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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ i.I RTLYTTELTON, CAN TERBURY~ ssteCsll'~~leI CR N ALL, S thileiler yig o sadon ucsay th 12h f.LeI- !coi i ,r noe, o I Nugust. I ti,~d itatesf day I 'if~a11(a whole cabfin between decks), £412 ;ocon-d of I rallil, ?? friIliO. p Y t . TIlayner 10 1~n rch-street Filby and the c V~ et~ehttetUtr~et, or to Frederic'k~ Yowng, mfanage~r Elf prel of th Caterbury Assaciatonl, 74,ZCorlihill. TEMtoIDIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~UT1F t,, PASSENGERS per MONARCH, c l TiifA-ih3 ship being ott her stay to Ports' ?? ?? to E?,IIA.[M onl Thursday, L ,i ?? after the arrivatlof the L I . s l iten train frooi Lsondoll.-F. Green and Co0., I A~ 'gents fssr-Portstnonth, Messrs. (Aarrite.alnd Gtibbon.t. -ITFXM to INDIA antd CHINA via, EGYPT.-, S9h'as MONT lILY MA IL STEAM CONYEtYANCE for ?? tttht Zld5 tot CEYLON, MAM7AS, C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudlice, and Empiricism, 147 Wood cats, 41 cases. 2 vols., is. each; by post, Is. Gd., (,N SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. 0 1 To be or not to be, that is the question. By R. J. CULVERWELL, hl.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. (1827), ?? (1824), 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee in these matters. Progrannne:-Adveit of Puberty aced corresponding Associa- ?? sod Casualties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ElFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, E CALLOSITIES, S.c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience it has received the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, lie having, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF LONDON. GENTLiiiEBN, Feel it to be my duty to the highly important .. colstituenCV which h teviec elected me as one oi its repre- sosltatives to take the earliest opportunlity, after the rejection of the Oath of Abjuration Bill by the House of Lords yesterday even- ilg, of requestiugnmy colnstituents to meet ele at a Public Meeting, at the London Tavern, onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. XX NORMA.-Mdlie. SOFIE CRUVELLI. It is respectllelly announced that TO-MORROW, Saturday, July 26, wvill be presented Bellini's celebrated opera, N 0 R M A. Normat, Midlle. Sofle Crurelli; Adalgisa, Erme. Giuliani; Polliono, Sig. Pardini; tclavio, Sig. Iercuriali; acid Oroveso, Sig. Lablaclce. To conclude wvith the adraired divertissement, entitled LES GRACES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE TETHII and GUIdS.-ROAVLAN1)S T ODONTO, or Pea l Detitifrice.-A white sowvs o il i I of the choicest and most recherchli ingredientis f Ie ! herbal. It eradicates tartar froee the tceth, remoN-I ' f cipieltt decay, polishes alu1 preiscrves the eualtiel itl.,; : * lht most pure and pearl-like whiteness, anld renders the r,.ih - and pore. Sctirvy is, by its means, cradicated frsne the 'e t,!l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n~iANIS H DANCER S.-ST. JAMES'N. TIIEAlRE.-The SPANISH DANCERS,) haing ?? their ciigngvsnient ait Hecr Majeoty's'iheatre, have the hionour to ?? anounce it BENEFIT PERFORMANCE, asoisted by the artistes ?of the French vaudeville company, which will take place THIS EVENING (Tuesday), ?? thle St. Janies's Theatre, by the oblilght eperitission of Mr'. Mitchlell, who has Ligilly granted the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA, J an excellent remedy for Acidities, Heartburn, Headache, Sea Sickness, Gout and Indigestion. As a mild aperient it is ad- sm5 mirably adapted for females and children.-DINNEFORD and CO., Ouit Dispensing Chemists, 172, New Bond-street, general agents for the *el improved horse-hair gloves and belts. for EII! FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, st. E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V 0iW~ ZEALAND, PORT LYTTELTON, ~~~i ,Ix ElTi~l.EMENT,W\VELlA.NG'O N, aiid N EL- F rtcoopalsetger *ship CORINWALL, 5S0 tons register; ~ *~ oIaDocki, chartored and provisioned hy the -.juuto still on Tuesday, the 12th of August.I 7,, -cliof eaten (aI whole resbin betwee, deks, 4 bteerage, £10.C-For freight, ploisage, or further to 4 Stayner, 110, Fenelhurch-titrect; Filby ansi oo'buclr~-sltret ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? SLI1PPERS for CALCUTTA direct.. -i-j, MNARII Will hLClietVE MIEASUREEMENT ?? .Dck nilFn' 'lckTlSDAY.- . ?? ?? 1R 1II IAI)ELPIIIA, from Liverpool.-The ,V0 II il., ?? iiian11der (Iuilt onl tle, Cly~de), will s.ail froilt 'iii Ii ll~5lil Ais oil Friday, 2:Al July3. Ftirst cabiti,2 .4il.i,11 ?? furtlter particiulars, ses 6~~. -All t ihardsori, lirothers, altd 'IAl, STrEA'M NAVIGATrION rj 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TEAM1 to INDIA and CHINA via. EGYPT.- 111111m lION~riILY MAIL STEAM CONYEYANCE for sod, lighjt goods to CEYLON, MNADNtAS, CALCUTTA, SNCAOlE, -atd HONGKOG-iPeiulrad Unti stte aviatin Company book pastsengors and t eccive 5edpat~lOfattheabove ports by their steameers, otartiig I .uhe20th of every month, and from Suez Siriliit ti~ utofthe tootth. ?? ~ ~ r for Bomlbay can proceed by this Coin-I ~ ...