Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. TIE %1CRNY CH RC Nill not be OPEN~ED for Worlhi tbfoj SABBATH 'inn 7-c;; SEV- TequoCiii o 'ofthe( Repairs and Painting not nEl',VAItD OF TWO POUND)S. A or tie FAXRM~ of 1IASHIEHIILJL, iln the Parish ,fiiilfl, 8ticlingshire, was Lust on or' about thleg A~t b s supposed to have been left fin a Cab, t-iliiO eturni the above to Mr. Kirsop, Hatter, Ar-_ r~ue 'flT Stre; t, will rcecive a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BFYEBRJIOWS, , y be,my ewith crantotine l'AltiAl'N I'tsyIADii. every morning, iiistead of anly oil or ether Is-epzirafltr,:e.%A ftrrtnighl's usc v.Ill, in most in. RetoIlci a shol its isurlising li&ropert tes its producing anid t cu line P hViohlers, lhair. Alt., lit aity age, Iron, sehat~eve rooml dellcelt 1as ~i so clirclking greyness, Ame. For chli. dlceii it kism tqcllpiis ait, ftrillieg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORNorP ~ss, SAX --HXOROS, .T Zs, OphIcleideS, NOooertinas, -M1Utinals, Accor- Ali4,4OflS, ?? . ,: . i, M P.13butWEiiI rp .real Kaker and Importtr, 116, High- L otreer Wuitectoapl, .Londoa, begs to. submit the fillowing ?? prnces tor gennir.s&'artioei: Cormopeas, witch turee ca8 e, *rto, &c., 2d5., iiOs., to BJs.; Superior, French.ditto, 30s 6D~t S 5to * 403.; liob','b50s.; ffest0-makc-'70s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROADOLIST, near XBETER, A VERY SUPERIOR BART T 0 be Peremptorily SOLD by Au on, by 1T H[USSEY and SON, on FRIDAY, the 2 d of AV. next, at the BVDE HAvEN INN, Exeter, a at excellent FREEHOLD ESTATE, CALLED BARTON, Situate in the parish of Broaddist, Devon, late the pro- perty of Mr. Skinner, deceased, comprising 102 acres, 3 roads, 13 perches of Watered Meadow, Old Pasture, Arable Land and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1RSFAER & GRAZIERS. Sf1LLI1,GFORD and PHILLIPS have now STOLCK of excellent ALE, which, from the extreme ad lgcf. lalt and Hops, they are selling at IoW P 19s. per Danel of 36 gallons; sal beto Solicit a trial, being well calculated for field use, and ,,,le for all classes. tb forrAddress, SHILLINGFORD & PHILLIPS, RRE WERY, BWCESTER., Or STORES, FRIARS'-ENTRY, OXFORD. chasactory, New Road, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ADYERTISEMENTS.] Tim UIG1 ESTIAATnON IN W ?? HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ARC i1ii1i FOR VIC Cnliai OF IrDtOrGsTiON, &i.-In a letter written by Mr. J. 11. Bell. of (leelong, to the ageut for the sale of Holloway's Fills and Ointment at Slelboursue. Port Phlllip, lie says- Gratitude obliges me to publish the great benefit my wife has received from the use of these unparalleled pills. We arrived at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~_Nijp WANTED for PORT LYTTELTON, jj cANTRI'.II1RY SPJTTLEMENT.-Notice ii hereby given, thatt Go1 Tharmlay. the 4th of September, at ?? o'clock preejoely, th, Cmm~ji~tctee if ailagemenlt if thle CANTERBURY ASSOCIA- 7TION will he, ritalv to receive TENDERS for the HIRE or a first- rases rASSENGLCR Still, front about 4180 to Goo tons old measure- Itenit fur the cuiocyallec of' passengers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 3'~jcI to ASS NGE S lid SHIPPERIs ihc ~p ORN AL, or 'OffLYTTE'LTON, CAN- ?? iru~i~srandothr Prt ill1sv Zealand.- i 1;ll'i ~ clut e ceard ad aenide onor efre Saturday All FIIIJEIICKYOUN, Mnage ofShipping. cc..0 ,ticeof heCanerbryAoseiaio, 7, ornliill, RITSI an NRTHAMRICAN ROYAL MAIL 'fEA -SHI'S, ppoited y thle Admciralty to ?? LiV~lIOL an NEWYOR direct, and betweenl I. I 10 IL nd OSTO, te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FURNITURE AT THE AUCTION MART, 42, GREY STitEELT: MESSRS ANDERSON AND MACK .EL ,to eunc0 that they will ,~BL4ty PUBLIC AUCTION, At their Rooms, 42 Grey Street, on Thursday the 4th September, at I] A.., Large QUANTITY of HOUSEHOLD L-. FURNITURE. consigned to them by various Parties, coq3prising Drawine, Dining, Bad Room, and li ?? Furniture, in great Vnriety, full Particulats of .ich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Dpfe's he sftered Coohaiy ange E. C. BERRIDGE, IRONMONGER, BUTTER MARKET, IPSWICH, lTAVING been appointed MANUFACTURER and SOLE AGENT for the above Economical RANGE, 11 recommends it to the Public as possessing the following Important Advantages:- The Oven being lined with Fire Brick, will Bake Bread, Meat Pies, &c., as well as a Baker's Oven; The Boilerisso constructed, that there is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Neivous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H: EALTH AND HAPPINESS, Tan MrsAs By 11 WHICH THE, MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Ma irity, d Diseases of the' Generative System, with obse tionment of Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -r(iIJCE to SIIIPPERS.-For CALCUTTA F ~ Ied iieALFRED will RECEIVE MEFASUREMENTJ ?? Inditi Docks unt il Four ('clock on Thursday, IL' P;l th-e C, rees atid Co., GI, Cornitill. oR 1 IIILADELPIIIA, from Liverpool.-The (S ( , ~o ehp~ CIT of GLSGOW, Capt. LEITCHr, 13th August, I 1.llY~~fMA~cIIF~lEIt, Capt.C tmnELe, l0th September. 301 giiit scndcabin, 13 gu111ites.-Forfurtelirfair. In. ~ ~ ~ Guide ...