... LONDON l.MIRABKTS-TUPSDAY. 9 HAY MARKETS. SMm~nepLD.-Fcne Upland Meadow and Rye Grass Hay, 88s to os , inferior ditto, 65s to 70s; superior Clever, 9Os to 92s; in- forior ditto, 65s to 70s * Straw, 25s to 30s per load of 36 trusses. WVITrEciTArsI.-Tli SupplY at this m1arket to-day, without heing large, was fullyequal to the demand, at tolerablysteady rates. Best Meadow Hay, 80s to 92s* ...

Published: Wednesday 23 July 1851
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1094 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MARKETS-MONDAY. From ?? THOS..USBORNE and SON, j N*SU London-street. OLD CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAy, JULY 7. WREAT, ?? O. J. KRTMIAL. *. J lnglish,.White ?? _42 47 Scoth * Per ton Liotel; ,, -Bed ?? 38 43 rig ?? ,9 I Irish , ?? . - s_ BARLE. Sctch . ?? -English, Malting. 2 Ia0Dnig 4. i g Baltic, Red ?? 39 42 , Grinding ?? 21 24 Rusian ?? 3t 38 Scotch ?? 20 23 Polish Odessa ?? 6 38 Irish . ?? ...

Published: Thursday 10 July 1851
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1381 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... GLASGOW SUGAR MARKET, JULY 213; For West i;id~i musooondo stignrs ?? boas ieen r acod demand this week; tho soles aniooiit to 7I5 bhlil. alod trcs. nild 445 brls. ?? DeuiLeraras sold at 32S Gd to 3Y old, Illiddling 35ti brown St. Vinccntsl35s, middlieg 36il browln St. ?? 33.So i l5s, riniddlig 35b fid to 3os ; brown Grenadidi 13301 to 34s G(d middling 31S 9ld to 35s; brown Trinidads 31s, ...

Published: Monday 28 July 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 571 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... The sopply of all kinds of grain was much the came as in loot 1har- ket. Sales were rather dullc.. Wheat, top saume as last market, and average same as Cast market; weight of top per 4 bushels 18st 8lbs. Bnrley, top 6d down, and average Ss down; weight of top per 4 bushels 16et Slb. Oats, top 9d up, and average 4d up; weight of top per 4 bushels ?? libs. Beaus, top same as last market, and ...

Published: Monday 14 July 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 548 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... CL TRAD.- - 10 TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMAN. 0- Scat-Your publication of June 18th contains four bye- ir laws for the regulation of the coal quays, purporting to be ee framed by the Lord Mayor. I suspect the Lord Mayor bad a- no part in the matter further than to officially attach his m signature to the whole body of bye-laws which were framed ., by somebody else. I asked some members of the ...

Published: Wednesday 02 July 1851
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1728 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... PRODUCE MARKET. MINCINO-LAND, JULY 8. SUGAR,-The market has opened with a very dall ap- pieranmce; and although imaportere have nought in largely, yet a declhie of fully 6d. to Is. hai been established, inrecior and brown qualittes being most depreescd. 549 bhd3. of West India sold. Bengal, 6,000 bags, out of 12,000 offered, sold in public sale. 4,000 bags Mauritius and I; 300 bags Madras were ...

Published: Wednesday 09 July 1851
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1136 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... COMMERCIAL AND MARKBTS. COTTON.~LVERPOOL, JULY .19.-The market closed rather tame to-day, sndpriees Of all kinds areas yesterday ; thel isles are estimated ait 6,000 hales, 500 of whichs were taken for export, and lnclude 4,510 Ame1rilum' s00 PW1r15m5 and Mariiambes, 11, tlto 1 6G ; .200Egyptian, bi to 7i; 100 gluntst, 2j tolj; ?? iland 10 to 154. Id-ANCHB8TER, JULY 19.-We have had some8 ...

Published: Monday 21 July 1851
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2242 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... TIME Board of Trade returns, for the month and five months ending June 5, were published on Friday last. The total exports for the month are £5,961,393, being an increase over the corresponding month in 1850 of only £1,444. The most important article under the head of increase is that of cotton, the increase in the exports of which over those of the corresponding month of last year is £150,821 ...

Published: Monday 07 July 1851
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 585 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... U,-fjc ?Rarhcfis- BELF AST. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1831. WjeEAT.-Wheat, white (farmers' lots, 112lbs.), 7s lOd to Os 4d; do., red, 7s 10d to Os 2d per do. Store lots, per ton, irish, £8 16s Od to £9 5 Os d; Polish Odessa, £S lOs to £9 15s; Dautzic, £10 10s to £11 Os; French, £9 Ss to £9 1Os; E-yptiau, x £lOs to £7 Os. OATS.-hiSli, Os Gdl to 7s l0d per li2lbs. ; Potato, Gs Gdl to 7s 1ld per do. OAnT ...

Published: Wednesday 16 July 1851
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1381 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... etc fRarketz. BELFAST, TJIURSDAY, JULT 10, 1851. WE have no material change to note in the Grain trade since our last. Supplies from the country are very trifling. lVheat taken at full prices. Oats sell freely, at an ad- vance of 2d to 3d per cwt. Oatmeal-A dull sale, and rather lower. In other articles no change. Indian Corn, owing to the accounts from America, and the improved tone in the ...

Published: Friday 11 July 1851
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2550 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... BELFASTI MONDAVY mOuNINcu. tOCAL W1EECLY REP'ORfTs. LrNsns.-All the markets during the last week were exceedingly brisk. Low priced Armaghs were at least 10 per cent. higher than a fortnight ago; Lawns L *3nnd 7 were advancing; and Ballymena cloths, cspe- cially in the lower sets, wene from one farthing to . one halfpenny higher than a fortnight ago. The Ex- hibition has at least given a ...

Published: Monday 21 July 1851
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 926 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... w The t r the Times of Saturday.) e The returns of the Board of Trade 'for the month endin the 5th of June were issued this morning, and sho an in- t crease of £1544 on the declared value of our exportations w as compared with the corresppuding month of 1850, which tc was one of remarkable activity. The variousitems present L nothing to call for partihular remark., It will be observed 0 that ...