... THE SIMULTANEOUS hMEETINGS. In accordance with a resolution adopted at the recent great l aggregate meeting of Catholics held at the Rotunda, calling all the various parishes of Catholic Ireland to assemble yes- terday, for the purpose of giving a more organihed and general expression to their feelings with reference to the wanton and most unjustifiable aggression of the English ministry upon ...


... I . At one o'clock yesterday tFriday) the inhabitants of Duan dallk were thrivn into a state of great excitement by a report that a murder Sad been perpetrated in this neighbourhood Or, hearing tbe report we instantly repaired to the place as.- signed as the locality of the outrage-namely, Shortstone, which is situated within about three miles of this town on the road lending to Crossmaglen. ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE EXCHEQUER NIS[ PRIUS COURT. (Before the Lord Chief Baron and a special jury.) ACTriN FoR S.AlqDE. Tate v. Rawsons. This case was resumed at the sitting of the court. T'homna. J *mnson's cro,.s-examination was resumed by Mr. Fitzg bhn-( c(vo letters which bad been demanded by couoisel f r the pl ,intiff on a previous day, and which bad been sent for to Carlor by the defendant, ...


... DARING THEFTSr AND CLEVER CAPTURE OF A BAND 01F LEAD-STEALERS. mI - I :. I - . .. . I -- or _ _ I . s.*tillJ ur A 1131-0 rjI C Ylk.tb The iar.houscs and offlees hi the parishes of Mearns and E'agIcslram Jiav of late been stripped of their roof leadl, and their Ilcii-rtosts robbed, to sitch an extent, that it is difficult to find on1 house whicih lias not bean partially plundercd. Matuchl ...


... LA Tl INTELLIGENCE-TnUISDAY. VICE-CILANCELLORS' COURTS. [Boeore Sir J. KInighit Bruce.] IN TIHE MATTER OF TIHE IRUGBVY, WAIIWICiK, AND WORCESTER RAILWAY COMPANY-EXPARiTE, PREECE. This was at motion by stay of' appeal from aln order of Master Richards, whereby two scripiuolilers, named Preece and Evans, had it call imade on them of 4s. per share for costs, these individuals hahing been placed ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE-FIUDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. [flktore the lerd Chancellor and other Lords.] .STODl)AtT ?? GIRANT. The hearing of this case wsca resumed, and Mr. Andter- soil hmvill-g replied, Tile houvse took time to considler the judgmOent. Tie lword Chimncellor propoosed to bit on1 Thursday and Frimioy in next wveeki bmmt, oln tie suglestion of tihe bar that there were pe sons fromi ...


... Immediately after the State supper at Buckingham Palace, on Wednesday night, a Highland reel was played by Mr. Mackay, her Majesty's piper, and was danced by the fol- lowing ladies and gentlemen:- The Earl of Gifford and Lady Rachel Russell. Lord James P. Murray and Miss Ferguson. Sir James R. Mackenzie and Lady Alice Douglas. Sir Michael Shaw Stewart and Miss Stewart. Cluny Macpherson and ...


... FOLICk INTEIUIGENC&. 2qEWCASTLE,- Friday, May 2nfl-fBefore Aid. lbawkni and Robt. Airay. Esq -1subella Cable, aemanded on the charge of stealing sheetx from the Infirmary, after a ahort ?? was ?? Hunter was charg- ed by MIr Grey, assistant overseer, with deserting his wife and child, and leaving them chargeable to the parish of All Saints. The wife stated he bad plenty of money to sport on ...


... EXTRAORDINARY INSTANCE OF MAGIS. TERIAL IMPFARTIALITY. On Monday, at Marlborough-street, Captain Paulet Henry Somerset, of the Coldstieatm Guards, was brought before Mr. Hardwick, charged with having horsewhipped Police-constable Griffin, one of the constables stationed at the Great Exhibition. Police-constable Griffin, D 69, said he was stationed with other constables on the carriage-road ...


... ABERYSTWY'THi TOWN HALL. NT-. 9fn.- MVAY 20-rii. el [I Before David Edwvaids, Esq., and Thos. Joises, Esq., junl. qi James Morris, Esq., complained of one Riihard H1- EC 2phi-sys, having- assanlted h1ini, Fi ned Is. and to pay costs, Iwhich wvere paid. I Margaret Davies applied for ain order to affiliate a bals. it Was present and ;admitted that hie was thle father oi thi ta schild. Orderv is. ...


... JUDGE'S CHAMBE1RS. TILS QUEEsN V THE RFv. Josizrti SamTri.-The de- d',t in this case is the clergyman of Walton, whom coyonet's jury returned a verdict of manslaughter apilslt for having caused the death of a farmer by firing his dloor in the dark. An application to adamit to les ma' de last week before Mr. Justice Coleridge, ed refulsed, upon the ground that the depositions were t ec reins ...


... LATEST PARTICULARS. WINCHESTER, SATURDAY. Yesterday, William Pamplin, who has been already twice examined on a charge of being implicated in th great gold-dust robbery, was again brought up at the Guildhall, Winchester, in charge of Mr. Superintendent Shepperd, and placed at the bar. Mr. Crombie, on the part of the South-Western Rail- way Company, said he proposed to ask for a further re- mand ...