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Advertisements & Notices

... Jjfilf.tcefltneuF,_ ~REAT EXII[,tN AN ?? G EYCXCURSION TRIPS I INSURANCE AdAtNsIr RAII.WAY ACCIDENTS. The Directors ofthe RAILWAY PASSENGERi to ASSURANCE COMPANY have made arrangemnents piut for the issue of EXCURSION TICKETS, to cover wit the risk of the journey both ways, irrespective of dis-. j tance, in Excursions to or from London. T['ese Tickets insure £200, payable to the Executors or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INOTICE TO STIIPPERS.-T'h Raote of Freight by thes Vessels sill hereafter be FOUR POUNDS per 'LOn1, uni ThiI further notice PARCELS for dill'erent Consigneco, collected and madoe up in Single Packages~, addireew, to one pairtx, fir delivery in A11s'- trica, for tbe purpose of evading thle p'syrmtni. iFrei~ght, will, upon exalnination in Ainerica. by tile Customse, be charged, Yvith the Proper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rpQ BE LET, with immedi~~ate pqs,~qssion, B I aVILA&G~IDEN~t8OUTV~L.,COftONkT1ON- ROAD als, BUIILAD-COTAGE& GADEN, -in,,the BACK- rR I tN G -VI L LAS.- ki To be LE T. Two capital DWELLING-IIOUSES, celled ,Spring- Villaa. being Nos. I& 2, SYDENHA51-lOAD, top 01fStoke's 'Croft. They are in excellent repair. aind supgsiir with every reqluisite for agenteel family. Also, to be LET, FUIII, I SIIED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Excellent FURNITURE and EFFECTS, C o t N WilA L L I S - C It E S C E N T, Clifton. I~ESR. ARGUS &; SON Wil submnit t UBLIC COMPETITION, on the Premises, on nd THURSDAY Next, tito IlIthiand 12th of'June, deoteTll~ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, hnmGLASS, PLATED ARTICLES, etarynew ormnelsa & Porcelain Glas CHANDELIERS, CeellapludtTABARET CURTAINS, with CHAIRS, 9 n AYCHAIRS easu ile, NEYGLASS,large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. The following system of advertising has been a, adopted for the purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greater sarozinnceof dscrptin tan japsible in the very con- offiejal Catalogue, a CLASS IL.-CHEMIOAL and PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. 140. WRTINSOR and NEWTON, 38, Rath-~ bjntia .towtsitl and North London Colour Workq,T K ts-tw, anufscturers-ARTISTS' PIGMENTS, P in the raw and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVESTMENT IN MINES. mREVARTON and Co., Mining, Stock, and Railway .L Share Brokers, 5, St. James's-street, Pall Mall, London, from a long and practical knowledge of the principal British and foreign mineral districts, can confidently advise as to the best medium of investing capital, thus ensuring a permanent and high rate of ?? in all dividend-paying and promising Mines bought and sold. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... penaSOO of the }Reverend thwe Vice-Chavoellor and ?? (Y Wom Frslcipfsd the .Jftyor.) TrHE COMMEMORATION BALL JILL take place at the STAR ASSEMBLY / MS, Oxfrd, on Tuesday evening the 1st of July, 5sder the distinguisbed patronage of the following Noblemen , deentleme%:-f Colonel NORTH. 'ThO VillALENT1O. MORTIMER RICARDnO, Esn. ,. %LEet, TA. WALTER STRICKLAND, Esq. IT. THORNHILL, Esq. °erl S ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USHER OF ABINGDON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. rHE USHIERSHIP of ABINGDON SCHOOL T having become vacant, the Master and Governors of Christ's Ilospital in Abingdoa will, on the 3d day of July next, elect an Usher of the said School. It is expected that candidates shall have graduated either at Oxford or Cambridge, and their testimonials mnst he sent in on or before the 1st day of July next, directed to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1PU1RT LYTTI:A,TrN, CANTrE~tURY1 SllEM~NT, Oitat and Wellington, NiOW Zealand, the t l ~ ocek.4, chartered and provisioned b tsatuiti, t ,IIsoitl t Tttesdtly, the lath Juy * hb tinl (at who~le Cahill betwkeen leeks), £42_ sle XIO.£1-For terms. of freight, pasesage, itt it~ttt, ii ilyto JLoSephI stayner, 110, Fenchureh- elC..LFetieurelistrcet ;or s,~ Frederick f.i lipii liee of thle Canterbury ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PUBLISHING EVERY SATURDAY. NOTES TO --THE PEOPLE. A new periodical, to reflect the Iadvanced mind of the age. asod prepare the. people for the advent or poputlar power.. By ERsixsT JoNzs, of the Middle Temple, Barristeorat-Law. Colstaiofing forty culumns of close prhiit (besides wrapper) fir Twopence. The ?? composed in ?? Letter ion Co-operatiusi, its preient eirors and ?? Letters on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl O BE SOLD OR LET rI the fine fast-sailing Yatch VISION of near 23 Tons Burthen, now lying in ?? Victoria Dock, at Hull.-For Particulars apply to 3Ar. E. KELSEY, Of 49, Dock-Street ; or by Letter to Bc Mr. Tnos. GARNISS, Draper, Grimsby. G F IROM HULL for NEW YORK the fine A 1 Brig HARLEQUIN, :M. BROWN, Commander, who is ve. known in the Trade; 336 Tons Register to sail latter end of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V1161(c Ienucmento. R OYAL AMPHITHEATRE. (Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr. W. R. CoriLLeND, 15, Great ao Chartotteetreet.) LAST FIVE NIGHTS of the ENGAGEMENT of Mr. G. V. BROOI; E, who will appear in a Series of those Dramatic Cha- meters which obtained for him so high and distinguished a position in thie Metropolig. Continued Engagement of Mr. BARRY SSULLIVAN. In civnqequscna of the immense ...