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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagonistic to Sophistry, Prejudico, and Empiricism, 1417 Wool cuts, 41 casea. 2 vols., Is. each; by post, Is. id., O N SINGLE and MARRIED LIFE. To be or not to be, that is the question. By R. J. CULVERWELL, M.D. (1841), M. R.C.S. (1827), L. A.C., (1824), 25 years Medical and Forensic Referee ii these miatters. Programme :-Advent of Puberty and correspouding Assca ?? aild Casualties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.,i I H Mesdamnes Sontag, Barbieor N'ini, nFiorentini, Giulianli Soile Cruvelli, Alooni. I Tt ;. rtvnfrl! ^ , ?? 4t 76-MORROW, Tuesday, August 10 (the last night but three ef the subscription5) will be preseuted (for the lat time) Dotniietti's admired opera, LUCREZIA IBORGIA. Liicrezia Borgia, Mime. Barbieri Nini; Maffei Orsini, Mdllie. Alboii (hier last appearance but one) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NISII FIVE PER CENT. STOCK.-Notice jD.Y is hereby given, that the INTEREST on DAN ISH FIVE PER CENT. STOCK, duo the Ist September next, ns well as the BoIds ?? oef ?? 30th, May as drawn. for repayment, of ,which the numbers ay9 nexed will B e PAID by Messrs. C.00. HAM8RO and SON, on that and each succeeding day (Tuesdays and Fridays excepted), betweie the hours of Ten £2ad Two o'clock, at No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ALVANISM.-Paralysis, Asthma, Indigestion. -Invalids are solicited to send to Mr. W. H. HALSE, of 22, Brunsswick-square, Londods, for lis PAMPHLET on MEDICAL GALVANISM, which will be forwarded free on receipt of two postage stansps. They will be astonished at its contents. In it will be found the particulars of cures in cases of asthma, rheu- mnatism, sciatica, tic-dealoreux, paralysis, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' O SPANISH BONDHOLDERS.-A MEET- TL ING of the ilODEfRS of SPANISH BONDS is requested on Tuesday n et, the 19th hist., at the Londonl Tavern, at Twelve oclock precisely, to take iito colside(ration the Law for the Settle- inent of thle Public Delt of Spats, as promulgated by thle Cortes, with the saeliotio of her Catholic Majesty. ( I y order of the Comemtittee, I -J. S. COSLLETPT, Secretary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOTICEt to PASSELNGERS,-Vor BOMBAY, per E.ARL of ?? ICI;E,-Tis stip beiltg otl her avay I to l',,rtstitotliti, I'ASSENGERS at-e requested to be there readly to E~l ABE; Ott thle '4thi itist., as site stil sail at daylight the filosvs- ;,,-mormdit F. Greets and Co., 6+, C'orimltill. Agenits at Parts- atottlth, 31esvs. Gasrratt otiS Gibbon. I i X OTICE to SllIPPERS.-For CALCUTTA | idir, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, E CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTT'ING, or causing the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Author of Practical Exposition ont the Human Foot, and Diseases of the Fect. Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, aind based upon long 1experience ; it has received the sanction of thle Royal Famrilies Of Europe, and the dirst of the nobility and gentry, lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OICE ?? CALCUTTA dir'ct-Tileo1PRINCE of WALES, 1,3,50 tons, will RECEIVF, 31EA~sUREMEN'r GOODS !in the East India Docks until, ~atur day, next, tile 23d inst.-F. Green and Co., 64, Cornifffl. N TWERP, BRUSSELS, 'COLOGNE, HAM- A BUR, BRLI, LI11ZC, RESEN,&c.-F'aree, 16.Oo or 2ls. (Sea passage five bours ?? ANTWErP COM- TnOslAH J ACliSts, Qolulander, leaves tilO(, St. liatilarnlle's WVlarf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... roSPANISH BONI)HOLDERS.-A MEET- ri 1r G oth OLD)ERS of bPANISH BONDS is requiested t, on I'cosday next, the 19tb list., at thle London Tavern, at Eleven for Twleocokprec~eli', Lo taket juite consideration the Law for thle Settleiceit of thle Public Debt of Spain, as prormulgated by the Cortes, with the sanction of her Catholic Majesty. By order of the Coimiiitteo, J. S. CULLETT, Secretory. 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OC ?? SVDNEY Odir c.-TthoO BLACKWALL being now onl her wvay to Ply- moutli, p~sSELNUERS atre requiested to be there ready to EMBARtK on Tliur.ItiV~ next, tels its h iledimdaeyeir ?? O~roeen and Co., 65, Cornhill. Agcnt at Plymouth, J. jWilecocks, Esq. -NTOTICE to SHIPPERS.-For CALCUTTA MEASURCEMENT GOODS in the East Indial Dotes until Soptor- day next, the 2ld nist.-F. Green end Co., 64, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL ADVICE ON Tii E SECRET INFIRMITIEs OF Yku UTil AND MATURITY-FIFTY COLDURED ENGRAVINCS. In English, French, aerman, Dutch, Spaunish, and Italiasl, il a scaled covelope, 2s. Gd., or post-free, for 42 Stillmps. SELF-PRlESERVATION; a Medical Treatise on fo tbe Physiology of Minrriage, and on the se-:ret slfienilit IIS LI disorders of youth and maturity, which destroy the p i sical Wid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIFTY Years' indescribable agony from Dys- F pepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, coll'tili llsi is, l lency, spasms, sickness at the stomach, and vouiitinps, Iletv blii removed by Du Barry's excellenit healtil-restorieg fi,od.-.lsria Jolly Worthanm, Ling, near Diss, Norfolk.-In canister,, biutai,!y packed for all climates, and with full instrctioisis: lII. 2- ii; 2 lbs. 4s. Gd.; 6 Ihs. Its ...