Advertisements & Notices

... M1ISS C. HAYES'S FAR WLL CONCERTS. Jig pilowing BALLADS were suing by NWis T ?? HAYES, at helanst Concerts.- . ,~4 ?? Dy Mfeyerbeer. ~E~tS r LV~s eug b l4es illams at the above Creaser, Belalo, ersd Co., 201, Regerit-street. To be had of all ( Muale-sellers.- _ ?? MISS JEWSBURlY S NEW NOVEL.C Nowe ready, at all the Libraries, in three vole., flJAP.I A -N WIT H ERS.8 BLYL GERALDINE E. JEWSBURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eOighti, perchr-strecC, brokers to te C VAMILY COLONIsATION LOA SOCIETY. P ~. Oiginntcd by Mrs. Chiolholm.-The Committee of the Family Al( F . tiston Loan Soclety inform all parties 'who have been approved rat 00f0ga04geS to Adelaide ?? port Philip, in the ATHENIAI6' A l,of me gH 10oseeg or. that abawill leave the ?? Indita Decks. Blackwall, the Wednesda 4th ?? II o'clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II = THE CONICAL' FL.OUR MIt COMPAY. To iceorporate whicla an Act or Royal Chirter will be applied for. ~'C0pital;X l4l6? (Syith p9wer: .to:ncrease), in 10,COOa.hares oi -iAhbodyofgentilemit,55meofti'eml5I 1yceinnectedwith SteamFlori Mllaon theseldsy i iebcebmnqeo r alsfdofthesuperlorityof-the. newprinrlple, to register this ?? introduceea, g'reat'publlc ?? certificates gshow willn make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bthuadY ,treet, _ortman Aquart. tMi{VEY'S. FISH SAUCE. -E. LAZENBY JUL and SON, having numerous ecmaplainta from families who are ?? upon by spurious imitations of their HARVEIYS FISH S 3AUCE, request purchasers ti observe that each bottle of the genuine article bears the name of William Lazenby on the baek, in addition to the front label used so many years, amd eigned Elizabeth La- zenby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH SCHOOL. ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. N FRIDAY tho 26th instant, the ANNUAL DISTRI- 31 0BUTION of PRIZES toPUPIILS atteniding thieHIGH SCHOOL, took place in St. Paul's Church, in presence of Sir I, James Anderson, Lord Provost; the Lord Dean of Guild; 2i Dailies Dreghorn, Paton, and Gourlie, with several Mem- 31 bars of the Town Council; several Clergymen of the City and ncigliboiurhood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THR Q$UEEN'S ROYAL THEATA T BI. JOIIX C. JOSEPIf, PATENTEE ANED M~ANrAGER. On THIS EVENING (Monday), September 22, the per- formances will commence with the celebrated Play of THE CASTLE SPECTRE. Earl Oamond, Mr Reynolds; Lady Angela, Mrs. Eburne. The Berlin Polka by the Infant Danseuses, Virginie and Marie Duvernay. After which the popular Interlude of THE FIRE EATER./ To be followed by a new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (REAT WESTERN 1{AILWAY.- GCHEAP EXCURSION TRAINS TO OXFORD, CIREN- CESTER, STROUD GLOUCESTER, and CHELTENHAM. On Saturday, the 13th of Septemberd an EXCUS ON OftorAI will leave Paddington at Six ?? in the evening, or Ood, retuirninig therefrom 0n Monday morning, September 15, at ?? Eight o'Clock. se6 Cledarigs. d 4ares there ?? s C Carptag . No luggage allowed exceedings wia Carpet Bag.dind ...

Published: Sunday 07 September 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5095 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... OUR ST. LECER. ANDB .ER F .Fo~~ 186iFT t1ow tbat we have fairly distirbuti 05oi tb)EBY and Sr. LFEGR GIFTS FOR 1851, we would say. a few words in reference to them . -. As we bave nothing to disguise connected withl thi trsh6action, but, oil the contrrryj a desire to-makefiffbli6 every circustairlce connectedd V*11k it-patfticuflaly ife manner in which' our Gifts Wvfer allottet-*'e ravef to ...

Published: Sunday 21 September 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1573 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARITY SERMONS. ^N SUNDAY NEXT (TO-MORROW) SEPToMBaa `. 28To, 1851, THREE SERMONS will be preached (if the Lord permit) in St. JAMES'S CUaRCH, Preston; those in the Morning and Evening by the Rev. J. R. CONOR, M.A., Incumbent of St. Simon's Parish, Liver- pool; and that in the Afternoon by the Rev. J. MeI'AL- LISTER, B.A. A Collection will be made after each Sermon, in sup- port of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE.-HIUNT'S APEltIENT FAMILY PILLS.-For more than half a cen- tury this medicine has been before the public, and been very largely used by them. Many are the instances in which the proe prietors have received the most express testimonials of its efficacy and success; and the preference given to these pills by individuals and farnilics for so mally years, is all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- PLAY-HOUSE PRICE NIGHTS. Yielding to the renewed dernaids of the patrons of the Opera, and for the accommodatioin of the numerous visitors still in London, FOUR MORE NIGHTS willbe given, viz.,THIS EVENING, Sept. 10; Thursday, sept. 11; Friday, Sept. 12 ; and Saturday, Sept.. 13. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHTS OF THE SEASON. THIS EVENING, September 10, The First Act of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o Cl t PASSENGERS and SHIPPERS N C li, h~ti TO N-Te sip SA'TLEAl, 522 tons ?? WSADDELLt, Commndiaser, Nsill leave ith B I'i' k si the 5th instant, for Ilobart. Town, calling at Port' St riflt t1) ldi~ 1ISS0tigers. She has still two cabsins disentiagod. III ,njnj) mtt be -sent alongside .and cleared by TO-MOOtROW,ti ftl tti~~~ tn.-torfurther pirticulars, apply to thle ow'iir, - ?? Irlks £9, t. ...