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Leeds Mercury



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... [A DVERTIS11YIEN1I S. 1NTEREsrjiNG To LALI-S.-Notwitlitetlding the numerous preparat iots for life resloratioin awd iumprovemnut of the hIunto hair ?? are (I .i y put befuro the pulbtic, and all professectly infallitble, bet of which tlile faats a~re nucs to be qutestionled, we have nlow an oppobrtnoity of vouching for tlie virtues of that liCetlilelarticle, fowl and.4' Macas- dsur Ol. Aire. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11tWOyT0 BE LET, a FURNISHED A CA itl Garen forthree or six moniths bor for a com S ~,Sr~~dl '.GTsid 15 rooms, and furnished as drawing, for tl ,P er Pirs~at n iebed rooms, two kitchens, ervantlt Imlay ,ficllil 'IT &le IlOt11se. is dellglitfully situated within Jt-en 5litels, wailk of the sea Ant bridge, and ia admirably ?? oties or two families Be-king retirement and econo- d o id eience, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Alt ettler, poot-pa id, ad~dressed to Adr~rtiqers, thraugh the P1rinters, re. i,,variabl~l fourwivaded to the party Adv.nisitng, iii, therefore, ani Applicant, does ncl receive ,, aiinvert' ,ilJin a reasonallble tolme, he ISinut ?? either (/10t the 0,dort iser ts alreaody sutlt'd, or. that frovt sonie other coos.', it hoas lot been thouqht neeessaryto totorn'~j An oapser to the Application. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... juel psibliehed, price Io, liVO., cloth boards, WIth IOPIAT engraved In line by Ws' Oas1ArOACHl. m HE LIFE OF EDWAR AIE~dS JU late rq.P. for thle Borough of Leeds. very B3Y IIS'SO)N. EDWARD BJA.INES, thre Auht'o h Hiistory of thle Cotton Mitanufacture. bra London: L5oaA' lie 110NWONLeS rors ADDITIONAL cHriTCAL NOTICES. hors ?? .Ecefcqic IReiewit) hair A daetistiguiishsd contributor Ito ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H WTO S~tE THlE S1011T',l OF INSO AT TIME EAS EXEN~ AND) IN 'rill' SlIf r Pl '~~lIET~ Jntpt publlished. -in embossed cloth,1, price Is., ~4NN' CI)UNTRYX VISI[TORS' GUIDE'j j~J TOj.(l~ittN A ?? onlOl)Xi(fltU to All %vhw visit' the RE~' EXii ltltlit. C.ofltaiiflIKil au ?? Of Lim- ?? tr~ts. ighs. tii.rliO, publici building9s. &O.; a descrip-I t~on of he Cryst l Plitc, aitt of mtotlers connected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LAST SALE Or' ?? HA..NGINGS THNIS SE,1 ASOiN. esers- ?? B5ARKIER Will S'LL, B3Y AUCTION at the Commercial sole lioorfli. Sternoe's Buildings, Leeds, By on T~esdy il~tA ?? Fifth, til1, en 'nsta E ES P PER HANGINGS. 1,700 parties olito hvenot yet Made ohoics are usw jnrtltt to do SO, a's tilh is tile ltst op)portunity they wvill have t0 in thit e~ona~, And the patelt relst be o~ear'od to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .110r C0IEGI'O 113RAD£0F-D.-Th& MEEINOI ?? willab edi 40ralic. An hi A~ot,M of Ipswich; ,, ,tsrcrnoon Oth report of the Coalkimittees for wil11s ?? ?? the year onsu- ~iil~tlaietl'wil be roviteilt u lot for 3ljni-tor., OP i O 'itjtl(ifC 10theechol0 os1i of tile cha~pel. 010~iii lse ectue-r of 5 the college the II ?? INAV1(GATLON.-TJhe -kl, i . AStiEMtti.lY of the. tfNtlE 0 ii ~lt'&- ?? NAYDI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ADYERTISEMENTS.] Tim UIG1 ESTIAATnON IN W ?? HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ARC i1ii1i FOR VIC Cnliai OF IrDtOrGsTiON, &i.-In a letter written by Mr. J. 11. Bell. of (leelong, to the ageut for the sale of Holloway's Fills and Ointment at Slelboursue. Port Phlllip, lie says- Gratitude obliges me to publish the great benefit my wife has received from the use of these unparalleled pills. We arrived at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a At1 letters, Post-paid, addressed to Advertisers, throuqh the Printers, are natablll forwoarded to te psarty Advertising; if. therefrs, an Applicants does UGt ?? an answer within a g Reasonable time, he smust conctlde either tliat the Advertiser is a atready suited, or that fromn somne other cause, it has not been t/ought necessary to return an¢ answer to the Applicatton. Atplicanets are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bv*CK CHfAPEL, LEBDS.-OnSuonday, S iIJN i5 h (To amorroeh) TWO StRSIONS will be ~ 4lli~scjuk~I5Fpel, by tho Rev. P. J. JOI3SON ; B tr15rlEraS ct tell, and in thie evening at six 9t 5iiorl0 ciors wirlll be received on behal of the oC'jnd._ , of ST. MATTHEW'S ?? CH LrTI x LOxDON, LgoDs. c10L cl~i til be ClNSECRATED on Wfiednesday, the V1 fbnr~' W ou which day TWO SERMIONS will be ~sls, ~Als ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cianco Drp atlCtilltT- .MUSIC NALL, L15120 ITMNE ANDJ SANDISOMP,110981oOSE 1tl ) 1 ,QII FORTEI GLASS, TOILETTIE GASI f, -ICLo PIA, la oil ,1,N ,a (Jl'.RTNSIb-And.othlero ?? lots. 1NA. IMC 11117~rt~tll to alknolnceo dtessr'. ?? UA4l'E t y hey will submit C ?? n ?? t Has1 l l Albion-treet, for SALE BY 3*sosF at tile ?? Leeds, VARIEy of VALUABrE ;HOUSEUOLD A j~~i'~RTV AND IEFP'l-CTS, ~OnsorlsrIt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reiv wit! ALMf O0CC0. n E LATE DISASTROUS RAILWAYI TA'CCIDEINT may show the propriety of taking an Insur- ance Ticket of theRACCOPN -4AILWAv PAISSENGfS' ASSURANE OMPN g ito be obtained at roost railway statloflel Defore commencn ajourtiey byrallW5-v. These tickets insure, d £ ,i; 5s a fi rst class crrlage, premium..d. £1150 , second ,,Oi. £2 0..third ?? EXCIISO AcES hch cover the risk of a ...