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Advertisements & Notices

... A CLEAR COMPLEXION - ODFREY'S EXTRACT of ELDER FLOWERS is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preservingtbe SKIN , and in giving it a blooting and charming appearance, being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetics. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn Redness, &c., and by its baleamic and healing qualities, reoder ?? soft,pliable, and'free from ...

Published: Sunday 03 August 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3595 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... E X'HI BI T 0R The following system of advertising -ham been adopted for the purpose of affortding to Exhibitors a greiatex promine nce of description than ise. Possible in the very con- 'fined Space allowed- byi the WfIcial cktalogae of the Great Exilibitiors; and to' ?? thhman~ Aopotunisty of referring to thir gneralsnorhondi~, o which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In some) oases FL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rorICEF to SUIPPERS.-For SYDNEY direct. TieBLAJCKNALL will RECEIVE MEASUREMENT 10S t thec Jetty, Londlon Docks, until Four O'clock TO-moit. to Picillipa, Shiaw, and Lowther, 9, Royal Exclhnngc. Ili1 c to F. Green and Co., 64, ComrlIbl. ?? ZFPALAND.-FOr PORT LYTTELTON, A cNTELII~tYSE'1'lLEMENT, and other ports, the ,*soe hpFATIMA, 521. tons register, lying, in the fr~t~ jmt4~ hrtord and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE. *IUONDAT, August 11 The GAMESTER, APARTMENTS, and BELL The ALHAMBRA; or, the Three Moorish Princesss. Taet- day, The DUKE'S WAGER, APARTMENTS, and The AL- HAMBRA; or, the Three Moorish Princesses. Wednesday, LOVE IN A MAZE, APARTMENTS, and The ALEAMBRA; or, Three Mloorish Princesses. Thursday, The DUKE'S WAGER, APARTMENTS, and The ALHAdBRA or, the Three Moorishs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,,yXER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-: LUCREZIA BORGIA. Mn.BARBIIERII ININI.-Mmille. ALlIONI. It is rsetul aninounced that TO-HORtROW, Tuesday,I Augu1st 12, a IIl ha presented Donizetti's admired opera, LUCIREZIA GOORGIA. Lucrezia Borgia, Mine. liarbieri Nini M 1alfei Orsiri, Mer~le. Alboui ; Getnuaro, Sig. Gairdoni ; Rustighello, Sig. Mercuriali; Petrucci, Sig, F. Lablatclia Gazelle, Sig. Cwaranova; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ALVANISM.-Paralysis, Asthma, Indigestion. -Invalids are solicited to send to Mr. W. H. HALSE, of 22, Brunsswick-square, Londods, for lis PAMPHLET on MEDICAL GALVANISM, which will be forwarded free on receipt of two postage stansps. They will be astonished at its contents. In it will be found the particulars of cures in cases of asthma, rheu- mnatism, sciatica, tic-dealoreux, paralysis, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. SMALL BOOKS ON GREAT SUBJECTS. Just published, fcp. 8vo., price 4s. 6d., N theSTATE of MAN SUBSEQUENT to the . - PROMULGATION of CHRISTIANITY. Part I., em- s bracing the period from the Birth of Christ to the Death of Con- stantine the Great, being No. XIX. of Small Books on Great Subjects. I t will be my object in the present work to trace the reciprocal effect of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT 1~ to the CAPE of GOOD HOPE (carry- Ii tcr llnjetty's ntiail-i), leaving London onl tite 10th, and on the lathi of every ?? PRO PONT'IS, 590 M too.. ?? n Tiwom to tiOVEI, Will lbare PloInt 'uth on, thle 161th sJ ?? , i.tttOi, vvit maui not ?? passage apply 4 l,,1;~,-otildinigs; 15r goods and parcel to; i~ld o-, -latdiil_ sI os,157, Fulc 1111ch-sti eut, Lotndont, an at Lieol -Lioa 1PIIILAI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S. .The followibii' s-;stteu of advertising has bettn adopted for tho purpose of affordiug to Exehibitors a greater prominence of description thau is possible in thc very con- fisted space allowed by the official cataloguec of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring to their general merchandise, of which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In somei cases a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAXHI ITOR ?? The following systenm of advertising has been 1 , adopted for the Purpose6 of' aflording to Exhibitors a greatert Pi promtnence of description thanuns possible in the ery con- of ExibiXtio ap end tlo geibve thtlorn iaanospportun~ity of referring|_ to tsheir general mecrclaendise, 1of wvhich the articles exhi-n bitedi are samnuples. In sonte caises a numlber is not prefxed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRE NETTING and WINDOW BLIND MA- taic a NUFACTORY. Tq her Majesty's Honourable Board of Ord- I ?? tho l JEaEst India Ccmpany.-Wire Netting Id ac per square foot; Galvanied ditto, requiring no paint. 2d.* Wire ' ge Blind, in mahogany trames and bolts, oomplete, Is. ld.rer foot f ieI Zino dIto, Is. ad. per foot; Venetian, 8d. per foot; Hollan, 7ans. SI c parent, and Window Blinds of all kinds. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD.1 Cepulcto auhole 1 th publicact~hion je of Ah n lle.-tarst ?? 3. DEN?1' has B?MQYED from 82 to 01, BTBAIW (being 21 doors nearer to Coerissg.arsss, sn? op. T -? sollalte ass *ns??oO of ),Ia ? stock pf O?QNO ?ao? a 3S?Ocekapur4beet? stt4 3lEoA? ?'gs), (? QUINBA SOlID GOW?3UAIW CHM?J$,. ?J War ?8GonardCbalns, weigising oug?ov?celgt1s £Ll?4 1, soy., £1 ...