Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S. .The followibii' s-;stteu of advertising has bettn adopted for tho purpose of affordiug to Exehibitors a greater prominence of description thau is possible in thc very con- fisted space allowed by the official cataloguec of the Great Exhibition; and to give them an opportunity of referring to their general merchandise, of which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In somei cases a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAXHI ITOR ?? The following systenm of advertising has been 1 , adopted for the Purpose6 of' aflording to Exhibitors a greatert Pi promtnence of description thanuns possible in the ery con- of ExibiXtio ap end tlo geibve thtlorn iaanospportun~ity of referring|_ to tsheir general mecrclaendise, 1of wvhich the articles exhi-n bitedi are samnuples. In sonte caises a numlber is not prefxed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRE NETTING and WINDOW BLIND MA- taic a NUFACTORY. Tq her Majesty's Honourable Board of Ord- I ?? tho l JEaEst India Ccmpany.-Wire Netting Id ac per square foot; Galvanied ditto, requiring no paint. 2d.* Wire ' ge Blind, in mahogany trames and bolts, oomplete, Is. ld.rer foot f ieI Zino dIto, Is. ad. per foot; Venetian, 8d. per foot; Hollan, 7ans. SI c parent, and Window Blinds of all kinds. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD.1 Cepulcto auhole 1 th publicact~hion je of Ah n lle.-tarst ?? 3. DEN?1' has B?MQYED from 82 to 01, BTBAIW (being 21 doors nearer to Coerissg.arsss, sn? op. T -? sollalte ass *ns??oO of ),Ia ? stock pf O?QNO ?ao? a 3S?Ocekapur4beet? stt4 3lEoA? ?'gs), (? QUINBA SOlID GOW?3UAIW CHM?J$,. ?J War ?8GonardCbalns, weigising oug?ov?celgt1s £Ll?4 1, soy., £1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOR THE 3EARUYW: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 8. d. Advance, yer Annum ?? ?? SG 0 Half Year ?? 1S 0 Quarter ?? 9 0 7fonly one copy each week is required, thee ha hoe sunt, stated is the amount. On Credit to known parties, or a reference given for pay- mont in Livorpool, 40s. per Annum. t, Letters on bunsiness to 6e vsac7ressed to E¢qerton Smith and Co., or To the Editors of he 'Liverpool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~5Y~ IBPER lf~l~'10areisiiretedto SELL l AuCTrIONq Onl thle preales fM.Jrnil Swy o AUCbUi0'B I Led, n L &?Y.ll the FourthM Vsopt~leotr, M.Caaoalolleds, 1V LI51 T jl UNR E I ) j, EI, ~ D PD ET)GES, TITh th le ?? Pawnbrokers, prior to Sep. S~r. dE55'MTCI SOrfy. 5 ChargoeAlleY. alcesi J&VI.' M FbLrTON L~adeylane-. Is~r (il~iG E ~tl~ifCliu'rl steet, Queirry-hill, and Mr. IOIN 1 F~l. 3. voanitoin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORKINO MEN AND SHIOPKEEPEiS! Number XV. out this day of OTES TO THE PEOPLE, N ?? ERNEST JONES. Published every Saturday, containing forl eoulnana of close print (besIdes wrapper) for Two PSNCE. The demand continuing for the Letter tn to-operation, its errors and remedy-the Feur Letters o t fne Chartist 3Programme, giving the reasona for, Eid tis working of eversy clause-thc IDecliae of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED LR W4ITHOUT. A TRUSS! Dr. ALFRED BABxE3 begs to inform the renders of the 'NorTHERN STAR thht ?? of Upivards of One Thou- sand Testimnonials will shortly be published. rrA 'TE FOLL OWNG:- 'In the five cases I wrote to you about, the remedy lias perfectly succeeded; send me another for a case of Scro. E tal Ilernia.'-Jobhn Armstrong, Navy Surgeon. : ?? have witnessed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TLYTUIAll AGRICULTRUAL SOCIETY T PATRON AND PRESTDINT, J. T. CLIFTON, ESQ. TM E ANNUAL GENE RAL MEETING of the above Association, it-ill bc held at Lytlnam, on Wednesday, the 24th of September, for the E xhibition of Live Stock, Implemeuts of Husbandry, Seedls, Roots, &c. Dinner at half-past three o'cliolc, at the Clifton Arias Hotel, J. T. Clifton, Esq., in the chair. On the followingZ day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ?? )EVEXNING.-THE ASPECT EOF5 Nt r (TWednesO e) EVENING, at half-past Q1 I- SCrliSEIIIrCTURE wdl s2Odlvered, ain the Town Hall, an.] LCYLehhS hooter ?? ftse Charac.- ggok ScInt ?? iC Inbstrution, respeotively peest°°eest, )and Sell tfo 5 thT SoA ciation, a ?? SlIt~ford Co ?? E T A D E H A L L. f E~lIBIT0ON AND VOCAL CONCERT, ?? EVEN~ISG AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. TEE LAST WEER BUT ONE. pft l hc ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0tudling it20u10f0. HUSE TO BE LET, in Trae H Hanwith a Iog arden, go a nloayon to ii builder, SrefrdRoad, v me__ FP BE LE ,a GoodFan vitsx Brougltton.-'ApI~v to Ho ad l io Mlaxy-street, or Mr. AT'KIN9ON, ?? OB E LET, the Excelet detaced I. llaby, sit nate in Erodan-street,Greeanheys. P L Mutvs E. HALDY & SON, 7, Norfolk-street, to vit l' 01 GBE LET, froin the 29th of' eptesaber, a 2. T od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SSIOFt.-A SERMON, iin M~ ~ ~ ~ ?? b be~l ?? TISl 01 the aboveb atS. iu hrh by the Rev. WV. g.Aetiourbent of St. Janross Church, Ilingp E fiCf; Divioe services will commence at eight o'clock. tcta HE SUCCESi OF GALLAHER'S V.l SG -NssAPSA e vwill OPEN it for the iU yEIVtl' -lti ai Sa V evenings, 22nd and 23rd, at «ct II'IM °lci T er-street. Doors open ?? o'clock.-Se~ ie2. YSHORTLYWILL CLOSE. ...