reaching the ntrveandinding tbat indamma- tion therein, which gives the terrile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECONO'MIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The Ri;Jrt H-on. Sir T. FRANELAND LEWIs, Bart., WM.P., Chairman. HIENHY FREDnRIC STEPHENSON, Esq., Deputy Chairman. ADVANTAGES. 1HiE lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual Svstem. T The whole of the Profits divided among the Assured every Fifth Year. The sum of £274,000 was added to Policies at the last Division, which produced an average Bonus of £92i per cent ...