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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I - HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT! 1OL LOWAY'S PILLS. . Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach, .tihen in a moast hopeless state. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, 1850. Sia,-Your valuable pills bave been the means, with .od's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect heaith, .and at a time when I thought I was on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORST SOR~t~W! CERTAIN HELP I PE 5rreentfS cce e N tew NModte of of rtcetme nenf WA eh *: fe-s never i a tfailed. h R. ALFULED BARKER, 48, L S terPoO t L tre et, etgi'e Cross, London. From many years' experience at the various hospitals in el Stondon cad on the Contivient, is enabled to treat with t b the utmo st certainty of cure, every variety oj disesse B arising from solitary habits, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIcrN EttU'tI'10oNI, NJKI'V0V.A DEBI- lNTAY, sce'ofuila, Diseases eftile BoDIEo Sn& G lgsiulv. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED D I OUTT.E VIT.& (or Life Drops) is as its name implies a safe and permanent restorative of ?? vigour, whetber deficient from long residence in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful delusive excesses, infection, sie. It will also be found a speedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LAST SALE Or' ?? HA..NGINGS THNIS SE,1 ASOiN. esers- ?? B5ARKIER Will S'LL, B3Y AUCTION at the Commercial sole lioorfli. Sternoe's Buildings, Leeds, By on T~esdy il~tA ?? Fifth, til1, en 'nsta E ES P PER HANGINGS. 1,700 parties olito hvenot yet Made ohoics are usw jnrtltt to do SO, a's tilh is tile ltst op)portunity they wvill have t0 in thit e~ona~, And the patelt relst be o~ear'od to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SKRN t~~itiiPI'iON'. NEIt1'l0w it,, l c gjT,rroesofulza, Dieiasts olltse, Hookses andi Rl Gicueds. D_ ~ROOS' CONCENTRATED) Sk sale anti permtantent restorative of ?? rilgou, w Ihe ther jr esflerist mrom long residenc Inht orcl climates, or p risriee:: fr'sm solitary hahite, youithflil dteliniate tacesses, c Infecoi.n. &ct. It will also be fonlld'a speedly curt'ectire, of t all the above ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price 9s., ev., cloth boards, with ' THE LLIFE OF EDWAUD BAJINES, TS. late X.P. for the Borough of Leeds. BYT HIS SON, EDWARD B3AtHEs, Anther of 'IITlie flistory of the Cotton Matnufactulrs. London:t LONGMiAN & Ce. Rats Nawsoele, Leeds. ADOBITIONAL cROTICAL1 NOTICES. -1Tehge antd halppier instanicei Of iself-sidvantementar such as we find recorded iii the voeltn~ before Uts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH WHtEREl 'TLS SOUGHIT! Cm Hi fI'OLLOWAY'S PILLS ?? Cure of a Disordecred Liver agod 'Stomadi, hsl sewhen in a 22ost hoel~cesse state. Extract ofn a Itter from Mr.. Matthew hlarvey . Hail, Airdrie, Scotland, dated thle 15th Of~ja1;Uu p 'Li. ir Ssm,.Lour valuable pills lhave been the me .. n God'siblesshing~of restoring me to a state of pee-i : :wn, LI Ci .eand etita time when I thought I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DO1 YOU WANT LUXURIANT A1TD pt e * 3 BEAUTIFUi, HAIR, WHISKiERlS, MOUSTAClilOS, lit nBYEBROWS, &c.-Of all the preparations that have been w introduced for reproducing, nourishing, beautifying, p' d and preserving the human hair, none have gained such a world.wide celebrity and immense sale as MISS DEAN'S 4E CRINILENE. It is guaranteed to produce Whiskers, us Moustachios, Eyebrows, &c., in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Alt ettler, poot-pa id, ad~dressed to Adr~rtiqers, thraugh the P1rinters, re. i,,variabl~l fourwivaded to the party Adv.nisitng, iii, therefore, ani Applicant, does ncl receive ,, aiinvert' ,ilJin a reasonallble tolme, he ISinut ?? either (/10t the 0,dort iser ts alreaody sutlt'd, or. that frovt sonie other coos.', it hoas lot been thouqht neeessaryto totorn'~j An oapser to the Application. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [A DVERTIS11YIEN1I S. 1NTEREsrjiNG To LALI-S.-Notwitlitetlding the numerous preparat iots for life resloratioin awd iumprovemnut of the hIunto hair ?? are (I .i y put befuro the pulbtic, and all professectly infallitble, bet of which tlile faats a~re nucs to be qutestionled, we have nlow an oppobrtnoity of vouching for tlie virtues of that liCetlilelarticle, fowl and.4' Macas- dsur Ol. Aire. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOalc FITE) PLtetiol. AtessN. IIEPI'ERFo & I5ATFi roittitd to ?? BlY Mir. AUCTION Oil tile pre-'sla Ar Jeremih Sepwrber Soit 3,Ctatigo-aley, Leeds, en '1srt~ et h orh&tctsr T ALi; THlE UNREkDEEMED PD ED G ES,A A pledged Wthtie followlitg Pawtibroikers, Prior to Sp e tibr 160:- soe, .hin-aeyLi Jil. jiItMtMIA11 SO1Y.lCh1ssly.s Dt'ssrs. I. & W.hiVi-tEIN LuadY-lane.Or alOt. ljG~iE WvOOLE'I?, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r i7N 10RUPTIOTNC, NEtUVOU-S 1Tse. i: I JtIY, wcrofuln, Misecises; of tille HBostels aseld EROO2.00S' 8CONCENTRATED d D EG GU7XT VITE (or Life Drops) is as its name implijs P n safe and permanent restorative of manly vigor, wihethler o :eficient from long reswdenee in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful delnaive excesses b] infection, &e. It will also be found a ...