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... LA Tl INTELLIGENCE-TnUISDAY. VICE-CILANCELLORS' COURTS. [Boeore Sir J. KInighit Bruce.] IN TIHE MATTER OF TIHE IRUGBVY, WAIIWICiK, AND WORCESTER RAILWAY COMPANY-EXPARiTE, PREECE. This was at motion by stay of' appeal from aln order of Master Richards, whereby two scripiuolilers, named Preece and Evans, had it call imade on them of 4s. per share for costs, these individuals hahing been placed ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE-FIUDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. [flktore the lerd Chancellor and other Lords.] .STODl)AtT ?? GIRANT. The hearing of this case wsca resumed, and Mr. Andter- soil hmvill-g replied, Tile houvse took time to considler the judgmOent. Tie lword Chimncellor propoosed to bit on1 Thursday and Frimioy in next wveeki bmmt, oln tie suglestion of tihe bar that there were pe sons fromi ...


... Immediately after the State supper at Buckingham Palace, on Wednesday night, a Highland reel was played by Mr. Mackay, her Majesty's piper, and was danced by the fol- lowing ladies and gentlemen:- The Earl of Gifford and Lady Rachel Russell. Lord James P. Murray and Miss Ferguson. Sir James R. Mackenzie and Lady Alice Douglas. Sir Michael Shaw Stewart and Miss Stewart. Cluny Macpherson and ...


... EXTRAORDINARY INSTANCE OF MAGIS. TERIAL IMPFARTIALITY. On Monday, at Marlborough-street, Captain Paulet Henry Somerset, of the Coldstieatm Guards, was brought before Mr. Hardwick, charged with having horsewhipped Police-constable Griffin, one of the constables stationed at the Great Exhibition. Police-constable Griffin, D 69, said he was stationed with other constables on the carriage-road ...


... JUDGE'S CHAMBE1RS. TILS QUEEsN V THE RFv. Josizrti SamTri.-The de- d',t in this case is the clergyman of Walton, whom coyonet's jury returned a verdict of manslaughter apilslt for having caused the death of a farmer by firing his dloor in the dark. An application to adamit to les ma' de last week before Mr. Justice Coleridge, ed refulsed, upon the ground that the depositions were t ec reins ...


... LATEST PARTICULARS. WINCHESTER, SATURDAY. Yesterday, William Pamplin, who has been already twice examined on a charge of being implicated in th great gold-dust robbery, was again brought up at the Guildhall, Winchester, in charge of Mr. Superintendent Shepperd, and placed at the bar. Mr. Crombie, on the part of the South-Western Rail- way Company, said he proposed to ask for a further re- mand ...


... ALLEGED MURDEBR BY POISONING AT MANCHESTER. The mother and stepfather of a girl, aged 16 years, named Mary Waddington (or Hardy), are in custody at Manchester, on the horrible suspicion of having murdered her by adminis- tering arsenic. The names of the parents are James and Ann Waddington (the male prisoner being by trade a lamplighter), and the deceased was an illegitimate child of the ...


... The account given of the robbery of gold dust on the South.-Western Railway in yesterday's Times, Chronicle, and Post, is filled with inaccuracies. Messrs. Beer and Beardmose, who had charge of the treasure, are clerks in the West India Company's offices at Southampton, and do not belong to the Bank of England, as stated in the Times. Winchip and Quirk are two messengers or porters belong- ing ...


... I, MEMORIAL ON THE LIBERATION OF KOSSUTH. ?? a court was held for the despatch of 1 public business. The bill for charging the estates and revenues of the city i with the sum of 200,00O1. for improvements in the city was n read a third time and passed. A report recommending the d |sealintof twenty-five bonds of 1,0001. each was agreed to. f TeChairman then called attention to the report ...


... LA IV No'U''JUES-Tmus DAY. PRIVY COUNCIL. The Judicial Coinulcittee of the 1'rivy Council will sit for the despatch of blusiness ol the following day's:- Wecdijeodaly, 'ia~y li. 'hiirscicy, Milae 15 (Claridge's Patent). 'ridciy, Miay 10 (Admlliralty Cases), Aonday, M Cy 19. At tonS o'clocki, am.l Bly order of the Lord President. List of hbulilcss for theJ udlicial Conimiittee of the Privy ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-MONDAY. nds GUILDIIALL.-Mr. Lewis appeared on behalf of the con- rn ductor of one of1 Branch.s IHamimersmith omnibuses, to answer a sllions for conveying thirteen passengers in an le omniibus wehich pirported to be constructed to carry only twelve in the ilsile. r- Mr. Waterlow, of London-wall, stated that he got into the he omnibus in Fleet-street, and found it had 13 ...


... LA IV INTELLJRGANCF-TUESDAT. HOUSE OF LORDS-COMMITTEE FOR PaI- VILEGES. A committee for privileees assembled this morning, Lord Redesdale in tie chair. THE TAL1O0' DE MALAIIIDB PCERAGE. The claim in tins case was for the right to vote for repre- sentative peers of Ireland. It was proved, and dealared to be made out. THE DURIAVEK PEERAGE. Mr. S. Rice appeared in supoort of th i claim, which ...