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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... CATTLE DISTEMPER. dAMS FARRALL V p'nar urgeon, reeeives daily the most gratifyi gevi of the complete success of his ' PNEUM()l fA IITURE, In curing that disease k own b the term DraDSTEMPER, now so fatally prevalent amongst Cattle. To be had only from the Proprietor, at the Veterinary Infirmary, 42, WICKLOW-STREET DUBLIN. Sold in Bottles, Ss. each, with full directions for use on a printed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, ThEdition, Illustrated with Co1o=-ed Engravings, on Nervous Detility and Generative Dismess. Price Is., or in a ealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. JEALTH AND iHAPINESS, TPM MEMAS flY i WHnCH THEY KAY BE OBTAINED,,a Medical WVorkon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, 'aid Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Publis;;e., Third Edition, Illustrated with Colouresk Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price IF., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND IAPPI ESM, THE MEANS BY ?? THEY 1 AY SE Oal.YP, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and a and Diseases of the Generative System, with observaions on the treatment of Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T111', QUEEN'S WtYAL THlEA'alil j MBR. JOIIN C, .JOSEPHII PATENTEF, AND MtANAGERW. On THlS EVENING (Fri-ay), AuLtust 29, the per- I formalces vwill connmence with the celebrated Melodrama, in three acts, entitlld THlE RAG PICKER OF PARIS. Father Jean, Mr. F. llohson; Maria Didi', Mrs. Eburne. A Fancy Dance, by Mllle. Amln'Payne. To be followed by (first time) a hew nterlude, called FOUNI1ED ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on, Nervous Debility and Generative Disesses Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H3ALTH AN) HAPPINESS, THE MEAN6 BY -WmaiO THEn KAY BE OBTAINED, a 3Medical Work on ?? of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous Debility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TROUSERS CUTTING.- OTHING can exceed the beautifal and graceful N appearance of BROWNE and PAYNE'S New Style of Trousers, which can be worn with or without straps. 'This', combined with their extraordinary mode of fitting, without the trouble of trying on, Ad alprations, so frequently com- plained of, has earned f thei establishment the highest reputation in this depart en o dress. In their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Poet, for 18 Postage Stamps. EALUH AND HAPPINESS, THE xnAxr, BY H WHICH THE'S HAY BE OBTAUIED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rilE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T 11Ht. 0JI1N 0. JOSEPh, PATENTEE AND MANAGER. On TIllS EVENING (Tburslay), August 21, the per- ?? will commence with the Burlesque Extravaganza of ALADDIx AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP. Abanazar, Mr. F. Rohson; Kasrac Mir. W. HI. Payne; Aladdin, Miss Charlotte Saunders. After which the laugha~e Interlude of JOHN DQIB iS. A Fancy Polka, by Mr. Henry.ayne and Mdlle. A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'l7HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. 1T 31. ?? C. JosEPrl, PATENTEE AND MIANAGFR. On TIllS EVENING (Thursday), August 28, the per- formances will commence with the celebrated Melodrama, in three acts, entiled, THlE RAG-PICKER OF PARIS. Father Jean, Mr. F. Robson; Maria Didier, Mrs. Eburne. A Fancy Dance, by Mdlle. Annie Payne. To be followed by (first time) thj'popular Interlude of Y' WIFE'S DENTIST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-HE. QUEERVS ROYAL THEATRE. i T rc. JOHN C. JOSEPH, PATENTFU AND MANTAGER. On TIlS EVENING (Saturday), August 2, the per- forcanCeS will commence with the Drama of ROBINSON CRUSOE; on, THt BOLDt BUCCANEERS. Madile. Elise Prevot will dance a Fancy Hornpipe. After which the New Farce, entitled GRsISHAW, BAGSHAW, AND BRADSHAW. To be followed by the Ballet ?? of 'THE MERRY MILLERS. Grist, Mr. H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price 1S., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AM) HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Gene tive Diseases. Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free P, for 18 Postage Stamps. ; H 1EALTH AND HlAPPINESS,': iEA NIs BY . WMlV4 THI 4 sY BE OBTAIreEt,, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, ai~d Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...