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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Edvelope,jfree by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE ?? By 11L WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a -Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the t 4atmept) of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. Y'VEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Tim wiEAI68 By .L3 WHICH THEY MAY HE OBTAiZ4D, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . QUEEiN'S ROl )YAL THEATRE. ?? (Saturday), May 3, 1851, the perfor- lgc ;icamnenco with the M~elo-Drama of r lres ~l-TE KELI. To be followed by the Interlude of ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. v 31r. F. Robson; Cleopatra, Miss C. Saunders. Soasl by Mdlie. Ernestine St. Louin and Ladies of th Ballet. To conclude with ]3ELIjIEGOR, THE MOUNTEBANK; / OR, TllS PRIDE OF BIRTHI. Melpe2Or r. Rleynolds; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIRT CUTTING BY MACHINERY. S INCE our application of Machinery to Shirt 7 Cutting, our largely increased trade in Shirts is to us the best proof that our exertions to serve the Public are duly appreciated. Possessing as we do every advantage for conducting a first-class Shirt trade, buying our Shirting Cloths direct from Manufacturers for Cash, by having our business conducted by a Manager of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C URRENT PRICES OF COALS. Best Preston ?? ?? 12s. Od. per Ton. ,, Wigan .12s. 6d. ditto. ,, Orrell, &c. ?? 15s. Od. ditto. ,BBDUCED CARRIAGE TO ALL SUBURBAN DISTRICTS. Beat Whitehaven ?? 12s. Od. per Ton. ?? Giloreuix .. ?? 12a. 6d. ditto. ,, Carlisle, screened ?? 18s. Od. ditto. 8inuetbe demise of a venerated and highly respectable member of the trade (five months ago), W. S. KENYON, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TROWSERINGS AND VESTINGS. The entire of my late purchases, including the newest designs IN TROWSERINGS, from the West of England, Yorkshire, and Scotch, Markets; As well as my splendid stock of RICH VESTINGS, are now open for the inspection of my Customers, and will, I apprehend, be found second to none in this City. The Style of TROWSERS CUTTING which has secured for my Establishment such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~i QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. NIlS EVENING (Tuesday), May 27, 1851, the per- formances will commence with (eighth time in Dablin) the Grand Burlesque Spectacle of nu 10 OOD AND RICHARD C(1EUR DE LION. gickbrd Coeur de Lion, Mr. W. H. Eburne; Abd-el-Kader, gr IlRobson Robin Hood, Miss Saunders. After which KILL OR CURE. I The Mazourka, by Mdlle E. St. Louin. ( To conclude with the laughable Farce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TAILORING AND READY MADE NE WAREROOMS, CORN MARKET, WEBB AND COMPANY Intimate the SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES they po05ess which enable them to compete with the FIRST EX- ISTING HOUSES in the DESIGN, WORKMANSHpfl and MATERIAL of their Garments, which is recured Ist-By the services of a FIRST CLASS CUTThR and EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, by whom every ar- ticle of Clothing is made in the Establishment, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L IMERICK and BELFAST HAMS, 61d. per lb; Mattersn's Liimerick do. 7Jd.; York do. 8j Wick low do. 4id. and Sd.; American do. 3.; Wic lgBaq, 51d. (by the flitch); Spiced Limerack Rohll/j,// Tongues, 2s. Gd. to 3s. Gd.; finest old Berkeley ,J3 ?? Irish Cheese (from the Dairy of Lord Lucan 7 , ortl Wilts Cheese, 8d. to Ild; Stilton, Is. 2d. to 1-. 8d.; Chedder, 10d. ; Single Glo'ster ?? 6d. to 7d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T FOURTH GRAND CONCERT, VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL; AND DIVERTISSENIENT OF DANSE, BY THE FRbeCH COMPANY 04 Tile EVENING (Thursday), the 22d i. At Eight ?? preo iely. Doors open at Half-past Seven; Concert to co rmece at fiht precise]Y riesof AmisionDres Boxes, 4s; Upper Boxes, 25 Gd; Pit, . 61, IMliddle Gallery, Is; Upper Gallery, 6d; Cidr en ?? Years of Age, Half Price. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BR O W-N E - AND P;AYNE, F TAILORS, BY APPOINTMENT, TO luS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT, wre determined to seek, and make an onward move in busi- mess, and removing from DAME-STREET to more spacious Premises, rese .12, LOWER-SACKVILLE-STREEr, they felt perfectly certain that the Public would patronize their exertions if they continue to give as good value as usual at 10 per cent. less than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GlRAND EXPOSITION OF NOVELTIES FOR THE SPRING. ?? MAYSTON has tie honor to announce the _k *arrival, Tbi- Diy, of the entire of his purchases in Paris, consisting of the most superb FOREIGN SHAWLS, in Real Cashmere, Barege, Grenadine, &o., from patterns ex- clusively prepared by the New School of Design. Also a mag- nificent collection of SILKS, amongst which wilt be found the BtocHE DI' L& ...