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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... INTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WILLIAM CRAWFURD, Esquire of CartSburn, Heir of Entail in possession of the Entailed Estate of CARTSBURN, in the CountV of Renfrew, has presented a Petition to the First Divi- ?? of the Court of Session (Mr. Lindsay, Clerk), in terms of the Act 11 and 12 Victoria, Cap. 36, entituled An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Entail ill Scotland, praying that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CCOTTISI-I IDOVS' FUXD ANXD LIFE ASSUR~ANCE ¢ SO (,IETY . Hd jrlc -EDIjN' i'UREO , ST. ANNDREW SQU ARE. TIHE ACCUMULATED CAPITAL OF THE SOCIETY Amounts at this date to upwards of TWO 2(11140,CN S THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. T IE ANNUAL REVENUE exceeds THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DPOUNDS. This Society, which l w vas Establishe cd in 1813, may be r egaerdcd, in so far as Scotland is concerned, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. TIE %1CRNY CH RC Nill not be OPEN~ED for Worlhi tbfoj SABBATH 'inn 7-c;; SEV- TequoCiii o 'ofthe( Repairs and Painting not nEl',VAItD OF TWO POUND)S. A or tie FAXRM~ of 1IASHIEHIILJL, iln the Parish ,fiiilfl, 8ticlingshire, was Lust on or' about thleg A~t b s supposed to have been left fin a Cab, t-iliiO eturni the above to Mr. Kirsop, Hatter, Ar-_ r~ue 'flT Stre; t, will rcecive a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH ACADEMY, 3 ALBANY PLACE. ajR. MUNSIE respectfully intimates that lie will RE- SUME his CLASSEIS on TUESDAY the 5th of AUGUST. ?? will, as useml, FOIM an ALPHABET CLASS, and a PRIVATE CLASS for GIA31MAAR and COMPOSITION, including the study of IISTORY and BIOGRAPIIY. PU)LIC CLASSES from ?? 9 o'clock till 2 PRIVATE CLASS ro, ?? , , 2 ,, till 4 GLASGOWV COLLEGIATE AND COMIMERCIAL ACADEMY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m SIIOP AND IOISE PROPERTY IN ARGYLL STREET. old, by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchango Salc T ° Glsgotv, upon W'edinesday the 27th 'dAy of August curre-t, at 'Iwo o'clok Afternoon, IT. nud wHOLE that FORE and AChK SHOP, 1. A s'ittated on the north side, atid forming No. 82 of Argyll j soppoite Maxwell Street, Glasgow, presently possessed iret lass & 3)uncnn. These Premises hliving back e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? LOST, * ~ Eyinglast, about Jamaica Street, u ?? I, brown, with a l ittle black onl thae \ g.Sin eiav~, shiort tail, and aiiswoi's to thle namtie lit ,,XV isl5 reitutrning the sarine to M1r. Hencdry's * I-rect, Will be liand~ouncly rcwvarded. L. 1 . It DO)G(. If nit claimed wvithinl eighit zI. toi d]!efray exlinctsi. liotA STntAYED). ii.M'c ijtla a large I3L ACICtand WJ[ TIi Now'-1idi,1ellld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. HE Executors of the deceased Mr. JAMES STIRLING, 1Book0keeper, City Poor's llouse, reque st all Persons hav- irig CLAIMS ag ainst him to ?? the same in the hands of W. 13. Illilge, Writer, 9 iatite5it Street, withinnttrrc w weeks from this fati. llasggow, 21st August,1851. I THE C L A G O * P I D E N T BO ANK. (Free fro fr Gor mentiritt Duty.) N OTICOE I IS HEREBY GIVEN,internisofan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTERN RAILWAY OF' FRANCE. SECTION FROM PARI S, 'i'TIROUGII VERSAILLES, TO CHARITRES, LA LOUjPPE, A-.D LE -MANS. CCoclEDED TOMsPs ?? TTO 'iO, M.P., CHARILES GEACIiI, 31.1', T1110011 J111A5I0)', EDIVAR 1)L.ADDi Brs L.ii'2Fox1 JOu J imiii AND I.'JIAI.4110 ~A.ILEL lBY A LAW OV TidE NATkiONAL, ASSEMlB Y, Gemetted in lhe Jrldlteur of 23d illny, 1851. Capita £13000 i 400Class A, and 22,000 Class 13 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN'D THE, CASE 01-' ~It U S S E'I. L rcrsna CIt A W U CIt ?? 1?R IF ENil ]IIFTL'11 -I have, as inl duty bcound, readl you~r F 1 jc sl. 11111C to i a 0.013' S)IOit (Iltiol 'I'll Exost v aolsi~sts of tilr-c cluleltnot. let, attoellif of >i/61.-ce ; 2dfly, of ,S'takioltns,-ttlot P'oieto, lie it ((blit'l ;C antd, Idly, of' a fews very leo'. particles, of coulntlhiig whiche], you are, tiniditlcss, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1- ,1101pEITy IN AIIDRIE AND CLARKSTON ' I),S 1 0 Ii S A L, 1E IUlcvtlwithin ?? H-otel, A ir- ~jites~h'>Jtiio 1. 011) day of Se-ptemiber ncext, at 1-2 rwoACRES of LAND, or thereby, port ~i~tjof1w ,aditof lDrulngelloch, olthe Solith side of t~ol~nq~ko~fm Cii ir toll, wvith the DSV EL L N hieyoccupied by the(, fow dieceased 1l iC' I'I s ii otlher.,i and Th, IIU and U ARDEN in Ilalleraig Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11NGISIIAC AND scorTI SrII LAW LIFE ASSUcAXCl AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Ewrmusilsillml) 18U39.-SUBlSCHMEDil (:vb O*v.NC>l I, IXl (1°0 ?? STU'l'llEE'l EI)IANB tG1I. HIl:EAD OmIcs, - 12 WATERL lO I'LACE, LONDiON. Tlill, BUIsINsCC5 O' ?? AssCIATION enlibraces AS- SUltANCES onl LIVES and SUlt Vt VORS1II's, for tie whole teril of life or for 1Wimited period-s A NNUTIES, EN- DO WMENTS, ald generally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L6ST, On Saturday the 9th instant, A DAIhK BROWN Long-haired SKYE TERRIER A. IO(G, with Chain Collar and Owner's address. Any 1crsn ficdlitig the3 sone, and returning it to the Proprietor, Ne. t90 or 94 Stockwell Street, vill be handsomely rewarded. M1ONEY TO LEND. T Wo THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED P 0 U N D S, £2500, £1000, £400, and £300, On Heritable Security. i (4,cs llouse Property in Glasgow ...