Advertisements & Notices

... ElFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, E CALLOSITIES, S.c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience it has received the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, lie having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? and Managr Mr. W. RL. COPELAMe, 16, Great Citar~lotte-strcet. Miss VANDENHOFF and Air. V'ANDENHOFF. 'The manlagemlent respeetfullvansounnes thc ENGAGEUENT ,of these rntinont CLASSICAl TIRAGEDIANS for a limited nmer of nights, during wvhiuli 1,rioti Miss VAI)Dr OF will aiiocar in he~r populir chiaracter of PAILTHIENIA, in the 'fc'and incecesful play- of INGIOMARt, at lately produced at thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIFIC SOLUTION for the immediate Cure of Urethral Complaints, &c., &c. This elegant prepara- tion supersedes the use of ubebs, B sam Copivi, and such li'ke nauseous remedies. is ?? easy of adminis- tration, does not affect tbW' om apd it is certain in its results. This preparation isaper o o any heretofore introduced, and patients need no longer submit to offensive medicines when one so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vwonv _trat. MA 6 U L I P A T A M CARPETS.-WATSON, BELL, and COMPANY, beg leave to call the attention of the nobillty, gentry, and the public, to their production of thin manufac. lure whlob they have arranged to be forwarded from the manufactory irect, bv which means they are enabled to offer them at very low .The quaity of these carpets is the finest made In British [ndia, and =uperor to any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UINMER -PALETOTS & JACKETS. din &'ing rarcfctbi reple'nieici our ,Stock uilth seerarl ?? ir k aws cic lvan i text ic, ire caul, espply A GENTLEeMANLY PALETOT, MORtNING COAT, Oft A Ti TrLAVELLINNG IVIRAPPER, Riitdes to the )Osmentif ccthie, WS VERy ECONOMICAL PRICES. i BtTj)EDEN\AND LOW, TAILfRS, itr., 17, CH!UR11el-ST RFET 7, LIVERPOOL. I~ORON-ERh4IP OF THlE HUNDRED OF CAV El S Ir DEE it iY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBMS FOR THE ME URY-TUESDAY AND FRI'DAY. S. d. Advano, por u ?? 36 0 lialf Ycar ?? 18 0 QLrter ?? ?? 9 0 if on :0 ?? O CP l e ?? lire ei;, thea hfe e ar stated i.,- the tosund. On (rcrhit to kno1VI pa: ies, or a r furenoe givou for pay- iicnt in hiverpool, 40.5. ?? Annaixi,. Vv L ofhi SOi liwein ccc to be adiressed to JS fi ?? S, ilc anld Co., or ' To tiee 'ld'tors of the Licrp)ool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n~iANIS H DANCER S.-ST. JAMES'N. TIIEAlRE.-The SPANISH DANCERS,) haing ?? their ciigngvsnient ait Hecr Majeoty's'iheatre, have the hionour to ?? anounce it BENEFIT PERFORMANCE, asoisted by the artistes ?of the French vaudeville company, which will take place THIS EVENING (Tuesday), ?? thle St. Janies's Theatre, by the oblilght eperitission of Mr'. Mitchlell, who has Ligilly granted the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tt HIRD. NOTICE.-IPORTUGUESE E ,~ ?? - DIVIDENDS. ; ~ ` i 3 Tibs Dividends for the SECOND 11AlLF-YlBAR, 1819,' of the ?? e D lockid 1841, ard Four per Cent. Stock, 1845-the half of t Id divided ofthe old Uneonves ted Bonds-and likewise the twelc C l months Interest then due on the debentures of the .anug2y and Do- t icember emissIons, will be PAID at the Portuguesq FYhandal Agenoy. I on FRIDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THERE is no portion of Gentlemen's attire so necessary (at the same time both for p esonal appear- ance and comfort), as a well-made and elegap TROUSERS. BROWNE and PAYNE beginfo~ ? Noblemen and Gentlemen that they have a new yJemjT utting this Gar- ment. The improvement effected Sinpre'Keiug them moving from the Boot when mounted Lr1W.a siftg positio. In their Warerooms will be found the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? SLI1PPERS for CALCUTTA direct.. -i-j, MNARII Will hLClietVE MIEASUREEMENT ?? .Dck nilFn' 'lckTlSDAY.- . ?? ?? 1R 1II IAI)ELPIIIA, from Liverpool.-The ,V0 II il., ?? iiian11der (Iuilt onl tle, Cly~de), will s.ail froilt 'iii Ii ll~5lil Ais oil Friday, 2:Al July3. Ftirst cabiti,2 .4il.i,11 ?? furtlter particiulars, ses 6~~. -All t ihardsori, lirothers, altd 'IAl, STrEA'M NAVIGATrION rj 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. I.IL JOh1N C. JOSEPH1, PATENTEE AND MATNAGER. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COACHMAKERS' EMIGRATION SOCIETY. Second Appearance of Mr. W. H. PAYNE, Madlie. A. PAYNE, and Mr. HENRY PAYNE, On TilIS EVENING (Tuesday), July 22, the per- formances will commence with the Popular Drama of THE GOVERNOR'S WIFE. After which a new Ballet Divertisement called THE BRIGAND'S ATTACK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTWERP BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM. B lItlCP, BERTIN, LEIl'ZIC, DRESDEN, &o.-FARES: 168. AB I-8res PE'ga, five hours only). - The Antwerp Compny orp2 i d, and very powerful steamship BARON OY e As JACK3SN, commander, ?? the St. Katharine 'Wharf, Taser, every Sunday morning, at 11 o'cloek, returning from Antwerp ,V&y Nrdnefday, at 12 o'clock at noon. Travellers may proceed by Usyn fromn Antwerpto ...