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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS. August 23, at oever Rectory, Kent, the wife of the Rev. Wni. Wilberforee Batthe, of a son, stillborn. On the 22d inot., at Wellcsbourne, Stratford-on-Avon, the Lady of Charles Paulet, of a Sov. On the 10th hist., at Viewfield, Inverness, thle wife of William Enderby, Esq., of a daughter. Onl the 24th inst., at 7, Brunnwick-square, Brighten, the wife of Janies It. Hndow, Esq., ef a sen1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jo. PUBLICATIONS. Ze- NEW PRAIRIE ROMANCE, BY THE AUTHOR OF THE ec. RIFLE RANGERS.' Now ready, at all thle libraries, in 3 vols., led r H E SC0A LP H UN TE RS. forT By Captain MAYNE REID. hn THE vines 0F THE~ LONSDON azesS. 1This is a svordereusi book. It is a gergeous elaboration of Defoe's immortal Crusoo,--Merning Advertiser. DM 1A iroduction of remnarkable and enthrallintg attractions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. PARLOUR LIBRARY, Vol. LXIII., for Arousr. Price ls. 6d. in boards, or 2s. in cloth conitaillilng OHN MAIASTON HALL; o0', Little Ball-o'- Fire. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. Also by the sanic Author in this popular series.- Brigand Coasticaneu. Roblher Smuggler Cipsy ~ ~ IMary of Blurgundy P'hilip) .Augulst00 On2e in a Thousanad mory Efnstein Darnley Gowrie coiry Masterton S i1i1s and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OICE ?? CALCUTTA dir'ct-Tileo1PRINCE of WALES, 1,3,50 tons, will RECEIVF, 31EA~sUREMEN'r GOODS !in the East India Docks until, ~atur day, next, tile 23d inst.-F. Green and Co., 64, Cornifffl. N TWERP, BRUSSELS, 'COLOGNE, HAM- A BUR, BRLI, LI11ZC, RESEN,&c.-F'aree, 16.Oo or 2ls. (Sea passage five bours ?? ANTWErP COM- TnOslAH J ACliSts, Qolulander, leaves tilO(, St. liatilarnlle's WVlarf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... roSPANISH BONI)HOLDERS.-A MEET- ri 1r G oth OLD)ERS of bPANISH BONDS is requiested t, on I'cosday next, the 19tb list., at thle London Tavern, at Eleven for Twleocokprec~eli', Lo taket juite consideration the Law for thle Settleiceit of thle Public Debt of Spain, as prormulgated by the Cortes, with the sanction of her Catholic Majesty. By order of the Coimiiitteo, J. S. CULLETT, Secretory. 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-I IL PLAY-HOUSE PRICO NIGHTS. In compliance with the general desire, FOUR FAREWELLI NIGHTS will be given oen Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sa- turday, being the last nights f thce seasons cobhining all the ! taient of Her Majisty's Theatre. I Ons Wednesday lex', August 27, LA SONNAMBULA. Aminio, Micc. Sontag; Count ltodolpho, Sig. F. Lablaches Elviro, Sig. Calzolari. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- II GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. DON GIOVANNI (for the last time). Mlesdenses ALBONI, GIULIANI, and FIORENTINI. it jr respioetlislly announced that a Grand Exctras Night will toake placo TOAlMORROW, Th1ursday, August 14, when will be pressu1ted Mozart's clef-d'ecul're, entitled DON GIOVANNI. With the following powerful ?? Giovanii, Sig. Colotti; Doll Ottavi, Sig. Calzolari; Masetto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OC ?? SVDNEY Odir c.-TthoO BLACKWALL being now onl her wvay to Ply- moutli, p~sSELNUERS atre requiested to be there ready to EMBARtK on Tliur.ItiV~ next, tels its h iledimdaeyeir ?? O~roeen and Co., 65, Cornhill. Agcnt at Plymouth, J. jWilecocks, Esq. -NTOTICE to SHIPPERS.-For CALCUTTA MEASURCEMENT GOODS in the East Indial Dotes until Soptor- day next, the 2ld nist.-F. Green end Co., 64, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. N~Madame LIARBIERE NINI. It is respectfully announced, that this celebrated artiste will malec her first appearance onl Tuesday next, August 5, as Lucrezia, iu Doalizetti's opera, LUCREZIA BdRGIA. ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. I R LA GAZZA LADRA.-Mdllc. ALBONI. It is respectfuity announced that TO-MORROW, Saturday, August 2, will be presented Rtossini's celobrated opera, LA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL ADVICE ON Tii E SECRET INFIRMITIEs OF Yku UTil AND MATURITY-FIFTY COLDURED ENGRAVINCS. In English, French, aerman, Dutch, Spaunish, and Italiasl, il a scaled covelope, 2s. Gd., or post-free, for 42 Stillmps. SELF-PRlESERVATION; a Medical Treatise on fo tbe Physiology of Minrriage, and on the se-:ret slfienilit IIS LI disorders of youth and maturity, which destroy the p i sical Wid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ee FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, . CALLOSITIES, c., WITHOUT CUFFING, or causing the slightest pain, by MIr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition On the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. f3~ Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience; it has received the sanction Of the Royal Fassilies of Europe, and the iret of the nehility end gentry he having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. LHCMiIAlieGIA, ALBONIuedAg.. will resumC her original part of Orsini, in Donizetti's opera of LUCREZIA BORGIA4, TIIIS EVENING, Tu~esday, Aug. 6.- 11t: ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. I-L GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. FIDELIO-Mdlle. SOFIE CRUVELLI. MlASANIELLO-Mmie. FIORENTINI-Alrdile. MONTI. It is respectfulil announced that a Granld Extra Night will take place TO-AMORROW, Wednesday, August 6 ...