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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... LA MAISON D-E SSARNTZ DRUMCONDR& HOUSE, * (North Circular-road.) This Institution is open for;'the reception of Gentlemen labouring under acute and Chronic Diseases. The Estab- lishment comprises a Medical and Surgical Department. Experienced Nurses are always in attendance.' There are Private and General Apartments. Terms from £1 ls. to £2 2s. per wee No ra charges. The Medicines and Dietary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Just Published, price le., BELGIUM IN 1828-I1ELAND IN 1851. By CAREW O'DWYER, Esq. Ltndon: C. D dmnan, New Bond-street; Dublin: G. BELLEW, 79, Grafton-street. TEE NEW NAVAL NOVEL Now ready at all the Libraries, in 3 Vole. ALPHRU RUTHERFORD. A Nautical Romance.. By the Author of THa PETREL. By his skill in depicting life on the ocean the author of The Petrel (Admiral Fisher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ QUEEN' Si ROYAL THEATRE., *rlilS EVENING (M3onday), May 2Gi, 1851, the per- .ii cermenece witl, (seventh time in Dublin) the Clr'1 slltrle re Slpectiele of rarl 110 1,t) AND RICITARD CcLEUR DE LION. P} c ar ttil dcnl Mr. W. II. E'iurne; Abd el-Xader, ir. F. Ilobeni ldbi'l food, Mllss Saundc s. After which THE JACOIBITE. / ?? Mz ,nlrka. by MIlle E St. T.onin. To cuncidl- j ih the lau'rh !ble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1F1,I QUEElq'S ROYAL THEATRE. XEEFIT OF THE ORPHANS' FRIEND SOCIETY. FrIS EVENING (Wednesday), May 28, 1851, the per- fonsace will comlmence with (ninth time in Dublin) the nd Burlesque Spectacle of 1HOOD AND RICHARD CCEUR DE LI N. Ilicherd Ccaur de Lion, Mr. W. H. Eburne; Abd-el- er, Mry F. Robson; Robin Hood, Miss Saunders. - X After which THE SPOILED CHILD. / Tag, Mr. F Robson; Young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rl H A TRE R OYAL, D UBLIN.: LASST OtRAND CON('ERT, VOCAL ANT' INiTrUiMENTAL; AND h)IVE ZISSE ViRENT Di De NSE. YFr ths BEN' FiT Af` the F RENCH COMPANY. | On THllS 1 17v VIN (Salourdy), AIay 24, 18a1. / Dxr, open at Half-past Seven; Concert to com[nee at Eight precisely. Primes of Almirssnn-Dress Boxes, 4s; Upper Boxes, 25 6t1 Pit, ' 6c1, Middle Gallery. Is; Upper Gallery, 6d; Children under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW TAILORING AND READY MADE WAREROOMS, 10, 11 and 12, CORN-MARKET. We ?? ?? Warerooms, and are supplied with a Stock of BEADY-MADE GARMENTS, with Cloths of the beat texture, purchased so as to secure every advantage which capital and the best Markets afford. We possess every advantage to enable us to produce a First- rate Article of Clothing, and to place our TAILORING AND READY-MADE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. Hr IEALTH AND HAPPINESS, T}izmANWS BY l WHICH T11iY MAY BEtOB'TAiNED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C URRENT PRICES OF COALS. Best Preston ?? ?? 12s. Od. per Ton. ,, Wigan .12s. 6d. ditto. ,, Orrell, &c. ?? 15s. Od. ditto. ,BBDUCED CARRIAGE TO ALL SUBURBAN DISTRICTS. Beat Whitehaven ?? 12s. Od. per Ton. ?? Giloreuix .. ?? 12a. 6d. ditto. ,, Carlisle, screened ?? 18s. Od. ditto. 8inuetbe demise of a venerated and highly respectable member of the trade (five months ago), W. S. KENYON, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC INSTITUTION FOR THE DE&F AND DUDMB. AT the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the A Members and Friends of the Society, in aid of the CATHOLIC INsTITUTIoN FOR THE DEAF AND DuaM, held in the Committee Rooms, 7, Wellington-quay, on Tuesday, May 27th, 1851, The LORD BISHOP of KILDARE and LEIGHLIN in the Chair, The annual report and financial details of the institution having been read by W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUMMER TROWSERS. Nothing can exceed the beautiful and graceful ap- pearance of BROWNE AID PAYNE'S NEW STYLE OF TROWSERS, which can be worn wi h or without Straps. This, combined with their extraordinary mode of Fitting, without the trouble of trying on and alterations so freqnently complained of, has earned fbr their Establishment the highest reputation in this department of Dress. In their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~i QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. NIlS EVENING (Tuesday), May 27, 1851, the per- formances will commence with (eighth time in Dablin) the Grand Burlesque Spectacle of nu 10 OOD AND RICHARD C(1EUR DE LION. gickbrd Coeur de Lion, Mr. W. H. Eburne; Abd-el-Kader, gr IlRobson Robin Hood, Miss Saunders. After which KILL OR CURE. I The Mazourka, by Mdlle E. St. Louin. ( To conclude with the laughable Farce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T FOURTH GRAND CONCERT, VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL; AND DIVERTISSENIENT OF DANSE, BY THE FRbeCH COMPANY 04 Tile EVENING (Thursday), the 22d i. At Eight ?? preo iely. Doors open at Half-past Seven; Concert to co rmece at fiht precise]Y riesof AmisionDres Boxes, 4s; Upper Boxes, 25 Gd; Pit, . 61, IMliddle Gallery, Is; Upper Gallery, 6d; Cidr en ?? Years of Age, Half Price. T ...