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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SKICN EICUPR'EON., NEICVOU1 DEBI- ]LITT. Scrofusla, Diseases oftlhe Hones and G Ianads. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED DGUTTiE VITAE (or Life Drops) is as its name implies a safe and permanent restorative of ?? vigour, whether deficient from long residence in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful dehlaiveexeesseg, infection, &c. lt ?? be found a speedy corrective. of all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a At1 letters, Post-paid, addressed to Advertisers, throuqh the Printers, are natablll forwoarded to te psarty Advertising; if. therefrs, an Applicants does UGt ?? an answer within a g Reasonable time, he smust conctlde either tliat the Advertiser is a atready suited, or that fromn somne other cause, it has not been t/ought necessary to return anĀ¢ answer to the Applicatton. Atplicanets are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jutt published, prioe 9gI, live. cl boardt, witA 5OACTAlB engravad in line by W- GI0ATnCet _ t MHE LIFE -F EDWARD BAINES liate .MP. for thc ?? or Leeds' AL lat Ill SO, EDWARD LJAINES. Author of 'Iho ItStorY of tlhe Cotton 11101ature. Ii Londoflt Lo ~AN Co. 111110 NEWOIme, Leelo. it ADDITI fCAlO.ITICA NOTICE. (F.'rin ?? Rteview'.) ?? ntO i~nt~goihed contributor to this Ifeviowv, linq dit- -A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bv*CK CHfAPEL, LEBDS.-OnSuonday, S iIJN i5 h (To amorroeh) TWO StRSIONS will be ~ 4lli~scjuk~I5Fpel, by tho Rev. P. J. JOI3SON ; B tr15rlEraS ct tell, and in thie evening at six 9t 5iiorl0 ciors wirlll be received on behal of the oC'jnd._ , of ST. MATTHEW'S ?? CH LrTI x LOxDON, LgoDs. c10L cl~i til be ClNSECRATED on Wfiednesday, the V1 fbnr~' W ou which day TWO SERMIONS will be ~sls, ~Als ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED hi WITHOUT A TUSS ! Dr. ALFRED BArtel begs to inform the readers of the vc .^OusrtreaN STAR that a Volume of Upwards of One Thou- a saud Testimonials will shortly be publidied. READ TIE FOLLOWVING:- 'In thefive casol wrote to ysu about, the remedy has perfectly succeeded; send me atother for a case of Scro. Es tal lernia '-John Armstrong, Navy Surgeon. We have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT ! TIOLLO WAY'S PILLS. LJ Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach, qshen in a most hopeless stage. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, 185D. Sm,-Youc valuable Villa have been the means, with God's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect health, and at a time when I thought I was on the brink ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lllVSiC HIALL. T Of MAnBtLE and By II A CHOICE, scI VATVtAIItlIE C~OV`LE(' toN yte 1au ALAIiAsfri-ti oR~NAIMENTS, jsst mpored ?? flicturer. direct from Florence. it oanuc Idellsc. 115'P'ER iud 1IAR't be)trenpect(ttl toanuc thst they bhoes' eiv~tt instructiolO sit) SELL hPuUlI l et f;s Ic t ._Xibllon-street, Leeds, 0i0 I13cdetiiday iel. , wou ANU ILEGe ANI'h COLLECTIN of ITALIAN hets N E E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N D \ V ~ .S R D I N W S L Y A N idjces. wtearing apparel st i e l s w nd , J~ tie tet Is. eac h tile v alu e of w i h il b , 0 0 O d S. 5 5 t s ~ i k t d C U C ,LITTLE LONDON, iT. ?? RMONtS Will be preached in this VI~~lti'eSeenteenths, in aid of the Build- WCUfTI'lIllfll0jligby the Rev. F. H1. RtClIINGS, Xtherstone, Warwickablre; in the arter- *il 0 FIoJ, D.D0., Vicar of Leeds, and In .5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT! 1OL LOWAY'S PILLS. . Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach, .tihen in a moast hopeless state. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, 1850. Sia,-Your valuable pills bave been the means, with .od's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect heaith, .and at a time when I thought I was on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SKRN t~~itiiPI'iON'. NEIt1'l0w it,, l c gjT,rroesofulza, Dieiasts olltse, Hookses andi Rl Gicueds. D_ ~ROOS' CONCENTRATED) Sk sale anti permtantent restorative of ?? rilgou, w Ihe ther jr esflerist mrom long residenc Inht orcl climates, or p risriee:: fr'sm solitary hahite, youithflil dteliniate tacesses, c Infecoi.n. &ct. It will also be fonlld'a speedly curt'ectire, of t all the above ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIr N Elvt ION1x 0,4 NRl rOUClT PeRU ]bIT1, Scrofula, Iliseasesl Offite Mottle andI DsE RO' CONCENT]RATED . E RaUTT S V IaIM r Life Drops) I. its it8namaimpliesa a safe and permanent restorative of mnly vlour, whether defcient trom long residence in hot or c cliiates, or tarisin; from salitery habits, youthful delesise excesses &nfectlon, &ec. It wilt al5l be found a speedy corrective of ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NJO'I IGFis here, given,, t~hat the PARTINE R- _U ~ ?? ?? underoigned J011sSit andJOSEP STEL, D t50 int) Shoe makers, at No IS lirigate, n Leed, in tle couty of York. uinder the E V O St~le r tir of ' teel lrotttrs. ~d atNO. 9, Kirltgate, in gh Leeds ?? under te ~tyiOor firmof ?? stael and Corn-~i5 As wtnes or hads ?? da ofAugust, 1 5t. JOHiN STEEL. Lad W'itnest-RJclIA 'D NWuros. Solicitor, ...