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August 1851
14 9




Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WORKINO MEN AND SHIOPKEEPEiS! Number XV. out this day of OTES TO THE PEOPLE, N ?? ERNEST JONES. Published every Saturday, containing forl eoulnana of close print (besIdes wrapper) for Two PSNCE. The demand continuing for the Letter tn to-operation, its errors and remedy-the Feur Letters o t fne Chartist 3Programme, giving the reasona for, Eid tis working of eversy clause-thc IDecliae of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED LR W4ITHOUT. A TRUSS! Dr. ALFRED BABxE3 begs to inform the renders of the 'NorTHERN STAR thht ?? of Upivards of One Thou- sand Testimnonials will shortly be published. rrA 'TE FOLL OWNG:- 'In the five cases I wrote to you about, the remedy lias perfectly succeeded; send me another for a case of Scro. E tal Ilernia.'-Jobhn Armstrong, Navy Surgeon. : ?? have witnessed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ADYERTISEMENTS.] Tim UIG1 ESTIAATnON IN W ?? HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ARC i1ii1i FOR VIC Cnliai OF IrDtOrGsTiON, &i.-In a letter written by Mr. J. 11. Bell. of (leelong, to the ageut for the sale of Holloway's Fills and Ointment at Slelboursue. Port Phlllip, lie says- Gratitude obliges me to publish the great benefit my wife has received from the use of these unparalleled pills. We arrived at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED P s. WITHOUT A TRUSS! . Dr. ALFRED HaRaEr begs. to inform the readers of the '0aTu5BN STrA that a Volume of Upwards of One Thou- sand Tcstimonials.will shortly be published. BEAD TII FOLLOwING:- 'In 'the fi-e cases I wrote to you about, thb remedy Las 3 perfectly succeeded; send me another for a case of Scro ?? Armstrong; Navy Surgeon. We hare witnessed the cure of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cianco Drp atlCtilltT- .MUSIC NALL, L15120 ITMNE ANDJ SANDISOMP,110981oOSE 1tl ) 1 ,QII FORTEI GLASS, TOILETTIE GASI f, -ICLo PIA, la oil ,1,N ,a (Jl'.RTNSIb-And.othlero ?? lots. 1NA. IMC 11117~rt~tll to alknolnceo dtessr'. ?? UA4l'E t y hey will submit C ?? n ?? t Has1 l l Albion-treet, for SALE BY 3*sosF at tile ?? Leeds, VARIEy of VALUABrE ;HOUSEUOLD A j~~i'~RTV AND IEFP'l-CTS, ~OnsorlsrIt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WfORKING MEN AND SHOPKEEPERS roumber XV. ottt this day of N OTS TO THE PEOPLES, by. ERNEST JONES.a- 'Ptbllthed every Saturday, comtainin forty coluama or 4coae priat (besides wrapper) for TWO 'PENCE. The deman~d contwinsg ?? letter nCooperation, Uts errors and remaeds-the- Four Letters on the Chartist Programme, giving ithe ?? for, antd the working of *very clause-the Decline of the Middle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 aE ,9FIOP and HOUSE, in a complete I3ltoste its the beat part of Westgate, ,Of reoo~~applY to Mr. SAMUEL FENITONS IIXALD, 10tefild j~ arestld I 10 BAKERS, and PROVISION~ 10 C'eT 7~T, at Yeadon. a PIOtUS and SuIop, II ,oftie riridoing a good ready money bunsiness. teewebtR ?? a fair valuation, with or without I ft5\ire 14tre , of I.JOHiN lULL., 0On the preMises. W6.BE LTqie ?? to Leeds, a ,7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIcrN EttU'tI'10oNI, NJKI'V0V.A DEBI- lNTAY, sce'ofuila, Diseases eftile BoDIEo Sn& G lgsiulv. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED D I OUTT.E VIT.& (or Life Drops) is as its name implies a safe and permanent restorative of ?? vigour, whetber deficient from long residence in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful delusive excesses, infection, sie. It will also be found a speedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reiv wit! ALMf O0CC0. n E LATE DISASTROUS RAILWAYI TA'CCIDEINT may show the propriety of taking an Insur- ance Ticket of theRACCOPN -4AILWAv PAISSENGfS' ASSURANE OMPN g ito be obtained at roost railway statloflel Defore commencn ajourtiey byrallW5-v. These tickets insure, d £ ,i; 5s a fi rst class crrlage, premium..d. £1150 , second ,,Oi. £2 0..third ?? EXCIISO AcES hch cover the risk of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SKICN EICUPR'EON., NEICVOU1 DEBI- ]LITT. Scrofusla, Diseases oftlhe Hones and G Ianads. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED DGUTTiE VITAE (or Life Drops) is as its name implies a safe and permanent restorative of ?? vigour, whether deficient from long residence in hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youthful dehlaiveexeesseg, infection, &c. lt ?? be found a speedy corrective. of all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a At1 letters, Post-paid, addressed to Advertisers, throuqh the Printers, are natablll forwoarded to te psarty Advertising; if. therefrs, an Applicants does UGt ?? an answer within a g Reasonable time, he smust conctlde either tliat the Advertiser is a atready suited, or that fromn somne other cause, it has not been t/ought necessary to return an¢ answer to the Applicatton. Atplicanets are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jutt published, prioe 9gI, live. cl boardt, witA 5OACTAlB engravad in line by W- GI0ATnCet _ t MHE LIFE -F EDWARD BAINES liate .MP. for thc ?? or Leeds' AL lat Ill SO, EDWARD LJAINES. Author of 'Iho ItStorY of tlhe Cotton 11101ature. Ii Londoflt Lo ~AN Co. 111110 NEWOIme, Leelo. it ADDITI fCAlO.ITICA NOTICE. (F.'rin ?? Rteview'.) ?? ntO i~nt~goihed contributor to this Ifeviowv, linq dit- -A ...