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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... I. EFFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, Er CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing th- the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical co Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience * it has received the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and the first of the nobility and gentry, he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-A MEET- T Nofthe HOLD)ERtS of SPANiSH BONDS is requested OtTuesday next, the 19th inst., at the London Tavern1, at Twivel ?? precisely, to take ?? the Law for the Settle- Itlent of' the Puiblic Delit of Spain, as prowulgated by the Cortes, sviih thesanctionl of her Caihulie Majesty. Ily order of the Commiiittee, J. S. COLLETT, Secretary. 3, Cilement's-Itne, Lomnbard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~_Nijp WANTED for PORT LYTTELTON, jj cANTRI'.II1RY SPJTTLEMENT.-Notice ii hereby given, thatt Go1 Tharmlay. the 4th of September, at ?? o'clock preejoely, th, Cmm~ji~tctee if ailagemenlt if thle CANTERBURY ASSOCIA- 7TION will he, ritalv to receive TENDERS for the HIRE or a first- rases rASSENGLCR Still, front about 4180 to Goo tons old measure- Itenit fur the cuiocyallec of' passengers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 3'~jcI to ASS NGE S lid SHIPPERIs ihc ~p ORN AL, or 'OffLYTTE'LTON, CAN- ?? iru~i~srandothr Prt ill1sv Zealand.- i 1;ll'i ~ clut e ceard ad aenide onor efre Saturday All FIIIJEIICKYOUN, Mnage ofShipping. cc..0 ,ticeof heCanerbryAoseiaio, 7, ornliill, RITSI an NRTHAMRICAN ROYAL MAIL 'fEA -SHI'S, ppoited y thle Admciralty to ?? LiV~lIOL an NEWYOR direct, and betweenl I. I 10 IL nd OSTO, te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. LHCMiIAlieGIA, ALBONIuedAg.. will resumC her original part of Orsini, in Donizetti's opera of LUCREZIA BORGIA4, TIIIS EVENING, Tu~esday, Aug. 6.- 11t: ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. I-L GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. FIDELIO-Mdlle. SOFIE CRUVELLI. MlASANIELLO-Mmie. FIORENTINI-Alrdile. MONTI. It is respectfulil announced that a Granld Extra Night will take place TO-AMORROW, Wednesday, August 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t mO SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-A MEET- he T ING of the IOLDERS of SPANISH BONDS is requested .n oil Tuesday next, thc 1Yth hist, at the Losidon Tavern, at Twelve id o'clock precisel-, to take into eonsideration the Law for the Settle- menit of the Public Debt of Spain, as promulgated by the Cortes, 1- with the sanction of her Catholic Majesty. By order of he Committee, is J. S. COLLETT, Secretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATE and ELLEN BATEMAN, having received K the mst enthusuaoie recepio upon'theoccaseion of their first appearance in this country, will REPEAT their extraordinsry UBPESETNIlON 71SS VENNGat he T.JAMES'S THEATRE,-Boxesg and, StallsathMr. Mitchell's Royal Library, 513, Old Bond-street ; and at the Box-office. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- PLAY-1IOL7SE PRICE NIGHTS. In complliance with thegentrisl desire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- IL SOIREES EXTRIIAORDINAIRES, The WEEK'S PERORMIANCES wnill includo the talents of Mine. Barbieri iNI,' Millie. Alboni, Musne. Fiorentini, Mine. Gin- iaulk, and Mdlle, Sofic Cruvelli ; Sig. Gardoisi, Mir. Sims Rteaves, Sig. Pardini and Fig. Calzoisri; Sig. Lablaclie, Signori Massol, F. Lablachis, Casanova, Seapiri, Lorenzo, Ferranti, anid Coletti; Mdlle. Arnalia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ERMAJESTY'S THEATRE.-1t ELUCREZIA BORGIA. Maic. BARB3IERI NINI.--Mdillc. ALl30NI. TO.MORROw, Saturday, Aug. 9, will ho preseated Donizctti's opera LUCREL/,A BORGIA. Lucrezia, Madame Barbieri NWn~; Orsi'ni, Mdll. Alboni Gn nero, Sig. Gardoni .Rustigbello) ~jg. Mercurialh; P'etrucci, 5g F. Lablcho; Gazellot Sig. Ca'a'iiovit Gnbettal, Sig. Lorenco Astolfot, Sig. Balencli; and Iflfoiso, Sig. L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW I ZEALAN D.-For PORT 'LYTTELTON, I WELINGONand INEW PLYMIOUTHL-The first-class shpFTM, ch rere isd rovsiosned by thle Canterbury Asso- Ceabin (it whlole calta, Ieteween decks), £42 accesses cablin, £22 ; ioeranage, 110-For frvight, passage, or further information, appl t FlyansI Co., 157, Foenchsrch-street ;J. Staysser, lid, Feel- churcvh-street ; or to Frederick Young, songro hpig 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ee FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, . CALLOSITIES, c., WITHOUT CUFFING, or causing the slightest pain, by MIr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition On the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Feet. f3~ Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon long experience; it has received the sanction Of the Royal Fassilies of Europe, and the iret of the nehility end gentry he having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Jislt published, 20th edition, fcp., 2s. Cd., cloth lettered, ENWICK DE PORQUET'S FIRST FRENCH i. CFslREADING BOOK; or, Petites Histoires Intcressantes Inl- J structives et Morales. Being Biographical Notices of Celebrated N Children. With Foot Notes, in French and Englisih, by eas ofn - which any one unacquainted with French may, in a few inutCs, H be able to translate witholit ...