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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Slalbaurne Fart, and seen be- ?? tire favourite orators of the house, always support- us8 tire alsal liberal section of lire whigs. Amongst his first alipoinroments was tlrat of vice-preaident of tire board of trade, JItM lire lust alellbourne ministry, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... influence of the Duke of Devonshire, the small borough of Dungarvon, always of course supporting the most liberal section of the Whigs. Amongst his first appointments was that of Vice- President of the Board of Trade, in the last Melbourne Ministry, and then ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Florence has not long enjoyed the post, a , his appointment to which was loojeed 0upon as the roecompense , of bestowed9l by tho Whig (4overnm11ent for the steady party service I is to which Mr. Sheil devoted the last few years of his Parlia- t ,d mentary life ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... year Ire was agrrin ciroser ireirser for Mid-Lrtiriars, at tire gene- ral eleetien corracquerrt ers tire aecessiors of tire Whigs to office -unider Lord Grersville. When that bliriotry fell, ii Miarcir, 1807, ?? nsew Prersaicrg the Duice of Portlaird, bestowed ...