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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ i.I RTLYTTELTON, CAN TERBURY~ ssteCsll'~~leI CR N ALL, S thileiler yig o sadon ucsay th 12h f.LeI- !coi i ,r noe, o I Nugust. I ti,~d itatesf day I 'if~a11(a whole cabfin between decks), £412 ;ocon-d of I rallil, ?? friIliO. p Y t . TIlayner 10 1~n rch-street Filby and the c V~ et~ehttetUtr~et, or to Frederic'k~ Yowng, mfanage~r Elf prel of th Caterbury Assaciatonl, 74,ZCorlihill. TEMtoIDIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A tred ?? HE 120th Numnber- of the HYGEIST and trans- MEDICAL REFORMER for JITLY contains the decision of 'occ at the High Court of Chancery to prevent Mr. Moat using the words sitrl lrisonuc Universal Medicines' on the stamps issued by Govern- Le usc,, ment whibih go rounds the boxes of Storison's Vegetable Universal ithern Medicines Of the B~ritish College of Health, New-road, London- I ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~UT1F t,, PASSENGERS per MONARCH, c l TiifA-ih3 ship being ott her stay to Ports' ?? ?? to E?,IIA.[M onl Thursday, L ,i ?? after the arrivatlof the L I . s l iten train frooi Lsondoll.-F. Green and Co0., I A~ 'gents fssr-Portstnonth, Messrs. (Aarrite.alnd Gtibbon.t. -ITFXM to INDIA antd CHINA via, EGYPT.-, S9h'as MONT lILY MA IL STEAM CONYEtYANCE for ?? tttht Zld5 tot CEYLON, MAM7AS, C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o LTLYTTE LTON, CANTERBURY I j ifLI r hp SlIR GEORUE P'OLLOCK, US0 toils re- Ct itIIC East India Docks, chartered and provisioned by l ~rl~sociation, to sail onl Tuesday, the 1itch July. tiln a ahoe cllukbetwvcen clocks), £42; cil.~2serg,o £16-For terms of freight, passage, -tsrEllt iO aplyto Josepli Stayner, 11O, Fenellureli- F~lls 157,Fctichurulh-stret; orto Frederick It siilo ofce of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudlice, and Empiricism, 147 Wood cats, 41 cases. 2 vols., is. each; by post, Is. Gd., (,N SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. 0 1 To be or not to be, that is the question. By R. J. CULVERWELL, hl.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. (1827), ?? (1824), 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in these matters. Progrannne:-Adveit of Puberty aced corresponding Associa- ?? sod Casualties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER M1AJESTY'S THEATRE.- I SOiREES EXTRAW. It)lNAIRES. The WEEK'S PERFORMANCES will include the talentt of Mine. Sontag, Mine. Fiorentini Mice. Giuliani, Mine. Ugalde, and Mdalle. Sofe Cruvelli; Sig. Gard rt u -. Sile Reeves Sin. PIrdini end Sig. Calzolain; Signori Labhithe, Meassol F. Lablache Caea- nova, Scapini, Lomnzo, Fcrrroti aoltl Coletti* Mdllo. Carlotta Grisi, idlle. Ainalia Ferraris, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL COTTON 1AtRKET, Ju'xr b. The uiarkiet has been tattle todtlay, and prices - I lliws are irch the sameas e uoste y-tueriav-. The ?? at-e ostitiated at Rbout 4,000 bais to til. IrLeC, ?? 00 pahia at Wd to ?? atnl 606 El-lyptise at id to 7d. jAV'Esas'l()i-. t:; AlA JM'ALRK L txeeptilng li 51 oIaCviW Flour from France tim 5li' oi .ain, &c this scv r° ,iwted. 1'hc ?? of Indiatn Lorn .i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I0p- RTL TTELTON, CANTERBURY 0,!.IlMEN ?? ctiazc and Wellington, New Zealand, the ro mtl GEdliGE POLLOCK~, oi30 tons re- , ' ?? LDick, chartered and proviotoned. by ,ej~ttitlji, to Sail Ot tItcdI the 1IliII JUly. (',.rehitt ( whoele cabin betweein dcclii), £42 ?? termsn of freight, poasage, 111tito, dilly to Jo'eplt Staytter, 110, Fenchureh- * 117, Feitchurch-strect ;or to Frederick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ElFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, E CALLOSITIES, S.c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience it has received the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, lie having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Tr to the CAPE of GOOD HOPE (carry- Sirlrrjesty's nncus), leaving Londotn onl tire l.0th, antd iaptainil loriN lionxia will leatVU PIlc month ontire 15th -,c: ith orlail and ?? passage apply att sed'relY Steamil Shippiriti C'Ooipany's offices, 2, Royal Ex.- eeol1,1irrigs; for goods andi parcels to Balfouir, Laming, arid f-relchurh-streCt, London, anid at Liverpool.I LjEN1tE.N HOURS' ROUTE to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ev, E~ IV M U S I 0.-Jus,~t published, a CATA- N LOGUE of NEW VOCAL and IN.?3'IiUMCENTAL MUSIC, beiuZ Part. LK. of thle General Ciitalogue of Alusicil Werho, pub- lislied by Messrs9. ROJ.ER'I'COCKSam CO, To be had gratis,an lcr- postage free, upon application to the publioler, 6t, Noe- Iturltogion- tic street, London.-Medssrs. Coks and Co. are now soiling~ thoir ole, lic ( anI Pans at 2d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMHLE HUMAN IIAIR.-The unprecedented 3..L success of ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, either in preserv- hig the hair in its original strength mld beauty, or restoring it when lost, is universally lkown and appreciated; and is recorded by testimonials inost numneruius is themselves, and certified by the highoest authorities. Prom its exqluisite purity and delicacy it is admirably adapted for the hair ...