Advertisements & Notices

... A tred ?? HE 120th Numnber- of the HYGEIST and trans- MEDICAL REFORMER for JITLY contains the decision of 'occ at the High Court of Chancery to prevent Mr. Moat using the words sitrl lrisonuc Universal Medicines' on the stamps issued by Govern- Le usc,, ment whibih go rounds the boxes of Storison's Vegetable Universal ithern Medicines Of the B~ritish College of Health, New-road, London- I ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOR THE MERCURY-TUEBDAY AND FR!DAY. a. d. Advance, per Annum ?? 3e 0 lalf Ycear . , ?? 18 0 (Inarter ?? ?? 9 If only one Copy each wceek is required, then hanlfthe su.n stated is the amount. On Credit to known parties, or a reference given for pay- meat in Liverpool, s08. per Annuum. 4 Leiters on business to be addressed to Eqerton Sn'ntith and Co., or To the Edlitors of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GREAT MONSTER HUMBUG Or 1851. IT is really amusing to see the insidious manner in which some PETrY SHOPKEEPERS of the present day lay their bait to entrap the Simple-minded by their Long-PaffingAdvertisements, as foreign to their own legiti- mate business as the east from the west (under the plea of philanthropy), which trick is now being played on a very large scale in this city, on which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price ls., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for is Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THZ MEANS 'BY WHI wLacGH THEY MAY BR OEXAflED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,GTEAM tO the CAPE of GOOD HOPE (carry- I in-g her Majesty's mills), leaving London oln the 10th, and .Iei,n~Uth Oil tile 15th of every ?? SIU ROBERT PEEL, s: teans, Captain Joula Boxitu, will leave Plymouth oil the 15th ?? at noon, sitld mnails and ?? passage apply at ;'eCcienral Screw Steain Shipping Cinipany'soffices, 2, Royal Ex- ' 3algcl buildingq; for goods and parcels to Balfour, Laning ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. The following system of advertising has been aaopted for the parposo of affording to Exhibitors a greater trominence of description than is possible in the very con- ained space allowed bv the official catalogue of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring to their general merchandise, of which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In some cases a number is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I H[, QUE N'S ROYAL THEATRE. T i. JOflN C. JOSEPH, PATENTEE AND 1ANA}ER. n 'jiES EVLNING (Tuesday), the 1st of July 1851 the performances will commence with the New and Splendid Drama of PRESENTED AT COURT; Ol, KING CHARLES TUE SECOND'S REION MIrs. Anle Franklyn, Miss Emma Stanll The Gitana, by Mdlles. Erne-tine St. Louin and s Prevot. After which the popular Farce oft THE FOUR SISTERS. ylis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVR NOTICE TO SHIPPERS.-The Bate of Freight by theeo Vessels will hercafter tbe FOUR POUNDS per Too, until further notice PARUELS lbr differeat Consignees, collected and Imade -up int, Singlo Packages, addressed to one party for deliverv in Ailac./ rica, for the purloge of evadlniy the payment of Freight, Will, ~ ?? upon CX11111liitisfl iii America by the Customs, be charged 4 1 with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ro~j~ONS.-~SPANISH, DUTCH, BELGIAN, and FRENCH RAILWAY COUPONS, due an the 30th June atd IatlaltY. i51, are tow PAID on presentation at the highest races; and Foaeign Money, in coin and bank note, of every conntry, exohbnged at the Eexcange Bullion and Foreign B:anksing Offce , lo, Lomtard-street, Cltj.-ADAbI SPIELMANN and Co., 10, Lcm. bard.strete, corner of Post-ofice-econrt. rg SC1ENEKY of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR HONG-KONG and CANTON (to sail punctuilly the 5th of July, having the principal partof herlI cargo engDged, nln only room for a limited quantity ot light freight)) thte plendid frigate.built ship VIS'OONT SAtN LON, o4 tors pister, A I ror 12 years, E. MAll~tl, commnander; l oading fn the Loandon.(ccks. F r freigt b'or pass-age, atpply to W. 0. YOUNG, Sun. coart, Cornball. FOR CALCUTTA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S PANISH1 THREE PER CENTS.-PAYMENT S of the DIVIDEND on this STOCK, which becomes due on the 30th instant, will commenco at the Spanish Financial Conu. missions of Lsndois and Paris-viz., at the former, No, 10, St. Helenus-place, Biahopogate-street Within, every Thursday ansi Saturday after the lost of July next, between the hours of Eleven and 'Two. As ties Coupons neust be left tleree days ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ID OY AL AMPHITHlEATRE. ?? 16, Great Oharlotte-stroet. (Sole Lessee and manager, Br. Wv. B. CorrnAND.) Continued enaement of Mr. BARRY SULLIVAN. Mbss ROSA BENN r, from tbohe Tatre-ltoyal, Manchester, who is engaged for a limited naimbor of ssighsts.-THIS EVENING (Tuesaday), July Ist, THE HEART OF MdIDLOTHIAIN. St~aanton, Mr. Chamberlain ; Dumbiedikesl, Mr. Barker; Mailge Wildfire, hiss Aitken; ...