Advertisements & Notices

... V ?? )EVEXNING.-THE ASPECT EOF5 Nt r (TWednesO e) EVENING, at half-past Q1 I- SCrliSEIIIrCTURE wdl s2Odlvered, ain the Town Hall, an.] LCYLehhS hooter ?? ftse Charac.- ggok ScInt ?? iC Inbstrution, respeotively peest°°eest, )and Sell tfo 5 thT SoA ciation, a ?? SlIt~ford Co ?? E T A D E H A L L. f E~lIBIT0ON AND VOCAL CONCERT, ?? EVEN~ISG AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. TEE LAST WEER BUT ONE. pft l hc ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0tudling it20u10f0. HUSE TO BE LET, in Trae H Hanwith a Iog arden, go a nloayon to ii builder, SrefrdRoad, v me__ FP BE LE ,a GoodFan vitsx Brougltton.-'ApI~v to Ho ad l io Mlaxy-street, or Mr. AT'KIN9ON, ?? OB E LET, the Excelet detaced I. llaby, sit nate in Erodan-street,Greeanheys. P L Mutvs E. HALDY & SON, 7, Norfolk-street, to vit l' 01 GBE LET, froin the 29th of' eptesaber, a 2. T od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SSIOFt.-A SERMON, iin M~ ~ ~ ~ ?? b be~l ?? TISl 01 the aboveb atS. iu hrh by the Rev. WV. g.Aetiourbent of St. Janross Church, Ilingp E fiCf; Divioe services will commence at eight o'clock. tcta HE SUCCESi OF GALLAHER'S V.l SG -NssAPSA e vwill OPEN it for the iU yEIVtl' -lti ai Sa V evenings, 22nd and 23rd, at «ct II'IM °lci T er-street. Doors open ?? o'clock.-Se~ ie2. YSHORTLYWILL CLOSE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ' TO CORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents vhv do not find their communications noticed, may inter that we cannot answer them, or decline to do'o. The gr-at number of communications we re- ceiye, cohtaining 'quesdions which any person, disposed ;to take the same. trouble 'as thev wouid put upon us, might, answer fqr theinsplvesi renders this notice neces- sary. 'FIRES AND AccIDENI.S N; RAILwAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. ' F The following testimonial is another proof of the great efficacy of this medicine:- 11Winchsaore Hill, Middlesex, Apri 16, 1851. d Si ?? consideration of the great benefit I have derived from - taking Frampton's Pill of Health, I feel it a duty that I owe to you ao arid the public to send you tihe following statemenit -For upwards of nine years I have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEBB AND COMPANY'S NEW TAILORING AND READY MADE WAREROOMS, 10, 11, Axn 12, CORN-MARKET. The CHOICEST FABRICS, with superiority in the science of CUTTING and STYLE OF WORKMANSHIP. OUR experience in Trade for half a century, as well as our E known integrity in business, as WOOLLEN IMPORTERS,' will secure public confidence in the following statements.:- WE offer Garments which, for workmanship, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPENING OF THE NEW BOOT AND SHOE WARE- ROOMS, 10, 11 & 12, CORN-MARKET, WEBB & COMPANY having long felt the W want of a Good Boot and Shoe Warehouse in their immediate neighbourhood, where the irge sa encreasing connection of their House could procur,'airsty s quality of Boots and Shoes at a moderate j determined to supply that want by adding d0is' J;t and Shoe de- partment to the other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR MANILLA Direct ?? sil ?? onl Fthe 20th August), the remuk-0v 'laut-safling ship' WASH- pIlTON, A l, 400 toes. THOMAS Wlt31LAKE, onrler. room for a few tons or light meaaurable goode Panteugers will ihs veserl an excellent Opportunit.-Ftrt feightiot-passge .oW0. YOUN, ,SuU-Qnurt, Cornb'i MIGRATION to AUSTRALIA.-Tho COLO- J NdATV0 ASOURANCE CORPORATION'S flsft.lass pnoe enthe 20th September, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E1X H1I 1BI TOR S. I Th lo igsystem' of advertising has been a proinitilrc ot dscription than is puooible in tirc cry con- rn1 fined opt -i alkOIerI~ by tier tilbeitl ciitidolleir of the Great Il EXhiliiP lit; ando to giv.e thecin all Onpportv~ility of referringfe to their gecnrtal maerchalilttiso, of which the articles exehi-I- bited rexi samples. In some eases a, num1ber is not prefixed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. r The ?? system of advertising hals been . adopted for thc purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greater prominence of description than is possible in the very con- fined space allowed by the official catalogue of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring to their general merchandise, of which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In some cases a number is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE bilious and dyspeptic will find the most dfe ectual benefit from Dr. LOCOCK'S ANTIBILIOUS WAFERS; they in me:iately relieve all disorders of the etomaeh and I bowels, do not require any restraint in diet, and have a most agree. able taste. Sold by all medicine venders at 1s. id., 2s. 9d. and lls. . per box; of whom also maybe had Dr. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Asthma, Conrumption, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~5Y~ IBPER lf~l~'10areisiiretedto SELL l AuCTrIONq Onl thle preales fM.Jrnil Swy o AUCbUi0'B I Led, n L &?Y.ll the FourthM Vsopt~leotr, M.Caaoalolleds, 1V LI51 T jl UNR E I ) j, EI, ~ D PD ET)GES, TITh th le ?? Pawnbrokers, prior to Sep. S~r. dE55'MTCI SOrfy. 5 ChargoeAlleY. alcesi J&VI.' M FbLrTON L~adeylane-. Is~r (il~iG E ~tl~ifCliu'rl steet, Queirry-hill, and Mr. IOIN 1 F~l. 3. voanitoin ...